The History of Ideas
Biographical Narrative and Prediction
Ideal Observer Theory
Higher-order Theory of Mind
Multiagent Systems
Computational Memetic Analysis
Computational Modeling of Diachronic Semantics
Large Language Models
Corpus Narratology
Digital Humanities and Machine Ethics
The Measurement of Literacy and the Analysis of Literature Discussions
Narrative, Context and Decision-making
Narrative, Reflection and Wisdom
Narrative, Intertextuality and Creativity
Dialogue Systems and Information Retrieval
Machine Learning and Decision-making
Machine Learning and Narrative
Psychoanalytic Natural Language Processing
Multitask Learning
The Design and Engineering of Economic Systems
Computer-automated Design and Engineering
- Introduction
- Screencasting and Computer Vision
- Process Mining and Discovery
- Activity, Plan, and Goal Recognition
- Design Rationale
- Robotic Process Automation
- Cognitive Task Analysis
- Cognitive Automation
- Specifications and Requirements
- Verification and Validation
- Reverse Engineering
- Education
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Design and Engineering Assistants
- Artificial Imagination
Educational Role-playing Games
Imagination and Learning
Developmental Narratology
Computational Literary Aesthetics
Modeling and Predicting Audience Response
Mental Representations of Audiences
Social Prospection and Behavior Planning
Machine Reading Comprehension and Artificial Social Cognition
Computational Narratology
Neurosymbolic Mental Simulation and Imagination
Neurosymbolic Narrative Intelligence
Neurosymbolic Learning and Reasoning
Neurosymbolic Multimodal Intelligence
- Introduction
- Image Description
- Visual Question Answering
- Reasoning
- Knowledge
- Scene Graph Generation
- Image Transformation
- Image Generation
- Video Description
- Video Question Answering
- Video Transformation
- Video Generation
- Audio Description
- Audio Generation
- Audiovisual Description
- Audiovisual Generation
- Visuospatial Question Answering
- Simulation Generation
- Dialogue Systems
Imagination, Mental Imagery and Meaning
Automated Planning and Dialogue Systems
Machine Teaching
Psychometric Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Wisdom
Artificial Intelligence and History
Artificial Intelligence and Play
Artificial Intelligence and Music
Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics
Abductive Reasoning and Interpretation
Observational Learning
Reinforcement Learning
- Introduction
- Multi-armed Bandits
- Markov Decision Processes
- Learning Automata
- Dynamic Programming
- Monte Carlo Methods
- Temporal-difference Learning
- Multi-step Bootstrapping
- Exploration versus Exploitation
- Function Approximation
- Policy Optimization
- Simulation
- Planning
- Multi-objective
- Multi-agent
- Concurrency
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Generalization
- Meta-learning
Recurrent Neural Networks
Modeling Biological Neurons with Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Ethology
Computational Neuroethology
Simulation and Machine Ethics
Evaluating Argumentation and Debate
Ethical Decision Support Systems
Modeling the Ethical Dimensions of Actions
Modeling the Intentions of Actions
Modeling the Contexts of Actions
Modeling Combinations of Actions
Collective Intelligence
Causal Machine Learning
Prediction in the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Narrative Comprehension and Prediction
Narrative and Generalization
Computer-aided and Automated Text Interpretation
The Cognitive Science of Interpretive Expertise
Cognitive Literary Studies
Computer-aided and Automated Educational Counseling, Career Counseling and Human Resource Planning and Management
Computer-aided and Automated Educational Scientific Reasoning and Discovery
Computer-aided and Automated Educational Planning
Modeling Users and Comprehension to Enhance Natural Language and Narrative Generation
The Assessment of Language and the Evaluation of Natural Language Generation
Natural Language Generation and Objectivity
Natural Language Generation and Style
Natural Language Generation and Revision
Dialogue Grounded in Simulation
Artificial Mental Simulation
- Cognitive Architectures
- Scientific Modeling
- Computer Simulation
- Mental Models
- Situation Models
- Mental Simulation
- Attention
- Intention
- Awareness
- Perspective
- Interpretation
- Idealization
- Abstraction
- Categories
- Coherence
- Causality
- Deduction
- Qualitative Spatiotemporal Reasoning
- Dynamic Modeling
- Generation and Visualization
- Transcription and Summarization
- Inference and Elaboration
- Explanation
Thought Experiments
Interactive Narrative and Karma
Interactive Narrative and Decision
Interactive Narrative and Identity
Interactive Narrative and Morality
Interactive Narrative and Affect
Interactive Narrative and Motivation
Interactive Narrative and Personality
Interactive Narrative and Characterization
Interactive Narrative and Interpretation
- Interpretation
- Cognitive Narratology
- Narrative and Theatre
- Emergent Narrative
- Interactive Narrative as Communication
- Abductive Reasoning and Interpretation
- Symbolism, Semiotics and Perceptual Symbols
- Event Perception and Memory
- Mental Models and Narrative
- Shared Mental Models and Improvisational Theatre
- Possible Worlds
- Figurative Language, Metaphor, Tropes, Motifs and Interpretation
- Allegory and Allegoresis
- Intention and Interpretation
- Validity of Interpretations
- Significance, Texture and Aesthetics
- Modeling Readers and Players
Interactive Narrative and Focalization
Automatic Story Generation
Education and the Cognitive Science of Playwriting and Screenwriting
Education and the Cognitive Science of Writing
The Psychology of Friendships and Peer Relationships
Experiential Learning
Play, Role-playing Games, Improvisational Theatre and Interactive Digital Entertainment
Interactive Digital Entertainment and Group Dynamics
Interpretive Discussions and Argumentation
Cognitive Architectures and Learning
Play and Education
Language and Mathematics
- Language and Mathematics Education
- Language and Mathematics Tutoring
- Written Mathematical Language
- Symbolic Declarations, Linguistic Precedents, Lexical Entrainment and Differentiation
- Vocabulary Learning and Mathematical Vocabulary Learning
- Understanding Mathematical Expressions
- Context and the Understanding of Mathematical Language
- Text Inferencing and Reading Comprehension
- Generating Natural Language from Mathematics
- Natural Language Generation Macroplanning and Mathematics
- Generating Referring Expressions
- Lexical Selection
- Generating Mathematical Expressions for Inferencing and Presentation
Mathematics Educational Technology and Multimodal User Interfaces
Literal and Figurative Language and Verbal and Visual Analogies, Metaphors and Blends
- Interpreting and Understanding Literal and Figurative Language
- Analogy, Metaphor and Blending
- The Semantics and Pragmatics of Analogy, Metaphor and Blending
- Visual Analogy, Metaphor and Blending
- Context and the Comprehension of Analogies, Metaphors and Blends
- Computational Models of Understanding Analogies, Metaphors and Blends
- Generating Descriptive and Explanatory Analogies, Metaphors and Blending
Mathematical Creativity, Analogical Reasoning and Visualization
Articulatory Synthesis and Recognition
Parallel and Distributed Computer-aided and Automated Reasoning, Planning and Scheduling
- Cognitive Science
- Collaboration
- Computer-aided Planning
- Computer-automated Planning
- Case-based Planning
- Simulation
- Sensing
- Abstraction
- Plan Recognition
- Game Theory
- Heuristic Search
- Satisfiability
- Stable Models
- Answer Set Programming
- Digital Characters
- Natural Language Generation and Speech Synthesis
- Motion Planning
- Generating Stories, Screenplays and Narratives
- Educational Planning, Instructional Design and Learning Objects
- Multimedia Content Generation
- Workflow Synthesis
- Program Synthesis
- Runtime Code Generation
- Knowledge Engineering
- Logic Programming
- Inductive Logic Programming
- Machine Learning
- Cloud Computing
Mixed-initiative Dialogue Systems and Sociocognitive Pragmatics
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Attention, Communication and the Evolution of Language
- Computational Approaches to Theory of Mind
- Modeling and Inferring Beliefs and Intentions
- Metarepresentation
- Common Ground and Computational Approaches
- Intersubjectivity
- Cognitive Semantics
- Lexical Pragmatics
- Lexical Pragmatics and Metaphor
- Shared Mental Models
- Ambiguity in Natural Language
- Detecting and Correcting Misunderstandings
- Metacommunication
- Lexical Alignment and Entrainment
Mixed-initiative Dialogue Systems, Introspection, Metacognition and Metacommunication
Intelligent Virtual Assistants for Scholarly and Scientific Research
- History of Science
- Science of Science
- Forecasting Science
- Accelerating Science
- Scientific Discovery and Innovation
- Scholarly Communication
- Bibliometrics
- Bibliomining
- Big Scholarly Data
- Knowledge Domains
- Topic Analysis and Prediction
- Information Retrieval
- Search Analytics
- Conversational Search and Recommendation
- Document-grounded Dialogue
- Question Answering
- User Modeling and Simulation
- Context Modeling
- Dialogue Prediction
- Narrative Comprehension and Prediction
- Writing Assistants
- Intelligent Virtual Assistants for Scholarly and Scientific Research
Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Character
Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Philosophy
Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Ethics
Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Argumentation
Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Language
Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Mathematics
Planning and Generating Sequences of Exercises for the Assessment and Development of Reading and Narrative Comprehension
Planning and Generating Sequences of Exercises for the Assessment and Development of Creativity
Planning and Generating Sequences of Exercises for the Assessment and Development of Mathematical Knowledge and Proficiency
- Teaching Problem-solving Skills
- Mathematical Examples
- Transitioning from Examples to Exercises
- Mathematical Exercises
- Puzzles and Games
- Generalization
- Analogical Reasoning
- Comparing and Selecting Strategies
- Mathematical Discovery
- Metacognition
- Cognitive Load
- Context
- Multitasking and Task Switching
- The Aesthetics of Mathematical Exercises
- The Aesthetics of Mathematical Thought, Reasoning and Proof
- Motivation and Affect
- Assessment
- Modeling Students and Problem Solving
Educational Recommender Systems
Automatic Item Generation
Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing
Item Response Theory
Instructional Design
- Introduction
- Text
- Multimedia
- Synchronized Multimedia
- Hypermedia
- Document Layout
- Pictures, Charts, Graphs, Diagrams, Infographics
- Photographs
- Animation
- Video
- 3D Graphics
- Digital Visual Effects
- 3D Video
- Augmented and Virtual Realities
- Simulation
- Interactive Digital Entertainment and Narrative
- Lectures
- Presentations
- Screenplays
- Dialogue
- Learning Objects
- Generating Multimedia
- Explanation
- Education
- Generating Explanations
- Understanding Explanations
- Questions and Answers
- Diagrams
- Conceptual Models
- Mechanistic Reasoning
- Identity
- Mereology
- Teleology
- Spatial Reasoning
- Events
- Signals
- Causation
- Behavior
- Prediction
- Parallelism
- Temporal Reasoning
- Complex Adaptive Systems
- Abstraction
- Idealization
- Ontology
- Mathematics
- Science
- Engineering
- Computer-aided Engineering and Simulation
- Introduction
- Novelty
- Emulation
- Variation
- Combination
- Search
- Exploration
- Ideation
- Evaluation
- Innovation
- Invention
- Enhanced Discovery Learning
- Affect
- Interest
- Motivation
- Personality
- Experience
- Inspiration
- Serendipity
- Priming
- Mental Set
- Multitasking
- Incubation
- Insight and Epiphany
- Intuition
- Automaticity and Volition
- Metacognition
- Imagination
- Groups
- Organizations
- Leadership
- Culture
- Computational Creativity
- Co-creativity
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Evolution
- Development
- Play
- Metacommunication
- Vocabulary Learning
- Alignment, Entrainment, Convergence and Divergence
- Sociolinguistics
- Cognition of Temporal Sequences of Stimuli
- Grammar
- Recursion
- Prediction
- Priming
- Association
- Connotation
- Denotation
- Semantics
- Pragmatics
- Mental Models
- Cohesion and Coherence
- Causality
- Entailment, Implication and Inference
- Deixis
- Referring Expressions
- Attention and Focus
- Topic
- Relevance
- Salience
- Interest
- Prior Knowledge
- Motivation
- Self-efficacy
- Cognitive Load
- Enjoyment
- Reading Speed, Comprehension and Retention
- Language Production
- Lexicalization
- Stylistics
- Prosody
- Affect
- Sentiment
- Opinion
- Ideology
- Framing
- Persuasion
- Argumentation
- Explanation
- Description
- Figurative Language
- Metaphor
- Poetics
- Speech
- Discourse
- Metadiscourse
- Narrative
- Hypermedia