
Research and Development

Ethical Decision Support Systems

Moral Psychology

Atlas of Moral Psychology edited by Kurt Gray and Jesse Graham, The Moral Psychology Handbook by John M. Doris and Moral Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction by Valerie Tiberius.

Moral Reasoning

The Psychology of Moral Reasoning by Monica Bucciarelli, Sangeet Khemlani and Philip N. Johnson-Laird.

Machine Ethics

Machine Ethics edited by Michael Anderson and Susan L. Anderson, The Nature, Importance, and Difficulty of Machine Ethics by James H. Moor, Computational Models of Ethical Reasoning: Challenges, Initial Steps, and Future Directions by Bruce M. McLaren, An Approach to Computing Ethics by Michael Anderson, Susan L. Anderson and Chris Armen, Machine Ethics: Creating an Ethical Intelligent Agent by Michael Anderson and Susan L. Anderson, Machine Morality: Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches for Modelling Human Moral Faculties by Wendell Wallach, Colin Allen and Iva Smit, Formal Verification of Ethical Choices in Autonomous Systems by Louise Dennis, Michael Fisher, Marija Slavkovik and Matt Webster and An Architecture for Ethical Robots Inspired by the Simulation Theory of Cognition by Dieter Vanderelst and Alan Winfield.

Ethical Decision-making

The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making by Scott Plous, Ethical Decision Making in Organizations: A Person-situation Interactionist Model by Linda K. Trevino, Ethical Decision Making by Individuals in Organizations: An Issue-contingent Model by Thomas M. Jones, Ethical Decision Making: A Review of the Empirical Literature by Robert C. Ford and Woodrow D. Richardson, Ethical Decision‐making Models: A Review of the Literature by R. Rocco Cottone and Ronald E. Claus, A Neurocognitive Model of the Ethical Decision-making Process: Implications for Study and Practice by Scott J. Reynolds and A Conceptual and Computational Model of Moral Decision Making in Human and Artificial Agents by Wendell Wallach, Stan Franklin and Colin Allen.

Decision Support

Can Computer Tools Support Ethical Decision Making? by Kevin Mancherjee and Angela C. Sodan, Supporting Ethical Problem Solving: An Exploratory Investigation by Russell W. Robbins, William A. Wallace and Bill Puka and Towards a Design Science of Ethical Decision Support by Kieran Mathieson.