Instructional Design
Instructional Design by Patricia L. Smith and Tillman J. Ragan, Instructional Design Theories and Models: An Overview of Their Current Status edited by Charles M. Reigeluth, A Descriptive Study of Experienced and Novice Teachers’ Interactive Instructional Decision Processes by Joan L. Fogarty, How Teachers Design Their Materials: Implications for Instructional Design by Stephen T. Kerr, Principles of Instructional Design by Robert M. Gagne, Walter W. Wager, Katharine C. Golas, John M. Keller and James D. Russell, Multimedia Learning by Richard E. Mayer, Design for Multimedia Learning by Tim Boyle, The Systematic Design of Instruction by Walter Dick, Lou Carey and James O. Carey, A Comparative Analysis of Models of Instructional Design by Dee H. Andrews and Ludwika A. Goodson, The Role of Context in Learning and Instructional Design by Martin Tessmer and Rita C. Richey, A Cognitive Approach to Instructional Design for Multimedia Learning by Stephen D. Sorden, Multimedia Instructional Design Corresponded to Cognitive Psychology by Hongjuan Zhang, Yunxia Wang, Baohua Zhao, Guijie Li and Yongjian Lou, Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design by John Sweller, Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer and Fred G. W. C. Paas, Using a Simulated Student for Instructional Design by Joseph S. Mertz, The Extensiveness of Curriculum Structure: A Conceptual Scheme by George J. Posner, Course Design: A Guide to Curriculum Development for Teachers by George J. Posner and Alan N. Rudnitsky, The Structure of Subject Matter Content and Its Instructional Design Implications by Charles M. Reigeluth, M. David Merrill and C. Victor Bunderson, A Categorization Scheme for Principles of Sequencing Content by George J. Posner and Kenneth A. Strike, From Task Sequencing to Curriculum Planning by Dong Mei Zhang and Leila Alem, A Review of Strategies for Sequencing and Synthesizing Instruction by James Van Patten, Chun I. Chao and Charles M. Reigeluth, The Impact of Problem Order: Sequencing Problems as a Strategy for Improving One’s Performance by Katharina Scheiter and Peter Gerjets, A Review of Experimental Methodology in Instructional Task Sequencing by Robert D. Tennyson, Designing Lesson Content in Adaptive Learning Environments by Danijela Milosevic, Mirjana Brkovic and Dragana Bjekic and Model-centered Learning and Instructional Design by Patrick Blumschein.
Designing Instructional and Informational Text by James Hartley, Designing Instructional Text in a Conversational Style: A Meta-analysis by Paul Ginns, Andrew J. Martin and Herbert W. Marsh and Choosing Rhetorical Structures to Plan Instructional Texts by Leila Kosseim and Guy Lapalme.
Multimedia: How to Combine Language and Visuals by Holger Horz and Wolfgang Schnotz, Multimedia Computing by Gerald Friedland and Ramesh Jain, Multiple Forms of Dynamic Representation by Shaaron Ainsworth and Nicolas VanLabeke, The Functions of Multiple Representations by Shaaron Ainsworth, A Multimodal Discourse Theory of Visual Narrative by John A. Bateman and Janina Wildfeuer, Semiotic Landscapes: Language, Image, Space edited by Adam Jaworski and Crispin Thurlow, Multimedia Learning by Richard E. Mayer, Prior Knowledge Principle in Multimedia Learning by Slava Kalyuga, Visual Information Strategies in Mental Model Development by Jeffrey M. Renk and Multimedia Design for Communication of Dynamic Information by N. Hari Narayanan and Mary Hegarty.
Synchronized Multimedia
Automatically Generating Consistent Schedules for Multimedia Documents by M. Cecelia Buchanan and Polle T. Zellweger and Automatic Temporal Layout Mechanisms by M. Cecelia Buchanan and Polle T. Zellweger.
Hypertext as Instructional Design by David H. Jonassen, The Effect of Reading Strategies and Prior Knowledge on Cognitive Load and Learning with Hypertext by R. Ignacio Madrid and José J. Cañas, Reading Strategies and Cognitive Load: Implications for the Design of Hypertext Documents by R. Ignacio Madrid, Jose J. Canas and Herre van Oostendorp, Hyperaudio Learning for Non-linear Auditory Knowledge Acquisition by Joerg Zumbach and Neil Schwartz, Automatic Hyperlink Generation by Deniz Şerifoğlu, A Design for the Construction and Evaluation of an Automatic Hypertext Generator by James Blustein, Information Retrieval for Automatic Link Creation in Hypertext Systems by Zhuoxun Li, Methods for Evaluating the Quality of Hypertext Links by James Blustein, Robert E. Webber and Jean Tague-Sutcliffe, Hypertext Learning Environments, Cognitive Flexibility, and the Transfer of Complex Knowledge: An Empirical Investigation by Michael J. Jacobson and Rand J. Spiro, Learning with Hypertext Learning Environments: Theory, Design, and Research by Michael J. Jacobson, Reading Strategies and Hypertext Comprehension by Ladislao Salmeron, Jose J. Canas, Walter Kintsch and Inmaculada Fajardo, Learning from Hypertext: Research Issues and Findings by Amy Shapiro and Dale Niederhauser, Integrating Natural Language Generation and Hypertext to Produce Dynamic Documents by Robert Dale, Jon Oberlander, Maria Milosavljevic and Alistair Knott and Generating User-adapted Hypermedia from Discourse Plans by Berardina De Carolis, Fiorella de Rosis and Sebastiano Pizzutilo.
Document Layout
Page Layout and Design by Mark Tattersall, Supra-textual Design: The Visual Rhetoric of Whole Documents by Charles Kostelnick, The Relevance of Attention for Selecting News Content by Hans-Jürgen Bucher and Peter Schumacher, Entry Points and Reading Paths on Newspaper Spreads: Comparing a Semiotic Analysis with Eye-tracking Measurements by Jana Holsanova, Henrik Rahm and Kenneth Holmqvist, Elements of Newspaper Design by Steven E. Ames, Newspaper Layout and Design by Daryl R. Moen, Contemporary Newspaper Design: A Structural Approach by Mario R. Garcia and Pegie Stark, Newspaper Layout and Design by Daryl R. Moen, The Newspaper Designer’s Handbook by Tim Harrower and Julie M. Elman, Creative Newspaper Design by Vic Giles and F. W. Hodgson, Designing for Newspapers and Magazines by Frost Chris, Magazine Design: A Hands-on Guide by Ronald Walker, Magazine Design by Tim Holmes, Constraints on Layout in Multimodal Document Generation by John Bateman, Judy Delin and Patrick Allen, Optimization of Web Newspaper Layout in Real Time by Jesús González, Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Moisés Salmerón, Alberto Prieto and J. J. Merelo, A New Component Based Algorithm for Newspaper Layout Analysis by Fei Liu, Yupin Luo, Masataka Yoshikawa and Dongcheng Hu, Content-aware Layout by Edward W. Ishak and Steven Feiner, Utilization and Analysis of Layout Characteristics in Document Layout Automation Techniques by Terje Krogstad and Utilizing Design Rationale for Layout Design Support by Tetsuya Yoshida, Masato Watanabe, Shogo Nishida, Takayuki Yamaoka Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
Pictures, Charts, Graphs, Diagrams, Infographics
Modelling What Users See When They Look at Images: A Cognitive Viewpoint by Howard Greisdorf and Brian O’Connor, Visual Rhetoric: A Critical Practice in Image Communication by James J. Barela, Cognitive Poetics and Imagery by Line Brandt and Per Aage Brandt, The Language of Graphics: A Framework for the Analysis of Syntax and Meaning in Maps, Charts and Diagrams by Jörg von Engelhardt, On Functions of Pictures in Prose by Joel R. Levin, A Taxonomy of Relationships between Images and Text by Emily E. Marsh and Marilyn Domas White, On Empirically Validating Functions of Pictures in Prose by Joel R. Levin, Gary J. Anglin and Russell N. Carney, Intersemiotic Texture: Analyzing Cohesive Devices between Language and Images by Yu Liu and Kay L. O’Halloran, Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams in Educational Materials by Bill Winn, Effects of Text Illustrations: A Review of Research by W. Howard Levie and Richard Lentz, Knowledge Acquisition from Text and Pictures by Heinz Mandl and Joel R. Levin, An Integrated Model of Text and Picture Comprehension by Wolfgang Schnotz, Comprehension of Illustrated Text: Pictures Help to Build Mental Models by Arthur M. Glenberg and William E. Langston, Contextualized Text Explanations for Visualizations by Wallace Chigona and Thomas Strothotte, Consistency of Rendered Images and Their Textual Labels by Bernhard Preim, Alf Ritter, Thomas Strothotte, Tilo Pohle, Lyn Bartram and David R. Forsey, Interaction and Focus: Towards a Coherent Degree of Detail in Graphics, Captions and Text by Knut Hartmann, Antonio Krüger, Stefan Schlechtweg and Ralf Helbing, A Taxonomy of Diagram Taxonomies by Alan F. Blackwell and Yuri Engelhardt, Functional Roles for the Cognitive Analysis of Diagrams in Problem Solving by Peter C. H. Cheng, Diagrammatology: An Investigation on the Borderlines of Phenomenology, Ontology and Semiotics edited by Frederik Stjernfelt, Successful Instructional Diagrams by Richard K. Lowe, Learning from Text with Diagrams: Promoting Mental Model Development and Inference Generation by Kirsten R. Butcher, Constructing a Mental Representation from an Abstract Technical Diagram by Richard K. Lowe, Understanding Natural Language with Diagrams by Gordon S. Novak and William C. Bulko, The Impact of Design in Diagrams on Reading Behavior and Learning by E. I. Langer, Cognitive Science Approaches to Understanding Diagrammatic Representations by Peter C. H. Cheng, Ric K. Lowe and Mike Scaife, Searching Documents: Cognitive Processes and Deficits in Understanding Graphs, Tables, and Illustrations by John T. Guthrie, Shelley Weber and Nancy Kimmerly, The Influence of Perceptual Cues on How Learners Study a Diagram by Seier Christina, Attention Direction in Static and Animated Diagrams by Richard Lowe and Jean-Michel Boucheix, Eye Fixations and Diagrammatic Reasoning by Mary Hegarty, An Account of How Readers Search for Information in Diagrams by William Winn, Search Strategies and Inference in the Exploration of Scientific Diagrams by Richard K. Lowe, Designing Infographics by Eric K. Meyer and Teaching with Infographics: Practising New Digital Competencies and Visual Literacies by Sidneyeve Martix and Jaigris Hodson.
A Theoretical Construct for Interpreting Photographs by Terry Barrett, Teaching about Photography: Photographs and Contexts by Terry Barrett, Photographs and Contexts by Terry Barrett, The Effect of Page Context on Magazine Image Categorization by Stina Westman and Mari Laine‐Hernandez, The Effect of Verbalization on Visual Art Processing and Retention by Judith S. Koroscik and Lynn M. Blinn, The Effects of Prior Knowledge, Presentation Time, and Task Demands on Visual Art Processing by Judith S. Koroscik, Representing Emotive Meaning in Visual Images: A Social Semiotic Approach by Dezheng Feng and Kay L. O’Halloran, The Big Picture: The Role of the Lead Image in Print Feature Stories by Dorothy Economou, Photos in the News: Appraisal Analysis of Visual Semiosis and Verbal-visual Intersemiosis by Dorothy Economou and Image Semantics in the Description and Categorization of Journalistic Photographs by Mari Laine‐Hernandez and Stina Westman.
Instructional Animation versus Static Pictures: A Meta-analysis by Tim N. Höffler and Detlev Leutner, Animating the Mind: An Analysis of Animation as a Representational Mode for Learning by Hewson Lindsay, Diagram Representation: The Cognitive Basis for Understanding Animation in Education by Sara J. Price and Mike Scaife, Animated Diagrams: An Investigation into the Cognitive Effects of Using Animation to Illustrate Dynamic Processes by Jones Sara and Mike Scaife, Learning from Animated Diagrams: How Are Mental Models Built by Richard K. Lowe and Jean-Michel Boucheix and Extracting Information from an Animation during Complex Visual Learning by Richard K. Lowe.
Instructional Effectiveness of Video Media by Wetzel C. Douglas, Paul H. Radtke and Hervey W. Stern, Designing Video and Multimedia for Open and Flexible Learning by Jack Koumi, Film, Narrative, and Cognitive Neuroscience by Jeffrey M. Zacks and Joseph P. Magliano, The Cognitive Semiotics of Film by Warren Buckland, Film, Language, and Conceptual Structures: Thinking Film in the Age of Cognitivism by Johannes A. A. Simons, Metaphor and Film by Trevor Whittock, From Thought to Modality: A Theoretical Framework for Analysing Structural-conceptual Metaphors and Image Metaphors in Film by Maarten Coëgnarts and Peter Kravanja, The Discourse of Pictures: Iconicity and Film Studies by Stephen Prince, The Film Experience as Cognitive Structure by John M. Carroll, Reconstructing Visual Experiences from Brain Activity Evoked by Natural Movies by Shinji Nishimoto, An T. Vu, Thomas Naselaris, Yuval Benjamini, Bin Yu and Jack L. Gallant, Cognitive Interpretation of Everyday Activities: Toward Perceptual Narrative Based Visuo-spatial Scene Interpretation by Mehul Bhatt, Jakob Suchan and Carl Schultz, Cohesion in Film: Tracking Film Elements by Chiao I. Tseng, The Attentional Theory of Cinematic Continuity by Tim J. Smith, Multimodal Film Analysis: How Films Mean by John Bateman and Karl-Heinrich Schmidt, Video Scene Interpretation using Perceptual Prominence and Mise-en-scene Features by Gaurav Harit and Santanu Chaudhury, Mise-en-scène: Film Style and Interpretation by John Gibbs, Picturizing Science: The Science Documentary as Multimedia Spectacle by Jose Van Dijck, Analytical Frameworks: Science, Documentary and Factual Entertainment by Vincent Campbell, Adaptive Video Documentaries by Cesare Rocchi and Massimo Zancanaro and Viewing Comprehension: Students’ Learning Preferences and Strategies When Studying from Video by Caspi Avner, Paul Gorsky and Meira Privman.
3D Graphics
The Role of Animation in 3-D Animation Concepts by Leila Roshangar, Jafar Soleimanirad and Leila Rani Marzabadi, Web3d Technologies in Learning, Education and Training: Motivations, Issues, Opportunities by Luca Chittaro and Roberto Ranon, Interactive Technical Illustration by Bruce Gooch, Peter-Pike J Sloan, Amy Gooch, Peter Shirley and Richard Riesenfeld, An Evaluation of Interaction Techniques for the Exploration of 3D-illustrations by Ian Pitt, Bernhard Preim and Stefan Schlechtweg, Role of Interaction in Enhancing the Epistemic Utility of 3D Mathematical Visualizations by Hai-Ning Liang and Kamran Sedig, Interrogation of a Dynamic Visualization during Learning by Richard K. Lowe and Level of Detail for 3D Graphics by David P. Luebke.
Digital Visual Effects
Special Effects: Still in Search of Wonder by Michele Pierson, Digital Visual Effects in Cinema: The Seduction of Reality by Stephen Prince, The Digitization of Cinematic Visual Effects: Hollywood’s Coming of Age by Rama Venkatasawmy, Analysing Impossible Pictures: Computer Generated Imagery in Science Documentary and Factual Entertainment Television by Vincent Campbell, Subjunctive Documentary: Computer Imaging and Simulation. Collecting Visible Evidence by Mark J. P. Wolf and Performing Illusions: Cinema, Special Effects and the Virtual Actor by Dan R. North.
3D Video
Real-time 3D Shape Reconstruction, Dynamic 3D Mesh Deformation, and High Fidelity Visualization for 3D Video by Takashi Matsuyama, Xiaojun Wu, Takeshi Takai and Shohei Nobuhara, Real-time Generation and High-fidelity Visualization of 3D Video by Takashi Matsuyama, Xiaojun Wu and Takeshi Takai and Virtual View Generation for 3D Digital Video by Saied Moezzi, Li-Cheng Tai and Philippe Gerard.
Augmented and Virtual Realities
Augmented Reality Teaching and Learning by Matt Dunleavy and Chris Dede, Augmented Reality: An Overview and Five Directions for AR in Education by S. Yuen, Gallayanee Yaoyuneyong and Erik Johnson and Multimedia Presentation Integrating Media with Virtual 3D Realistic Environment Produced in Real Time with High Performance Processing by Arthur P. de Godoy, Caio C. Viel, Erick L. Melo, Diego R. C. Dias, Luis C. Trevelin and Cesar A. C. Teixeira.
Simulation in the Classroom by John L. Taylor and Rex Walford, Handbook of Games and Simulation Exercises by George I. Gibbs, Simulation Games in Learning by Sarane S. Boocock and Erling O Schild, Supporting Discovery-based Learning within Simulations by Lloyd P. Rieber, Explanation Systems for Computer Simulations by David H. Helman and Akash Bahuguna, Learning and Instruction with Computer Simulations by Ton de Jong, Scientific Discovery Learning with Computer Simulations of Conceptual Domains by Ton De Jong and Wouter R. Van Joolingen, Automatically Generating Tutoring Questions for Qualitative Simulations by Floor Goddijn, Anders Bouwer and Bert Bredeweg, Using Computer Simulations to Enhance Conceptual Change: The Roles of Constructivist Instruction and Student Epistemological Beliefs by Mark A. Windschitl, An Integrated Systems Approach to Explanation-based Conceptual Change by Scott E. Friedman and Kenneth D. Forbus, Constructing and Revising Commonsense Science Explanations: A Metareasoning Approach by Scott E. Friedman, Kenneth D. Forbus and Bruce L. Sherin, Supporting Hypothesis Generation by Learners Exploring an Interactive Computer Simulation by Wouter R. Van Joolingen and Ton De Jong, Exploring a Domain with a Computer Simulation: Traversing Variable and Relation Space with the Help of a Hypothesis Scratchpad by Wouter R. van Joolingena and Ton de Jong, Graphical Means for Inspecting Qualitative Models of System Behaviour by Anders J. Bouwer and Bert Bredeweg, Interrogation of a Dynamic Visualization during Learning by Richard K. Lowe, Visual Interactive Simulation: A Methodological Perspective by Peter C. Bell and Robert M. O’Keefe, Visual Interactive Simulation — History, Recent Developments, and Major Issues by Peter C. Bell and Robert M. O’Keefe, Interaction with a Visual Interactive Simulation, and the Effect of Cognitive Style by Robert M. O’Keefe and Ivan L. Pitt, Findings from Behavioral Research in Visual Interactive Simulation by Robert M. O’Keefe and Peter C. Bell, An Experimental Investigation into the Efficacy of Visual Interactive Simulation by Peter C. Bell and Robert M. O’Keefe, The Active Integration of Information during Learning with Dynamic and Interactive Visualisations by Daniel Bodemer, Rolf Ploetzner, Inge Feuerlein and Hans Spada, Designing Computer-mediated Epistemic Interactions by Michael Baker, Erica De Vries and Kristine Lund, Using Meta-cognition for Regulating Explanatory Quality through a Cognitive Architecture by John Licato, Ron Sun and Selmer Bringsjord, Tools for Explaining Complex Qualitative Simulations by Richard S. Mallory, Explaining Behaviour: Using Qualitative Simulation in Interactive Learning Environments by Anders J. Bouwer, Generating Structured Explanations of System Behaviour Using Qualitative Simulations by Anders J. Bouwer and Bert Bredeweg, Aggregation of Qualitative Simulations for Explanation by Anders J. Bouwer and Bert Bredeweg, Simulation versus Narrative by Gonzalo Frasca, Mixing Story and Simulation in Interactive Narrative by Mark O. Riedl, Andrew Stern and Don Dini, Natural Language, Cognitive Models, and Simulation by Howard W. Beck and Paul A. Fishwick, Incorporating Natural Language Descriptions into Modeling and Simulation by Howard W. Beck and Paul A. Fishwick, Efficient Compositional Modeling for Generating Causal Explanations by P. Pandurang Nayak and Leo Joskowicz, Explanatory Coherence by Paul Thagard, Computational Tools for Modeling and Aiding Reasoning: Assessing and Applying the Theory of Explanatory Coherence by Patricia K. Schank, Reasoning and Explanatory Coherence by Gilbert Harman, Explanatory Coherence in Understanding and Talking about Events by Tom Trabasso, Soyoung Suh and Paula Payton, Assessing Explanatory Coherence: A New Method for Integrating Verbal Data with Models of On-line Belief Revision by Patricia K. Schank and Michael Ranney, When Explanations Compete: The Role of Explanatory Coherence on Judgements of Likelihood by Steven A. Sloman, Narrative Explanation by Jon-K Adams, Narrative Explanation by J. David Velleman, How Narratives Explain by Paul A. Roth, A Theoretical Framework for Narrative Explanation in Science by Stephen P. Norris, Sandra M. Guilbert, Martha L. Smith, Shahram Hakimelahi and Linda M. Phillips and The Role of Narrative in Communicating Science by Avraamidou Lucy and Jonathan Osborne.
Interactive Digital Entertainment and Narrative
Narrative Structure, Myth, and Cognition for Instructional Design by Brad Hokanson and Robert Fraher, Using Stories in Instructional Design by Jennie Swain, Imaginative Instruction: What Master Storytellers Can Teach Instructional Designers by Jason K. McDonald, Potential Applications of Digital Storytelling in Education by Frank van Gils, Knowledge at Work: Learning and Transferring Expert Reasoning through Storytelling by Julián Hernández-Serrano and Spiro E. Stefanou, The Use of Storytelling as Transfer of Knowledge by Ka Lam Jodith Leung, Learning through Game-like Simulations by Maria Fasli and Michael Michalakopoulos, Simulation versus Narrative by Gonzalo Frasca, Mixing Story and Simulation in Interactive Narrative by Mark O. Riedl, Andrew Stern and Don Dini, Modeling Storytelling to be Used in Educational Video Games by Natalia Padilla-Zea, Francisco L. Gutiérrez, José Rafael López-Arcos, Ana Abad-Arranz and Patricia Paderewski, Interactive Storytelling in Educational Environments by Federico Peinado, Pablo Gervás and Pablo Moreno-Ger, The Application of Digital Interactive Storytelling in Serious Games by Ling He and Xiaoqiang Hu, From Computer Games to Interactive Stories: Interactive Storytelling by Fred Charles, Stephen J. Mead and Mark Cavaza, Intelligent Tutoring and Games (ITaG) by Danielle S. McNamara, G. Tanner Jackson and Arthur C. Graesser, Game-driven Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Gómez-Martín Marco A., Pedro P. Gómez-Martín and Pedro A. González-Calero, Implementing an Intelligent Tutoring System for Adventure Learning by Masood Mehmood Khan, Narrative-based Interactive Learning Environments from Modelling Reasoning by John Yearwood and Andrew Stranieri, Situation Creator: A Pedagogical Agent Creating Learning Opportunities by Yongwu Miao, Ulrich Hoppe and Niels Pinkwart, Learning by Playing: Supporting and Guiding Story-creation Activities by Isabel Machado, Paul Brna and Ana Paiva, Automated Story Direction and Intelligent Tutoring: Towards a Unifying Architecture by Mark Riedl, H. Chad Lane, Randall Hill and William Swartout, Shaping Emergent Narratives for a Pedagogical Application by Rui Figueiredo, Joao Dias, Ana Paiva, Ruth Aylett and Sandy Louchart, A Discussion of Interactive Storytelling Techniques for Use in a Serious Game by Jeroen Linssen, Seriously Considering Play: Designing Interactive Learning Environments Based on the Blending of Microworlds, Simulations, and Games by Lloyd P. Rieber, Pedagogical Analysis of Educational Digital Storytelling Environments of the Last Five Years by Panagiotis Psomos and Maria Kordaki and Serious Game Design: Supporting Collaborative Learning and Investigating Learners’ Experiences by Kimmo Oksanen.
Improving Lectures by William E. Cashin, Improving Lecture Effectiveness through Training in Public Speaking by Robert Mowbray, The Effect of Discourse Organisation on Lecture Comprehension by Desmond Allison and Steve Tauroza, University Lectures–macro-structure and Micro-features by Lynne Young, Improving Lecture Speech Summarization Using Rhetorical Information by Justin J. Zhang, Ho Yin Chan and Pascale Fung, University Language: A Corpus-based Study of Spoken and Written Registers by Douglas Biber, Speaking and Writing in the University: A Multidimensional Comparison by Biber Douglas, Susan Conrad, Randi Reppen, Pat Byrd and Marie Helt, Variations in the Discourse Patterns Favoured by Different Disciplines and Their Pedagogical Implications by Tony Dudley-Evans, Comparison of Self-questioning, Summarizing, and Notetaking-review as Strategies for Learning from Lectures by Alison King, Automatic Virtual Camera View Generation for Lecture Videos by Derek Pang, Sameer Madan, Serene Kosaraju and Tarun Vir Singh, Lecture Video Enhancement and Editing by Integrating Posture, Gesture and Text by Feng Wang, Chong-wah Ngo and Ting-chuen Pong, Effects of Televised Lecture Presentation Styles on Student Learning by Carolyn A. Lin and Kent W. Creswell, Maximising Dialogue in Lectures Using Group Response Systems by Quintin I. Cutts, Gregor E. Kennedy, Chris Mitchell and Steve Draper and Collaborative Lecturing by Human and Computer Tutors by Sidney D’Mello, Patrick Hays, Claire Williams, Whitney Cade, Jennifer Brown and Andrew Olney.
Using Multimedia in Classroom Presentations: Best Principles by Thomas E. Ludwig, David B. Daniel, Rick Froman and Virginia A. Mathie, A Review of the Development of Embodied Presentation Agents and Their Application Fields by Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André, Stephan Baldes, Patrick Gebhard, Martin Klesen, Michael Kipp, Peter Rist and Markus Schmitt, Presenting through Performing: On the Use of Multiple Lifelike Characters in Knowledge-based Presentation Systems by Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist and The Automated Design of Believable Dialogues for Animated Presentation Teams by Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Susanne Van_Mulken, Martin Klesen and Stefan Baldes.
Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting by Syd Field, Narrative Screenwriting for Educational Television: A Framework by Jack Koumi, An Historical Analysis of Form, Style, and Instructional Design in Teaching Films by Barbara Erdman, Interactive Documentary: A Production Model for Nonfiction Multimedia Narratives by Insook Choi, Rhetorical Patterns for Adaptive Video Documentaries by Cesare Rocchi and Massimo Zancanaro, Cinematic Discourse Generation by Arnav Jhala, Cinematic Visual Discourse: Representation, Generation, and Evaluation by Arnav Jhala and R. Michael Young, Comparing Effects of Different Cinematic Visualization Strategies on Viewer Comprehension by Arnav Jhala and R. Michael Young, Effects of Televised Lecture Presentation Styles on Student Learning by Carolyn A. Lin and Kent W. Creswell, Towards a Cinematically Enhanced Narrative by Alejandro Ramírez, Use of Ontologies for Knowledge Representation of a Film Scene by Yannis Christodoulou, Nikoletta Mavrogeorgi and Petros Kalogirou, 3D Scene Creation Using Story-based Descriptions by Xin Zeng, Quasim H. Mehdi and Norman E. Gough, Shape of the Story: Story Visualization Techniques by Xin Zeng, Quasim H. Mehdi and Norman E. Gough and From Visual Semantic Parameterization to Graphic Visualization by Xin Zeng, Quasim H. Mehdi and Norman E. Gough.
Development in Dialogic Teaching Skills by Emily F. Rine, Pedagogy and Dialogue by David Skidmore, Classroom Discourse and Student Learning by Yani Zhang, Interactive Group Journals: Learning as a Dialogue among Learners by Robert Cole, Linda McCarthy Raffier, Peter Rogan and Leigh Schleicher, The Teacher’s Role in Promoting Collaborative Dialogue in the Classroom by Noreen M. Webb, Dialogue Writing: Context for Reflecting on Self as Teacher and Researcher by Jessi A. Roderick, Vicarious Learning from Educational Dialogue by Keith Stenning, Jean McKendree, John Lee, Richard Cox, Finbar Dineen and Terry Mayes, Vicarious Learning from Dialogue and Discourse by Richard Cox, Jean McKendree, Richard Tobin, John Lee and Terry Mayes, Why Observing a Dialogue May Benefit Learning by Jean McKendree, Keith Stenning, Terry Mayes, John Lee and Richard Cox, The Vicarious Learner: Understanding the Learning Benefits of Observing Peer Dialogues by K. Stenning, J. Lee, R. Cox, J. McKendree and T. Mayes, Vicarious Learning from Tutorial Dialogue by John Lee, Computer Support for Vicarious Learning by M. Angela Sasse and Rachada Monthienvichienchai, Vicarious Learning: Dialogue and Multimodality by John Lee, Jean McKendree, Finbar Dineen and Richard Cox, Presenting through Performing: On the Use of Multiple Lifelike Characters in Knowledge-based Presentation Systems by Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist, The Automated Design of Believable Dialogues for Animated Presentation Teams by Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist, Susanne van Mulken, Martin Klesen and Stefan Baldes, Writing Dialogue by Tom Chiarella, Writing Dialogue for Scripts: Effective Dialogue for Film, TV, Radio and Stage by Rib Davis, Telecinematic Discourse: Approaches to the Language of Films and Television Series edited by Roberta Piazza, Monika Bednarek and Fabio Rossi, Television Dramatic Dialogue: A Sociolinguistic Study by Kay Richardson, Stylistics and Film by Michael Toolan, Dialect in Film and Literature by Jane Hodson and Presenting through Performing: On the Use of Multiple Lifelike Characters in Knowledge-based Presentation Systems by Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist.
Learning Objects
Toward an Instructional Design Model Based on Learning Objects by Andrés C. Laverde, Yasbley S. Cifuentes and Helda Y. R. Rodriguez, Instructional Planning with Learning Objects by Permanand Mohan, Jim Greer and G. McCalla, Learning Object Design and Sequencing Theory by David A. Wiley, Learning Theory and Instruction Design Using Learning Objects by Lúcia B. Baruque and Rubens N. Melo, Design Principles for Authoring Dynamic, Reusable Learning Objects by Tom Boyle, Designing Learning Objects for Online Learning by Solvig Norman and David Porter, Dynamic Assembly of Learning Objects by Robert G. Farrell, Soyini D. Liburd and John C. Thomas, On the Technological Aspects of Generative Learning Object Development by Robertas Damaševičius and Vytautas Štuikys, Aggregating of Learning Object Units Derived from a Generative Learning Object by Ilona Brauklytė and Vytautas Štuikys and Conceptualisation of Learning Context in E Learning by Roberta Damaševičius and Lina Tankelevičienė.
Generating Multimedia
User and Discourse Models for Multimodal Communication by Wolfgang Wahlster, Using a Simulated Student for Instructional Design by Joseph S. Mertz, Plan-based Integration of Natural Language and Graphics Generation by Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich and Thomas Rist, The Design of Illustrated Documents as a Planning Task by Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist, Designing Illustrated Texts: How Language Production Is Influenced by Graphics Generation by Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Winfried Graf and Thomas Rist, Automating the Design of Graphical Presentations of Relational Information by Jock Mackinlay, Computer-generated Pen-and-ink Illustration by Georges Winkenbach and David H. Salesin, Generating Scientific Illustrations in Digital Books by Stefan Schlechtweg and Thomas Strothotte, Knowledge-supported Graphical Illustration of Texts by Knut Hartmann, Stefan Schlechtweg, Ralf Helbing and Thomas Strothotte, Automated Generation of Intent-based 3D Illustrations by Dorée D. Seligmann and Steven Feiner, Supporting Interactivity in Automated 3D Illustrations by Dorée D. Seligmann and Steven Feiner, Generating Coordinated Natural Language and 3D Animations for Complex Spatial Explanations by Stuart G. Towns, Charles B. Callaway and James C. Lester, Automated Generation of News Content Hierarchy by Integrating Audio, Video, and Text Information by Qian Huang, Zhu Liu, Aaron Rosenberg, David Gibbon and Behzad Shahraray, Towards Constructive Text, Diagram, and Layout Generation for Information Presentation by John Bateman, Thomas Kamps, Jörg Kleinz and Klaus Reichenberger, Contextualized Text Explanations for Visualizations by Wallace Chigona and Thomas Strothotte, Constraints on Layout in Multimodal Document Generation by John Bateman, Judy Delin and Patrick Allen, Automatic Design of Multimodal Presentations by Wolfgang Wahlster, Creating Meaningful Multimedia Presentations by Lynda Hardman and Jacco van Ossenbruggen, The Generation of Multimedia Presentations by Elisabeth André, Coping with Temporal Constraints in Multimedia Presentation Planning by Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist, Design Dependencies within the Automatic Generation of Hypermedia Presentations by Oscar R. Martinez, Generating Cross-references for Multimedia Explanation by Kathleen McKeown, Steven Feiner, Jacques Robin, Dorée D Seligmann and Michael A Tanenblatt, Generating References in Hierarchical Domains: The Case of Document Deixis by Ivandré Paraboni, Generating Multimedia Presentations from Plain Text to Screenplay by Paul Piwek, Richard Power, Donia Scott and Kees Van Deemter, Automatic Cinematography and Multilingual NLG for Generating Video Documentaries by Charles Callaway, Elena Not, Alessandra Novello, Cesare Rocchi, Oliviero Stock and Massimo Zancanaro, Adaptive Video Documentaries by Cesare Rocchi and Massimo Zancanaro, Generation of Video Documentaries from Discourse Structures by Cesare Rocchi and Massimo Zancanaro, Cinematic Visual Discourse: Representation, Generation, and Evaluation by Arnav Jhala and R. Michael Young and Script-to-movie: A Computational Framework for Story Movie Composition by Chao Liang, Changsheng Xu, Jian Cheng, Weiqing Min and Hanqing Lu.