
Research and Development

Narrative, Intertextuality and Creativity

Narrative Space

Story Planning: Creativity through Exploration, Retrieval, and Analogical Transformation by Mark O. Riedl, Story Planning as Exploratory Creativity: Techniques for Expanding the Narrative Search Space by Mark O. Riedl and R. Michael Young and Computationally Creative Search for Stories by Mark O. Riedl.

Abstraction and Summarization

Summarizing Stories After Reading and Listening by Walter Kintsch and Ely Kozminsky, Summarizing Narratives by Wendy G. Lohnert, John B. Black and Brian J. Reiser, Narrative Complexity based on Summarization Algorithms by Wendy G. Lehnert, Automatic Text Summarization Using a Machine Learning Approach by Joel L. Neto, Alex A. Freitas and Celso A. A. Kaestner, Narrative Summarization by Inderjeet Mani, Narrative Similarity as Common Summary by Elektra Kypridemou and Loizos Michael and Coherent Narrative Summarization with a Cognitive Model by Renxian Zhang, Wenjie Li, Naishi Liu and Dehong Gao.

Analogy and Similarity

Understanding Narratives through Dimensions of Analogy by Thiloshon Nagarajah, Filip Ilievski and Jay Pujara, Similarity of Narratives by Loizos Michael, Which Dimensions of Narrative are Relevant for Human Judgments of Story Equivalence? by Bernhard Fisseni and Benedikt Löwe, Narrative Similarity as Common Summary by Elektra Kypridemou and Loizos Michael, Discovering Structural Similarities in Narrative Texts using Event Alignment Algorithms by Nils Reiter, Structural Alignment During Similarity Comparisons by Arthur B. Markman and Dedre Gentner, Structure Mapping in Analogy and Similarity by Dedre Gentner and Arthur B. Markman, Computational Approaches to Analogical Reasoning: A Comparative Analysis by Rogers P. Hall, Computational Models of Analogy by Dedre Gentner and Kenneth D. Forbus and Conceptual Blending and Analogy by Gilles Fauconnier.

Conceptual Blending

The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind's Hidden Complexities by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner, The Language of Stories: A Cognitive Approach by Barbara Dancygier, Blending and the Study of Narrative edited by Ralf Schneider and Marcus Hartner and Goal-driven Conceptual Blending: A Computational Approach for Creativity by Boyang Li, Alexander Zook, Nicholas M. Davis and Mark O. Riedl.


Style: A Computational and Conceptual Blending-based Approach by D. Fox Harrell, Style as a Choice of Blending Principles by Joseph A. Goguen and D. Fox Harrell and The Structure of Style: Algorithmic Approaches to Understanding Manner and Meaning edited by Shlomo Argamon, Kevin Burns and Shlomo Dubnov.


The Pragmatics of Discourse by Teun A. van Dijk, Context, Intertextuality and Discourse by Janet Maybin and Intertextuality and the Pragmatics of Literary Reading by Maria-Eirini Panagiotidou.


Intertextuality by Graham Allen, Intertextuality by Mary Orr, Intertextuality: Origins and Development of the Concept by María J. M. Alfaro, Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History by John B. Clayton, Seven Types of Intertextuality by Robert S. Miola, Intertextuality: How Texts Rely on Other Texts by Charles Bazerman, Intertextuality: Theories and Practices edited by Michael Worton and Judith Still, Intertextuality and Literary Reading: A Cognitive Poetic Approach by Maria-Eirini Panagiotidou, Intertextuality and Narrative Context: Digital Narratology? by Damien Nelis, Christopher W. Forstall and Lavinia G. Milić and What is Quantitative Intertextuality? by Christopher W. Forstall and Walter J. Scheirer.

Reverse Engineering

Learning to Tell Tales: A Data-driven Approach to Story Generation by Neil McIntyre and Mirella Lapata, Learning to Write Stories with Thematic Consistency and Wording Novelty by Juntao Li, Lidong Bing, Lisong Qiu, Dongmin Chen, Dongyan Zhao and Rui Yan and Learning to Generate Explainable Plots for Neural Story Generation by Gang Chen, Yang Liu, Huanbo Luan, Meng Zhang, Qun Liu and Maosong Sun.


Voice in the Context of Literacy Studies by Melanie Sperling and Deborah Appleman, Story Planning: Creativity through Exploration, Retrieval, and Analogical Transformation by Mark O. Riedl, The Creative Process: A Computer Model of Storytelling and Creativity by Scott R. Turner, Generating Story Analogues by Mark O. Riedl and Carlos León, Case-based Story Generation through Story Amalgamation by Santiago Ontanón, Jichen Zhu and Enric Plaza, Computational Narrative Blending Based on Planning by Edirlei S. de Lima, Bruno Feijó and António L. Furtado, Story Generation from Sequence of Independent Short Descriptions by Parag Jain, Priyanka Agrawal, Abhijit Mishra, Mohak Sukhwani, Anirban Laha and Karthik Sankaranarayanan, Computational Creativity in Narrative Generation: Utility and Novelty Based on Models of Story Comprehension by R. Michael Young and Computational Models of Narrative Creativity by Pablo Gervás.