
Research and Development

Narrative Comprehension and Prediction


Narrative Comprehension by Rolf A. Zwaan, Joseph P. Magliano and Arthur C. Graesser, Narrative Comprehension: A Discourse Perspective by Catherine Emmott, Narrative Competence: Play, Storytelling, and Story Comprehension by Lee Galda, Toward a Model of Children's Story Comprehension by Eugene Charniak, Inferential and Memory Skills in Children's Comprehension of Stories by Oakhill Jane, What's in a Story: An Approach to Comprehension and Instruction by Nancy L. Stein and Tom Trabasso, Situation Models and Concepts in Story Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser and Katja Wiemer-Hastings, Mental Imagery, Text Illustrations, and Children's Story Comprehension and Recall by Linda B. Gambrell and Paula Brooks Jawitz, Imagination and Simulation in Audience Responses to Fiction by Alvin Goldman, The Neural Bases of Social Cognition and Story Comprehension by Raymond A. Mar, The Neuropsychology of Narrative: Story Comprehension, Story Production and Their Interrelation by Raymond A. Mar, Narrative Representation and Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser, Jonathan M. Golding and Debra L. Long, A Computer's Understanding of Literature by Arthur C. Graesser, Nia Dowell and Christian Moldovan and Cognitive Models of Discourse Comprehension for Narrative Generation by James Niehaus and R. Michael Young.

Mental Models

Mental Models in Narrative Comprehension by Gordon H. Bower and Daniel G. Morrow, Mental Models and Thought Experiments by Nenad Miščević, Thought Experiments and Fictional Narratives by David Davies, Mental Models in Narrative Comprehension by Gordon H. Bower and Daniel G. Morrow and Cognitive Structures in Comprehension and Memory of Narrative Discourse by Perry W. Thorndyke.

Situation Models

Situation Models and Concepts in Story Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser and Katja Wiemer-Hastings, Updating Situation Models during Narrative Comprehension by Daniel G. Morrow, Gordon H. Bower and Steven L. Greenspan, Working Memory and Situation Model Updating by Gabriel A. Radvansky and David E. Copeland and Updating a Situation Model: A Memory-based Text Processing View by Edward J. O'Brien, Michelle L. Rizzella, Jason E. Albrecht and Jennifer G. Halleran.

Mental Simulation

Handbook of Imagination and Mental Simulation edited by Keith D. Markman, William M. P. Klein and Julie A. Suhr, Reading Imaginatively: The Imagination in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Literary Studies by Emily T. Troscianko, Imagination and Simulation in Audience Responses to Fiction by Alvin I. Goldman, Mental Imagery in the Experience of Literary Narrative: Views from Embodied Cognition by Anežka Kuzmičová, Thought Experiments and Fictional Narratives by David Davies, The Immersed Experiencer: Toward an Embodied Theory of Language Comprehension by Rolf A. Zwaan, The Experiential View of Language Comprehension by Barbara Kaup, Rolf A. Zwaan and Jana Lüdtke, Understanding Scene Descriptions as Event Simulations by David L. Waltz and Imagination in Narratives by Herbert H. Clark and Mija M. Van Der Wege.

Social Cognition

Understanding and Predicting Social Events: The Effects of Narrative Construction on Inference Generation by Kristi A. Costabile and Stanley B. Klein, Advanced Social Cognition in the Literary Arts by Joan Peskin, Raymond A. Mar and Theanna Bischoff, Readers' Trait-based Models of Characters in Narrative Comprehension by David N. Rapp, Richard J. Gerrig and Deborah A. Prentice, Character Profiles and the Activation of Predictive Inferences by Kelly A. Peracchi and Edward J. O'Brien, Narrative-based Representations of Social Knowledge: Their Construction and Use in Comprehension, Memory, and Judgment by Robert S. Wyer, Rashmi Adaval and Stanley J. Colcombe, Social Comprehension and Judgment: The Role of Situation Models, Narratives, and Implicit Theories by Robert S. Wyer and The Neural Bases of Social Cognition and Story Comprehension by Raymond A. Mar.


Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding: An Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures by Roger C. Schank and Robert P. Abelson, Scripts in Memory for Text by Gordon H. Bower, John B. Black and Terrence J. Turner, A Schema-theoretic View of Basic Processes in Reading Comprehension by Richard C. Anderson and P. David Pearson, Role of the Reader's Schema in Comprehension, Learning, and Memory by Richard C. Anderson and Schemata: The Building Blocks by David E. Rumelhart.


The Perception of Causality by Albert Michotte, Brain Mechanisms Underlying Perceptual Causality by Jonathan A. Fugelsang, Matthew E. Roser, Paul M. Corballis, Michael S. Gazzaniga and Kevin N. Dunbar, How the Brain Perceives Causality: An Event-related fMRI Study by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Pierre Fonlupt, Mathilde Pachot-Clouard, Céline Darmon, Pascal Boyer, Andrew N Meltzoff, Christoph Segebarth and Jean Decety, Mental Simulation of Causality by Gary L. Wells and Igor Gavanski, Reasoning about Change: Time and Causation from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence by Yoav Shoham, Causation, Prediction, and Search by Peter Spirtes, Clark N. Glymour and Richard Scheines, Categorization as Causal Reasoning by Bob Rehder, The Effect of Context on the Structure of Categories by Emilie M. Roth and Edward J. Shoben, A Causal-model Theory of Conceptual Representation and Categorization by Bob Rehder, Causal Status as a Determinant of Feature Centrality by Woo-kyoung Ahn, Nancy S. Kim, Mary E. Lassaline and Martin J. Dennis, Causality and Model Abstraction by Yumi Iwasaki and Herbert A. Simon, Dynamic Model Abstraction by Kangsun Lee and Paul A. Fishwick, Cause-effect Relation Learning by Zornitsa Kozareva, Automatic Extraction of Causal Relations from Natural Language Texts: A Comprehensive Survey by Nabiha Asghar, The Mental Representation of Narrative Texts as Networks: The Role of Necessity and Sufficiency in the Detection of Different Types of Causal Relations by Isabelle Tapiero, Paul van den Broek and Marie-Pilar Quintana, Causal Cohesion and Story Coherence by Tom Trabasso, Causal Thinking and the Representation of Narrative Events by Tom Trabasso and Paul van den Broek, Causal Relatedness and Importance of Story Events by Tom Trabasso and Linda L. Sperry, Causal Reasoning in the Comprehension of Simple Narrative Texts by Charles R. Fletcher and Charles P. Bloom, The Availability of Causal Information during Reading by Debra L. Long, Mark R. Seely and Brian J. Oppy, Narrative Causalities by Emma Kafalenos, Time, Narrative Sequence and Causality by Marina Grishakova, Causality and Narrative by Jon-K Adams, Causal Inferences and the Comprehension of Narrative Texts by Paul van den Broek and Causality and Imagination by Caren M. Walker and Alison Gopnik.


Toward Better Storylines with Sentence-level Language Models by Daphne Ippolito, David Grangier, Douglas Eck and Chris Callison-Burch, INSET: Sentence Infilling with INter-SEntential Transformer by Yichen Huang, Yizhe Zhang, Oussama Elachqar and Yu Cheng, Narrative Incoherence Detection by Deng Cai, Yizhe Zhang, Yichen Huang, Wai Lam and Bill Dolan, Unsupervised Hierarchical Story Infilling by Daphne Ippolito, David Grangier, Chris Callison-Burch and Douglas Eck, Reading Between the Lines: Exploring Infilling in Visual Narratives by Khyathi R. Chandu, Ruo-Ping Dong and Alan Black and Finding and Generating a Missing Part for Story Completion by Yusuke Mori, Hiroaki Yamane, Yusuke Mukuta and Tatsuya Harada.


Strategic Production of Predictive Inferences during Comprehension by David Allbritton, The Role of Predictive Inferences in Situation Model Construction by Rebecca Fincher‐Kiefer, Narrative Progression in the Short Story: A Corpus Stylistic Approach by Michael J. Toolan, Integrating External Event Knowledge for Script Learning by Shangwen Lv, Fuqing Zhu and Songlin Hu, Constructing Narrative Event Evolutionary Graph for Script Event Prediction by Zhongyang Li, Xiao Ding and Ting Liu, Story Ending Prediction by Transferable BERT by Zhongyang Li, Xiao Ding and Ting Liu, Semantic Frame Forecast by Chieh-Yang Huang and Ting-Hao Huang, Learning the Predictability of the Future by Dídac Surís, Ruoshi Liu and Carl Vondrick and Story Comprehension for Predicting What Happens Next by Snigdha Chaturvedi, Haoruo Peng and Dan Roth.


The Cognitive Structure of Surprise: Looking for Basic Principles by Emiliano Lorini and Cristiano Castelfranchi.


Suspense: Conceptualizations, Theoretical Analyses, and Empirical Explorations edited by Peter Vorderer, Hans Jurgen Wulff and Mike Friedrichsen, Toward a General Psychological Model of Tension and Suspense by Moritz Lehne and Stefan Koelsch, Creating Suspense and Surprise in Short Literary Fiction: A Stylistic and Narratological Approach by Yumiko Iwata and A Computational Model of Narrative Generation for Suspense by Yun-Gyung Cheong.