The Measurement of Literacy and the Analysis of Literature Discussions
On Measuring Literacy by Kaushik Basu and James E. Foster, Monitoring and Measuring Literacy by Daniel A. Wagner and International Literacy Statistics: A Review of Concepts, Methodology and Current Data by Roy A. Carr-Hill and Jose Pessoa.
Assessing Writing by Sara C. Weigle and Automated Essay Scoring: A Survey of the State of the Art by Zixuan Ke and Vincent Ng.
Using Discussion to Promote Reading Comprehension by Donna E. Alvermann, Instructional Conversations: Promoting Comprehension through Discussion by Claude Goldenberg and Focusing Literature Discussion Groups on Comprehension Strategies by Jennifer I. Berne and Kathleen F. Clark.
The Challenge of Moving Beyond the Literal in Literature Discussions by Frank Serafini and Sophie M. Ladd and Developing Symbolic Interpretation through Literary Argumentation by Teresa Sosa, Allison H. Hall, Susan R. Goldman and Carol D. Lee.
Theme Comprehension
Thematics: Interdisciplinary Studies edited by Max M. Louwerse and Willie van Peer and Psychological and Computational Research on Theme Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser, Victoria J. Pomeroy and Scotty D. Craig.
Meaning Construction
Grand Conversations: An Exploration of Meaning Construction in Literature Study Groups by Maryann Eeds and Deborah Wells and Cultural Reception and Production: The Social Construction of Meaning in Book Clubs by C. Clayton Childress and Noah E. Friedkin.
Literature Discussions
Grand Conversations: An Exploration of Meaning Construction in Literature Study Groups by Maryann Eeds and Deborah Wells, Just When You Thought It Was Complicated Enough: Literature Discussions Meet Critical Theory by Karen S. Evans, The Language of Interpretation: Patterns of Discourse in Discussions of Literature by James D. Marshall, Peter Smagorinsky and Michael W. Smith, Reading Groups and the Language of Literary Texts: A Case Study in Social Reading by Joan Swann and Daniel Allington, The Discourse of Reading Groups: Integrating Cognitive and Sociocultural Perspectives by David Peplow, Joan Swann, Paola Trimarco and Sara Whiteley, Talking About Books: Scaffolding Deep Discussions by Kathryn M. Pierce and Carol Gilles, Interpreting Real and Fictional Worlds in Interaction: A Socio-cognitive Approach to Reading Group Talk by Sara Whiteley and David Peplow, Virtual Literature Circles by Carol Klages, Shana Pate and Peter A. Conforti, Take It Out of Class: Exploring Virtual Literature Circles by Joy Bowers‐Campbell, It's About Time: Using Electronic Literature Discussion Groups with Adult Learners by Dena G. Beeghly and Online Book Clubs: Bridges between Old and New Literacies Practices by Cassandra Scharber.
Negotiation of Text in Peer-led Literature Discussion Groups by Patricia O. Paterson, Student Facilitation in Peer-led Literature Group Discussions by Chase Young and Kathleen A. J. Mohr, Reading Discussion Groups for Teachers: Connecting Theory to Practice by Ben Fenton-Smith and Christopher Stillwell, Analysis of English Teachers' Roles as Facilitators and Leading Strategies in a Professional Book Discussion Group by Chien Chin-Wen, Fostering Effective and Engaging Literature Discussions by Kayla Lewis, Exploring Factors that Influence Quality Literature Circles by Chase Young and Kathleen A. J. Mohr, Facilitation and Group Support Systems by Peggy M. Beranek, Catherine M. Beise and Fred Niederman, Group Facilitation and Group Support Systems by Robert P. Bostrom, Robert Anson and Vikki K. Clawson, The Facilitation Role in Group Support Systems Environments by Victoria K. Clawson and Robert P. Bostrom, Automated Facilitation of Electronic Meetings by Zachary Wong and Milam Aiken, Facilitation of E-meetings: State-of-the-art Review by Linda A. Macaulay and Aref Alabdulkarim and Using an AI-supported Online Discussion Forum to Deepen Learning by Tamarin Butcher, Michelle F. Read, Ann E. Jensen, Gwendolyn M. Morel, Alexander Nagurney and Patrick A. Smith.
Conversation and Discourse Analysis
Conversations Over Video Conferences: An Evaluation of the Spoken Aspects of Video-mediated Communication by Brid O'Conaill, Steve Whittaker and Sylvia Wilbur, Multimodal Discourse Analysis by Kay L. O'Halloran, Defining and Measuring Quality in Online Discussions by Alexandru Spatariu, Kendall Hartley and Lisa D. Bendixen, Analyzing Responses, Moves, and Roles in Online Discussions by Craig Wishart and Retta Guy, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Grading Rubric for Online Discussions by Ann M. Solan and Nikolaos Linardopoulos, Measuring Critical Thinking Within Discussion Forums Using a Computerised Content Analysis Tool by Stephen Corich and L. M. Kinshuk and Content Analysis of Online Discussion Forums: A Comparative Analysis of Protocols by Rose M. Marra, Joi L. Moore and Aimee K. Klimczak.
Artificial Intelligence
Using an AI-supported Online Discussion Forum to Deepen Learning by Tamarin Butcher, Michelle F. Read, Ann E. Jensen, Gwendolyn M. Morel, Alexander Nagurney and Patrick A. Smith, Facilitation and Group Support Systems by Peggy M. Beranek, Catherine M. Beise and Fred Niederman, Group Facilitation and Group Support Systems by Robert P. Bostrom, Robert Anson and Vikki K. Clawson, The Facilitation Role in Group Support Systems Environments by Victoria K. Clawson and Robert P. Bostrom, Automated Facilitation of Electronic Meetings by Zachary Wong and Milam Aiken, Facilitation of E-meetings: State-of-the-art Review by Linda A. Macaulay and Aref Alabdulkarim, Automatic Dialog Act Segmentation and Classification in Multiparty Meetings by Jeremy Ang, Yang Liu and Elizabeth Shriberg, Recognition and Understanding of Meetings the AMI and AMIDA Projects by Steve Renals, Thomas Hain and Hervé Bourlard, The CALO Meeting Assistant System by Gokhan Tur, Andreas Stolcke, Lynn Voss, Stanley Peters, Dilek Hakkani-Tür, John Dowding, Benoit Favre, Raquel Fernández, Matthew Frampton, Mike Frandsen, Clint Frederickson, Martin Graciarena, Donald Kintzing, Kyle Leveque, Shane Mason, John Niekrasz, Matthew Purver, Korbinian Riedhammer, Elizabeth Shriberg, Jing Tien, Dimitra Vergyri and Fan Yang, Characteristics of a Multi-user Tutoring Architecture by Stephen Gilbert, Eliot Winer, Joseph Holub, Trevor Richardson, Michael Dorneich and Michael Hoffman, The Challenges of Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Teams by Desmond Bonner, Stephen Gilbert, Michael C. Dorneich, Eliot Winer, Anne M. Sinatra, Anna Slavina, Anastacia MacAllister and Joseph Holub and Designing Adaptive Instruction for Teams: A Meta-analysis by Robert A. Sottilare, C. Shawn Burke, Eduardo Salas, Anne M. Sinatra, Joan H. Johnston and Stephen B. Gilbert.