Mixed-initiative Dialogue Systems, Introspection, Metacognition and Metacommunication
Ethology: The Biology of Behavior by Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Ethology: The Mechanisms and Evolution of Behavior by James L. Gould, Human Ethology by Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt and The Development of Social Interaction, Play, and Metacommunication in Mammals: An Ethological Perspective by Marc Bekoff.
Interpersonal Processes: The Interplay of Cognitive, Motivational, and Behavioral Activities in Social Interaction by Mark Snyder and Arthur A. Stukas Jr., Autonomy and Motivation: A Literature Review by Leslie Dickinson and Motivations as a Meta-level Component for Constraining Goal Generation by Alexandra Coddington.
Autonomous Behavior
Autonomy and Motivation a Literature Review by Leslie Dickinson, “Autonomy”: An Anatomy and a Framework by William Littlewood, Autonomic Introspective Simulation Systems by Levent Yilmaz and Bradley Mitchell, Goal-driven Autonomy with Case-based Reasoning by Héctor Muñoz-Avila, Ulit Jaidee, David W. Aha and Elizabeth Carter, Nomination and Prioritization of Goals in a Cognitive Architecture by Dongkyu Choi, Reactive Goal Management in a Cognitive Architecture by Dongkyu Choi, Coordinated Execution and Goal Management in a Reactive Cognitive Architecture by Dongkyu Choi, Dynamics of Behavior: Theory and Applications for Autonomous Robot Architectures by Gregor Schöner, Michael Dose and Christoph Engels and Adaptive Systems: From Intelligent Tutoring to Autonomous Agents by David Benyon and Dianne Murray.
Autonoetic Consciousness by Hans J. Markowitsch, On the Objectivity of Subjective Experiences of Autonoetic and Noetic Consciousness by John M. Gardiner, The Origin of Autonoesis in Episodic Memory by Endel Tulving, Episodic Memory and Autonoetic Awareness by Mark A. Wheeler and A Framework for Consciousness by Francis Crick and Christof Koch.
Consciousness and Metacognition by Thomas O. Nelson, Toward an Integrated Metacognitive Architecture by Michael T. Cox, Tim Oates and Donald Perlis, Field Review: Metacognition in Computation: A Selected Research Review by Michael T. Cox, Metacognition: An Overview by Jennifer A. Livingston, Metacognition by John Dunlosky and Janet Metcalfe, Metacognition, Metalanguage and Metapragmatics by Jean E. Gombert, Metacognition: Definitions, Constituents, and their Intricate Relation with Cognition by Marcel V. J. Veenman, Developing Metacognition by Elaine Blakey and Sheila Spence, The Role of Metacognition in Problem Solving by Janet E. Davidson, Rebecca Deuser and Robert J. Sternberg, Interactions between Children’s Metacognitive Abilities, Working Memory Capacity, Strategies and Performance during Problem-solving by David Whitebread, Written Meta-cognition and Procedural Knowledge by William Baker and Bronisuave Czarnocha, Strategy Selection and Metacognition by Maxwell J. Roberts and George Erdos, Algorithm Selection by Rational Metareasoning as a Model of Human Strategy Selection by Falk Lieder, Dillon Plunkett, Jessica B. Hamrick, Stuart J. Russell, Nicholas Hay and Thomas Griffiths, Metacognition and Learning: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations by Marcel V. J. Veenman, Bernadette H. A. M. van Hout-Wolters and Peter Afflerbach, The Role of Metacognitive Knowledge in Learning, Teaching, and Assessing by Paul R. Pintrich, Visualization: A Metacognitive Skill in Science and Science Education by John K. Gilbert, Evaluating the Mind’s Eye: The Metacognition of Visual Imagery by Joel Pearson, Rosanne L. Rademaker and Frank Tong, An Introspective Environment for Knowledge Based Simulation by Venkataseshan Baskaran and Yenumula V. Reddy, Metacognition: Knowing about Knowing edited by Janet Metcalfe and Arthur P. Shimamura, Cognition, Metacognition, and Epistemic Cognition by Karen S. Kitchner and A Metacognitive Model of Conversational Planning by Takuo Hayashi.
Emotion, Language, and the Brain edited by Sonja A. Kotz and Silke Paulmann, Communication and Affect: Language and Thought by Patricia Pliner, Lester Krames and Thomas Alloway, Language and Affect by Niko Besnier, Toward a Pragmatics of Emotive Communication by Claudia Caffi and Richard W. Janney, The Pragmatics of Emotion Language by Simone Schnall, Emotion Inferences from Vocal Expression Correlate across Languages and Cultures by Klaus R. Scherer, Rainer Banse and Harald G. Wallbott, Language as Context for the Perception of Emotion by Lisa F. Barrett, Kristen A. Lindquist and Maria Gendron, Talking about Feelings: The Language of Emotion and Its Relationship to Physiology by Leah H. Rosenthal, Language and Emotion by James MacLynn Wilce, Language and Emotion Concepts by Zoltán Kövecses, The Language of Emotion by Joel R. Davitz, Metaphor and Emotion: Language by Zoltán Kövecses, Automatic Detection of Learner’s Affect from Conversational Cues by Sidney K. D’Mello, Scotty D. Craig, Amy Witherspoon, Bethany Mcdaniel and Arthur Graesser and Empirically Building and Evaluating a Probabilistic Model of User Affect by Cristina Conati and Heather Maclaren.
Mental States
Language, Literacy, and Mental States by David R. Olson and Nancy Torrance, The Language of Mind: Statements about Mental States by Ellin K. Scholnick, Metacognitive and Metalinguistic Language: Learning to Talk about Thought by Janet W. Astington and David R. Olson, Mental States in Communication by Maurizio Tirassa, Development of Theory of Mind and Mental State Language in Children by Nandita Babu, Language and Children’s Understanding of Mental States by Paul L. Harris, Marc de Rosnay and Francisco Pons, Comprehension and Production of Cognitive Words by Alva T. Hughes, The Development of Mental Terms: Pragmatics or Semantics? by Chris Moore and Jane Davidge, The Semantic‐pragmatic Distinction in the Investigation of Mental State Words: The Role of the Situation by William S. Hall and William E. Nagy, Concepts in Context: Processing Mental State Concepts with Internal or External Focus Involves Different Neural Systems by Suzanne Oosterwijk, Scott Mackey, Christine Wilson-Mendenhall, Piotr Winkielman and Martin P Paulus, Metacognitive Development and the Cognitive Internal State Lexicon by James Booth and William S. Hall, The Acquisition of Mental Verbs: A Systematic Investigation of the First Reference to Mental State by Marilyn Shatz, Henry M. Wellman and Sharon Silber, Acquisition of Mental Verbs and the Concept of Mind by Carl N. Johnson, Polysemy and the Acquisition of the Cognitive Internal State Lexicon by Rita E. Frank and William S. Hall, Talking about Internal States: The Acquisition of an Explicit Theory of Mind by Inge Bretherton and Marjorie Beeghly, Developing Theories of Mind: Understanding Concepts and Relations between Mental Activities by Paula J. Schwanenflugel, William V. Fabricius and Joyce Alexander, The Role of Cognitive Modeling in Achieving Communicative Intentions by Marilyn A. Walker and Owen Rambow, Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models edited by Philippe de Brabanter and Mikhail Kissine and Robot Self-awareness: Exploration of Internal States by Anna Gorbenko, Vladimir Popov and Andrey Sheka.
Abduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue: Studies in Computational Pragmatics edited by Harry C. Bunt and William J. Black, Actions, Beliefs and Intentions in Multi-action Utterances by Cecile T. Balkanski, Actions, Beliefs and Intentions in Rationale Clauses and Means Clauses by Cecile T. Balkanski, Belief Modelling for Discourse Plans by Massimiliano Garagnani, Belief Systems and Plans For Communication by Massimiliano Garagnani, Speaker-hearer Beliefs for Discourse Planning by Massimiliano Garagnani and My Beliefs about Your Beliefs: A Case Study in Theory of Mind and Epistemic Logic by Hans Van Ditmarsch and Willem Labuschagne.
Intentional Communication and the Development of an Understanding of Mind by Inge Bretherton, Intentions in Communication edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan and Martha E. Pollack, Attention, Intentions, and the Structure of Discourse by Barbara J. Grosz and Candace L. Sidner, The Fundamental Context Categories in Understanding Communicative Intention by Francesca M. Bosco, Monica Bucciarelli and Bruno G. Bara, Literal Meaning and Context Categories in the Attribution of Communicative Intentions: A Developmental Study by Francesca M. Bosco, Monica Bucciarelli and Bruno G. Bara, The Intentional Stance by Daniel C. Dennett, From Intentions to Actions: A Theory of Planned Behavior by Icek Ajzen, Intention—behavior Relations: A Conceptual and Empirical Review by Paschal Sheeran and Intentions, Plans, and Practical Reason by Michael E. Bratman.
Plans and Decisions
Plan Recognition and Its Use in Understanding Dialog by Sandra Carberry, Plan Recognition in Dialogue Systems by James Mayfield, A Model of Plan Inference that Distinguishes between the Beliefs of Actors and Observers by Martha E. Pollack, Multi-agent Plan Recognition: Formalization and Algorithms by Bikramjit Banerjee, Landon Kraemer and Jeremy Lyle, The Complexity of Multi-agent Plan Recognition by Bikramjit Banerjee, Jeremy Lyle and Landon Kraemer, Using Arguments for Making and Explaining Decisions by Leila Amgoud and Henri Prade, Reasoning about Plans by James Allen, Henry Kautz, Richard Pelavin and Josh Tenenberg, Rationale in Planning: Causality, Dependencies and Decisions by Stephen T. Polyak and Austin Tate, Meta‐planning: Representing and Using Knowledge about Planning in Problem Solving and Natural Language Understanding by Robert Wilensky, On Representations of Problems of Reasoning about Actions by Saul Amarel, Formalizing Plan Justifications by Eugene Fink and Qiang Yang, An Interactive Planner that Creates a Structured, Annotated Trace of its Operation by John L. Bresina, A Generative Dialogue System for Arguing about Plans in Situation Calculus by Alexandros Belesiotis, Michael Rovatsos and Iyad Rahwan, Strategies for Question Selection in Argumentative Dialogues about Plans by Rolando Medellin-Gasque, Katie Atkinson, Trevor Bench-Capon and Peter McBurney, Reaching a Common Agreement Discourse Universe on Multi-agent Planning by Alejandro Torreño, Eva Onaindia and Oscar Sapena, Argumentation-based Dialogues over Cooperative Plans by Angel R. M. Gasque, Achieving Coordination through Combining Joint Planning and Joint Learning by Gerhard Weiß, Learning Coordinated Behavior in a Continuous Environment by Norihiko Ono and Yoshihiro Fukuta, Building Natural Language Generation Systems by Ehud Reiter and Robert Dale, Natural Language Generation from Plans by Chris Mellish and Roger Evans and An Intelligent Tutoring System that Generates a Natural Language Dialogue Using Dynamic Multi-level Planning by Chong W. Woo, Martha W. Evens, Reva Freedman, Michael Glass, Leem S. Shim, Yuemei Zhang, Yujian Zhou and Joel Michael.
Metareasoning: An Introduction by Michael T. Cox and Anita Raja, Metareasoning: Thinking about Thinking edited by Michael T. Cox and Anita Raja, A Review of Recent Research in Metareasoning and Metalearning by Michael L. Anderson and Tim Oates, Meta-reasoning: A Survey by Stefania Costantini, Principles of Metareasoning by Stuart Russell and Eric Wefald, Algorithm Selection by Rational Metareasoning as a Model of Human Strategy Selection by Falk Lieder, Dillon Plunkett, Jessica B. Hamrick, Stuart J. Russell, Nicholas Hay and Thomas Griffiths, Using Meta-reasoning to Improve the Performance of Case-based Planning by Manish Mehta, Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram, Explaining Reasoning: An Overview of Explanation in Knowledge-based Systems by Richard W. Southwick and Understanding the Language of Reasoning: Cognitive, Linguistic, and Developmental Influences by Clara S. Wing and Ellin K. Scholnick.
Discourse Deixis
Speech and Thought Representation in English: A Cognitive-functional Approach by Lieven Vandelanotte, Reference to Abstract Objects in Discourse by Nicholas Asher, Metarepresentation in Linguistic Communication by Deirdre Wilson, Reflexivity and Temporality in Discourse Deixis by Friedrich Lenz, Discourse Deixis and Discourse Processing by Bonnie L. Webber, An Algorithm for Generating Document-deictic References by Ivandré Paraboni, Issues for the Generation of Document Deixis by Ivandré Paraboni and Kees van Deemter and Towards the Generation of Document-deictic References by Ivandré Paraboni and Kees van Deemter.
Communication and Metacommunication in Human Development edited by Angela U. Branco and Jaan Valsiner, The Development of Metacommunication by John H. Flavell and Peer Interactions, Language Development and Metacommunication by Angela U. Branco.