
Research and Development

Planning and Generating Sequences of Exercises for the Assessment and Development of Creativity

Creativity Research

Fifty Years of Creativity Research by Richard E. Mayer, Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation by R. Keith Sawyer, Creativity: Understanding Innovation in Problem Solving, Science, Invention and the Arts by Robert W. Weisburg, Creativity in Context by Teresa Amabile, The Concept of Creativity: Prospects and Paradigms by Robert J. Sternberg and Todd I. Lubart, Cognition and Creativity by Mark A. Runco and Ivonne Chand, The Structure of Creative Cognition in the Human Brain by Rex E. Jung, Brittany S. Mead, Jessica Carrasco and Ranee A. Flores and Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention by Mihaly Csiksentmihalyi.

Creativity Exercises

Creativity Workout: 62 Exercises to Unlock Your Most Creative Ideas by Edward de Bono, 50 Brainstorming Methods by Robert Curedale and Caffeine for the Creative Mind: 250 Exercises to Wake up Your Brain by Stefan Mumaw and Wendy L. Oldfield.

Assessing Creativity

Assessment of Creativity by Jonathan A. Plucker and Matthew C. Makel, The Efficacy of Teaching Creativity: Assessment of Student Creative Thinking before and after Exercises by Elena Karpova, Sara B. Marcketti, and Jessica Barker, Increasing Creativity in Design Education: Measuring the E / Affect of Cognitive Exercises on Student Creativity by Jeremy Merrill, The Effectiveness of Creativity Training: A Quantitative Review by Ginamarie Scott, Lyle E. Leritz and Michael D. Mumford, Creativity: A Knowledge Base, Metacognitive Skills, and Personality Factors by John F. Feldhusen, Creating Creativity in the Design Studio: Assessing the Impact of Metacognitive Skill Development on Creative Abilities by Ryan A. Hargrove and Assessing the Long Term Impact of a Metacognitive Approach to Creative Skill Development by Ryan A. Hargrove.

Education and Creativity

Education and Creativity by Daniel Fasko, Creativity in School by Seana Moran, Learning Creativity and Design for Innovation by Dean Bruton, Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspectives on Orchestrating Creativity and Collaborative Learning by Raija Hämäläinen and Katja Vähäsantanen, Synectics: The Development of Creative Capacity by William J. J. Gordon, Education for Creative Potential by Mark A. Runco, Creative Thinking: Processes, Strategies, and Knowledge by Michael D. Mumford, Kelsey E. Medeiros and Paul J. Partlow, Teaching Creativity with Computers by Douglas H. Clements, Cognitive Styles and Experiences in Solving Insight Problems: Replications and Extensions by Øyvind Martinson, Teaching Creativity and Inventive Problem Solving in Science by Robert L. DeHaan, Teaching Creativity in Engineering by Zhiqiang Liu and Dieter J. Schonwette, Teaching Creativity in Mathematics by Franz E. Hohn and The Practice of Creativity: A Manual for Dynamic Group Problem-solving by George M. Prince.