
Research and Development

Cognitive Literary Studies


The Cognitive Paradigm in Literary Studies by Joseph M. Bizup and Eugene R. Kintgen and The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Literary Studies edited by Lisa Zunshine.

Cognitive Rhetoric

Rhetoric in the Age of Cognitive Science by Jeanne Fahnestock, Critical Rhetoric in the Age of Neuroscience by Brett Ingram and Rhetoric and the Neurosciences: Engagement and Exploration by David Gruber, Jordynn Jack, Lisa Keranen, John M. McKenzie and Matthew B. Morris.

Cognitive Philology

The Psychology of Writing by Ronald T. Kellogg, Writing and the Writer by Frank Smith, The Psychology of Written Composition edited by Carl Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia, The Psychology of Creative Writing edited by Scott B. Kaufman and James C. Kaufman, The Psychology of the Creative Writer by Frank Barron, Cognitive Models of Writing: Writing Proficiency as a Complex Integrated Skill by Paul Deane, Nora Odendahl, Thomas Quinlan, Mary Fowles, Cyndi Welsh and Jennifer Bivens-Tatum, Writing as a Conceptual Process: A Text-analytical Study of Developmental Aspects by Els van der Pool, Writing Process Theory by Gert Rijlaarsdam and Huub van den Bergh, Identifying the Organization of Writing Processes by John R. Hayes and Linda Flower, A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing by Linda Flower and John R. Hayes, Cognitive Processes in Writing by Lee W. Gregg and Erwin R. Steinberg, In Search of the Writer's Creative Process by Todd Lubart, An Account of Writing as Creative Design by Mike Sharples, A Model of Working Memory in Writing by Ronald T. Kellogg, Knowledge, Processing and Working Memory: Implications for a Theory of Writing by Deborah McCutchen, The Contribution of Different Components of Working Memory to Knowledge Transformation During Writing by David Galbraith, Sheila Ford, Gillian Walker and Jessica Ford, A Capacity Theory of Writing: Working Memory in Composition by Deborah McCutchen, The Visuospatial Dimension of Writing by Thierry Olive and Jean-Michel Passerault, Verbal, Visual, and Spatial Working Memory in Written Language Production by Ronald T. Kellogg, Thierry Olive and Annie Piolat, Verbal, Visual, and Spatial Working Memory Demands During Text Composition by Thierry Olive, Ronald T. Kellogg and Annie Piolat, The Role of Visuospatial Sketchpad in the Written Production of Descriptive and Argumentative Texts by Jean-Michel Passerault and Jérôme Dinet and The Role of Imagination in Narrative Construction by Theodore R. Sarbin.

Cognitive Poetics

Cognitive Poetics: An Introduction by Peter Stockwell, Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Literary Studies: State of the Art in Cognitive Poetics by Margaret H. Freeman, Towards a Neurocognitive Poetics Model of Literary Reading by Arthur M. Jacobs and Neurocognitive Poetics: Methods and Models for Investigating the Neuronal and Cognitive-affective Bases of Literature Reception by Arthur M. Jacobs.

Cognitive Stylistics

Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis edited by Elena Semino and Jonathan Culpeper and Stylistics Meets Cognitive Science: Studying Style in Fiction and Readers' Attention from an Inter-disciplinary Perspective by Catherine Emmott, Anthony J. Sanford and Eugene J. Dawydiak.

Cognitive Aesthetics

Aesthetics and Cognitive Science by Gregory Currie, Aesthetics and Cognitive Science by Dustin Stokes, Texture: A Cognitive Aesthetics of Reading by Peter Stockwell and Neuroaesthetics of Literary Reading by David S. Miall.

Cognitive Semiotics

Cognitive Semiotics: An Emerging Field for the Transdisciplinary Study of Meaning by Jordan Zlatev.

Sociocognitive Hermeneutics

Philosophical Hermeneutics and Literary Theory by Joel Weinsheimer, Hermeneutics and the Cognitive Sciences by Shaun Gallagher, Interpreting the Text: A Critical Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Literary Interpretation by Kenneth M. Newton, "Literary Interpretation" and Cognitive Literary Studies by Tony E. Jackson, Literary Interpretation as a Social Act by Cynthia Lewis, Grand Conversations: An Exploration of Meaning Construction in Literature Study Groups by Maryann Eeds and Deborah Wells, The Power of Literary Peer-group Discussions: How Children Collaboratively Negotiate Meaning by Dorothy J. Leal, Negotiating Interpretations of Text: The Role of Student-led Discussions in Understanding Literature by Christian P. Knoeller, Co-constructing Subjectivities and Knowledge in Literacy Class: An Ethnographic–sociocultural Perspective by Kathy Hall, Constructing Multiple Subjectivities in Classroom Literacy Contexts by Sarah J. McCarthey, Novel Readings: The Social Organization of Interpretation by Marjorie L. DeVault, How Literature Discussion Shapes Thinking by Suzanne M. Miller, The Language of Interpretation: Patterns of Discourse in Discussions of Literature by James D. Marshall, Theatrical Performance and Interpretation by James R. Hamilton, Deeper Theatrical Understanding by James R. Hamilton, Theatrical Perception by Bernard Beckerman, Introducing Performative Pragmatics by Douglas Robinson, Interpreting the Moving Image by Noël Carroll, Movies and Meaning: An Introduction to Film by Stephen Prince, Hermeneutics, Reception Aesthetics, and Film Interpretation by Noel King, Style and Meaning: Studies in the Detailed Analysis of Film edited by John Gibbs and Douglas Pye, Interpreting Films by Janet Staiger, Film Art, Argument, and Ambiguity by Murray Smith, The Text and the Interpretive Community by Eugene Goodheart, Audience Semiotics, Interpretive Communities and the Ethnographic Turn in Media Research by Kim C. Schrøder, On the Very Idea of a Discourse Community by Thomas Kent, Interpretive Media Study and Interpretive Social Science by Kevin M. Carragee, Texts, Readers and Contexts of Reading: Developments in the Study of Media Audiences by Shaun Moores, Interpreting Audiences: The Ethnography of Media Consumption by Shaun Moores, Anthropology and Mass Media by Debra Spitulnik, The Social Semiotics of Mass Communication by Klaus B. Jensen and Making Sense of Audience Discourses: Towards a Multidimensional Model of Mass Media Reception by Kim C. Schrøder.

Cognitive Paremiology

A Proverb in Mind: The Cognitive Science of Proverbial Wit and Wisdom by Richard P. Honeck, What Proverb Understanding Reveals about How People Think by Raymond W. Gibbs and Dinara Beitel, A Developmental Study of Proverb Comprehension by David A. Resnick and The Role of Imagery, Analogy, and Instantiation in Proverb Comprehension by Richard P. Honeck and Clare T. Kibler.

Cognitive Narratology

Narratology as a Cognitive Science by David Herman, Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences by David Herman, The Cognitive Turn in Narratology by Elrud Ibsch, The Science of Storytelling: Perspectives from Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and the Humanities by Frederick L. Aldama, The Neuropsychology of Narrative: Story Comprehension, Story Production and Their Interrelation by Raymond A. Mar, The Neurology of Narrative by Kay Young and Jeffrey L. Saver, Literature and the Brain by Norman N. Holland, Literary Brains: Neuroscience, Criticism, and Theory by Patrick C. Hogan, Such Stuff as Dreams: The Psychology of Fiction by Keith Oatley, Conscious and Unconscious Processes in Readers' Narrative Experiences by Richard J. Gerrig, The Cognitive Science of Fiction by Keith Oatley, Aspects of Literary Comprehension: A Cognitive Approach by Rolf A. Zwaan, Cognitive Processes in Reading Literary Texts: The Influence of Context, Goals and Situations by Dietrich Meutsch, Reading Imaginatively: The Imagination in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Literary Studies by Emily T. Troscianko, Narrative Theory and / or / as Theory of Interpretation by Tom Kindt and Hans-Harald Müller, Narrative Research: Reading, Analysis, and Interpretation by Amia Lieblich and Interpretation and Narrative Understanding by Louis O. Mink.