
Research and Development

Interactive Narrative and Decision

Game Theory

An Introduction to Game Theory by Martin J. Osborne, A Primer in Game Theory by Robert Gibbons and Game Theory by Roger B. Myerson.

Decision Theory

An Introduction to Decision Theory by Martin Peterson, Decision Theory: Principles and Approaches by Giovanni Parmigiani and Lurdes Inoue, Decision Making: Descriptive, Normative, and Prescriptive Interactions by David E. Bell and Decision Theory in Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence by Eric J. Horvitz, John S. Breese and Max Henrion.

Decision Analysis

Decision Analysis: Applied Decision Theory by Ronald A. Howard, Decision Analysis: An Overview by Ralph L. Keeney, Decision Analysis: Practice and Promise by Ronald A. Howard, Decision Analysis and Expert Systems by Max Henrion, John S. Breese and Eric J. Horvitz and Foundations of Decision Analysis by Ronald A. Howard and Ali E. Abbas.

Naturalistic Decision-making

Decision Making in Action: Models and Methods edited by Gary A. Klein, Judith Orasanu, Roberta Calderwood and Caroline E. Zsambok and Naturalistic Decision Making edited by Caroline E. Zsambok and Gary A. Klein.


The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, Rational Choice and the Framing of Decisions by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman and All Frames are not Created Equal: A Typology and Critical Analysis of Framing Effects by Irwin P. Levin, Sandra L. Schneider and Gary J. Gaeth.

Heuristics and Biases

Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman.

Individual Differences

Cognitive Style and Decision Making by Raymond G. Hunt, Frank J. Krzystofiak, James R. Meindl and Abdalla M. Yousry, Decision-making Style: The Development and Assessment of a New Measure by Susanne G. Scott and Reginald A. Bruce, The Influence of Decision Style on Decision Making Behavior by John C. Henderson and Paul C. Nutt and A Psychometric Evaluation of the General Decision-making Style Inventory by Robert Loo.


Player Agency and the Relevance of Decisions by David Thue, Vadim Bulitko, Marcia Spetch and Trevon Romanuik and A Computational Model of Perceived Agency in Video Games by David Thue, Vadim Bulitko, Marcia Spetch and Trevon Romanuik.

Belief-desire-intention Model

The Belief-desire-intention Model of Agency by Michael Georgeff, Barney Pell, Martha Pollack, Milind Tambe and Michael Wooldridge, Belief-desire-intention Agent Architectures by Afsaneh Haddadi and Kurt Sundermeyer and A Belief-desire-intention Model for Narrative Generation by Theo Wadsley and Malcolm Ryan.


A Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham H. Maslow, Human Motivation by David C. McClelland, Human Motivation: Metaphors, Theories, and Research by Bernard Weiner, Ethology: The Mechanisms and Evolution of Behavior by James L. Gould, Ethological Concepts and Human Development by Wagner H. Bridger and Motivation, Intention and Emotion: Goal-directed Behavior from a Cognitive-neuro-ethological Perspective by Charles R. Gallistel.


The Role of Affect in Decision Making by George Loewenstein and Jennifer S. Lerner, The Role of Affect in Naturalistic Decision Making by Kathleen L. Mosier and Ute Fischer and The Multiplicity of Emotions: A Framework of Emotional Functions in Decision Making by Hans-Rüdiger Pfister and Gisela Böhm.


Modelling the Moral Dimension of Decisions by Mark Colyvan, Damian Cox and Katie Steele, Exploring the Moral Dimension of Wicked Problems by Mark N. Wexler, Mirrored Morality: An Exploration of Moral Choice in Video Games by Andrew J. Weaver and Nicky Lewis and Generating Stories with Morals by Margaret Sarlej and Malcolm Ryan.

Choice Poetics and Interaction Modeling

A Preliminary Poetics for Interactive Drama and Games by Michael Mateas, Towards a Theory of Choice Poetics by Peter Mawhorter, Michael Mateas, Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Arnav Jhala, Choice Poetics by Example by Peter Mawhorter, Carmen Zegura, Alex Gray, Arnav Jhala, Michael Mateas and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Understanding Narrative Choices by Peter Mawhorter, Towards an Interaction Model for Interactive Narratives by Elin Carstensdottir, Erica Kleinman and Magy Seif El-Nasr, Interaction Maps for Interactive Narratives by Elin Carstensdottir and Magy Seif El-Nasr, Exploratory Automated Analysis of Structural Features of Interactive Narrative by Nathan Partlan, Elin Carstensdottir, Sam Snodgrass, Erica Kleinman, Gillian Smith, Casper Harteveld and Magy Seif El-Nasr and Player Interaction in Narrative Games: Structure and Narrative Progression Mechanics by Elin Carstensdottir, Erica Kleinman and Magy Seif El-Nasr.