
Research and Development

Computational Modeling of Diachronic Semantics


Change Summarization of Diachronic Scholarly Paper Collections by Semantic Evolution Analysis by Naman Paharia, Muhammad S. M. Pozi and Adam Jatowt, Survey of Computational Approaches to Lexical Semantic Change Detection by Nina Tahmasebi, Lars Borin and Adam Jatowt and Diachronic Word Embeddings and Semantic Shifts: A Survey by Andrey Kutuzov, Lilja Ovrelid, Terrence Szymanski and Erik Velldal.

Language Change

Historical Semantics and Cognition by Andreas Blank and Peter Koch, The Time Course of Language Change by Patrick Juola, Understanding Semantic Change of Words over Centuries by Derry T. Wijaya and Reyyan Yeniterzi, Statistically Significant Detection of Linguistic Change by Vivek Kulkarni, Rami Al-Rfou, Bryan Perozzi and Steven Skiena, Semantic Change by Elizabeth Traugott, Generating Timelines by Modeling Semantic Change by Guy D. Rosin and Kira Radinsky, Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit: Connecting Past with Present by Finding Corresponding Terms Across Time by Yating Zhang, Adam Jatowt, Sourav Bhowmick and Katsumi Tanaka and Survey of Computational Approaches to Lexical Semantic Change Detection by Nina Tahmasebi, Lars Borin and Adam Jatowt.

Topic Models

Dynamic Topic Models by David M. Blei and John D. Lafferty and Change of Topics Over Time – Tracking Topics by their Change of Meaning by Gerhard Heyer, Florian Holz and Sven Teresniak.


Modeling the Dynamics of Domain Specific Terminology in Diachronic Corpora by Gerhard Heyer, Cathleen Kantner, Andreas Niekler, Max Overbeck and Gregor Wiedemann.


Temporal Word Analogies: Identifying Lexical Replacement with Diachronic Word Embeddings by Terrence Szymanski and Learning Diachronic Analogies to Analyze Concept Change by Matthias Orlikowski, Matthias Hartung and Philipp Cimiano.

Large Language Models

Diachronic Word Embeddings Reveal Statistical Laws of Semantic Change by William L. Hamilton, Jure Leskovec and Dan Jurafsky, Analysing the Semantic Change Based on Word Embedding by Xuanyi Liao and Guang Cheng, Dynamic Word Embeddings by Robert Bamler and Stephan Mandt, Diachronic Word Embeddings and Semantic Shifts: A Survey by Andrey Kutuzov, Lilja Ovrelid, Terrence Szymanski and Erik Velldal, Dynamic Contextualized Word Embeddings by Valentin Hofmann, Janet B. Pierrehumbert and Hinrich Schütze and BiTimeBERT: Extending Pre-trained Language Representations with Dual-type Temporal Information by Jiexin Wang, Adam Jatowt, Masatoshi Yoshikawa and Yi Cai.