Experiential Learning
Experience and Education by John Dewey, Experience and Learning by Arthur W. Chickering, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development by David A. Kolb, Experiential Learning as the Science of Learning and Development by David A. Kolb, A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning: Theory and Practice by Jennifer A. Moon, Outdoor Adventure Programs Build Character Five Ways by Lester R. Zook, Evaluating Outdoor Experiential Training for Leadership and Team Building by Scott D. Williams, T. Scott Graham and Bud Baker, Qualitative Examination of the Group Development Process within an Adventure Programming Context by Levi Dexel, Integrated Theoretical Model for Building Effective Teams by Jerry W. Gilley, M. Lane Morris, Alina M. Waite, Tabitha Coates and Abigail Veliquette, Designing Adventure: All for One and One for All by Kathy Haras and Brian Lisson, The Emotional Dynamics of a Group during a Challenge Course Experience by Erin W. Rothwell, Kassidy Siharath, Holly Badger, Sandra Negley and Jennifer Piatt and The Effects of Activity Sequencing on Challenge Course Group Development by Donald M. Kopf.