
Research and Development

Natural Language Generation and Style


A Dictionary of Stylistics by Katie Wales, Stylistics: A Resource Book for Students by Paul Simpson, Style as Option by Jane R. Walpole, Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature by Henry G. Widdowson, Linguistics and Literary Style by Donald C. Freeman, The Stylistics of Fiction: A Literary-linguistic Approach by Michael J. Toolan and Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose by Geoffrey N. Leech and Mick Short.

Computational Stylistics

A Preface to Computational Stylistics by Sally Y. Sedelow and Walter A. Sedelow, On Computational Stylistics: Mining Literary Texts for the Extraction of Characterizing Stylistic Patterns by Mohamed A. Boukhaled, A Computational Theory of Goal-directed Style in Syntax by Chrysanne Di Marco and Graeme Hirst, The Rest of the Story: Distilling Meaning from Stylistic Variation by Shlomo Argamon and Moshe Koppel and The Rest of the Story: Finding Meaning in Stylistic Variation by Shlomo Argamon and Moshe Koppel.

Corpus Stylistics

An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics by Graeme Kennedy, Stylistics: Corpus Approaches by Martin Wynne, Corpus Stylistics: Bridging the Gap between Linguistic and Literary Studies by Michaela Mahlberg, Stylogenetics: Clustering-based Stylistic Analysis of Literary Corpora by Kim Luyckx, Walter Daelemans and Edward Vanhoutte, Corpus Stylistics: Speech, Writing and Thought Presentation in a Corpus of English Writing by Elena Semino and Mick Short and Corpus Stylistics: A Corpus-based Study of Speech, Thought and Writing Presentation in Narratives by Elena Semino and Mick Short.

Cognitive Stylistics

Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis edited by Elena Semino and Jonathan Culpeper, Stylistics Meets Cognitive Science: Studying Style in Fiction and Readers' Attention from an Interdisciplinary Perspective by Catherine Emmott, Anthony J Sanford and E Dawydiak, Textual Choices in Discourse: A View from Cognitive Linguistics edited by Barbara Dancygier, José Sanders and Lieven Vandelanotte, A Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Mind Style in Narrative Fiction by Elena Semino, Language Understanding and the Cognitive Ergonomics of Style by Anthony J. Sanford and Linda M. Moxey and On Cognitive Poetics and Stylistics by Peter Stockwell.


Stylistics and Social Cognition by Lesley Jeffries, Dan McIntyre and Derek Bousfield, Sociolinguistic Styles by Juan M. Hernández-Campoy, Style and Sociolinguistic Variation by Penelope Eckert and John R. Rickford, Sociolinguistics: The Study of Speakers' Choices by Florian Coulmas and Language Style as Audience Design by Allan Bell.


(Neuro-) Cognitive Poetics and Computational Stylistics by Arthur M. Jacobs and Cognitive Poetics: An Introduction by Peter Stockwell.


Style versus Expression in Literary Narratives by Ozlem Uzuner and Boris Katz and Capturing Expression Using Linguistic Information by Ozlem Uzuner and Boris Katz.


Affect Detection: An Interdisciplinary Review of Models, Methods, and Their Applications by Rafael A. Calvo and Sidney D'Mello and Emotion: Stylistic Approaches by Michael Burke.

Sentiment and Opinion

Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis by Bo Pang and Lillian Lee, A Stylometric Approach for Opinion Mining by Gaël Lejeune and Frédéric Dumonceaux, Vocabulary Choice as an Indicator of Perspective by Beata Beigman Klebanov, Eyal Beigman and Daniel Diermeier and Stance, Style, and the Linguistic Individual by Barbara Johnstone.


Analysis and Generation of Formal and Informal Text by Fadi A. Sheikha and Generation of Formal and Informal Sentences by Fadi A. Sheikha and Diana Inkpen.


Language and Personality by Adrian Furnham, Automatic Recognition of Personality in Conversation by François Mairesse and Marilyn Walker, Computational Models of Personality Recognition through Language by François Mairesse and Marilyn Walker, Using Linguistic Cues for the Automatic Recognition of Personality in Conversation and Text by François Mairesse, Marilyn A. Walker, Matthias R. Mehl and Roger K. Moore, Lexical Predictors of Personality Type by Shlomo Argamon, Sushant Dhawle, Moshe Koppel and James W. Pennebaker, Identification of Author Personality Traits Using Stylistic Features by Ifrah Pervaz, Iqra Ameer, Abdul Sittar and Rao M. A. Nawab and Controlling User Perceptions of Linguistic Style: Trainable Generation of Personality Traits by François Mairesse and Marilyn A. Walker.

Author Identification

Authorship Attribution by Patrick Juola, Stylistic Analysis and Authorship Studies by Hugh Craig, Use of Language as a Cognitive Biometric Trait by Neeti Pokhriyal, Ifeoma Nwogu and Vengatesan Govindaraju, Empirical Evaluations of Language-based Author Identification Techniques by Carole E. Chaski, Automatically Profiling the Author of an Anonymous Text by Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, James W. Pennebaker and Jonathan Schler, A Survey of Modern Authorship Attribution Methods by Efstathios Stamatatos, Quantitative Authorship Attribution: An Evaluation of Techniques by Jack Grieve and A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Methods for Authorship Attribution by Matthew L. Jockers and Daniela M. Witten.


Surveying Stylometry Techniques and Applications by Tempestt Neal, Kalaivani Sundararajan, Aneez Fatima, Yiming Yan, Yingfei Xiang and Damon Woodard, Using Machine Learning Techniques for Stylometry by Congzhou H. Ramyaa and Khaled Rasheed, Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Stylometric Analysis by Urszula Stanczyk and Krzysztof A. Cyran and Explanation in Computational Stylometry by Walter Daelemans.

Style Transfer

Style Transfer in Text: Exploration and Evaluation by Zhenxin Fu, Xiaoye Tan, Nanyun Peng, Dongyan Zhao and Rui Yan, Structured Content Preservation for Unsupervised Text Style Transfer by Youzhi Tian, Zhiting Hu and Zhou Yu, Paraphrasing for Style by Wei Xu, Alan Ritter, William B. Dolan, Ralph Grishman and Colin Cherry, Effective Writing Style Imitation via Combinatorial Paraphrasing by Tommi Gröndahl and N. Asokan, Effective Writing Style Transfer via Combinatorial Paraphrasing by Tommi Gröndahl and N. Asokan, Contextual Text Style Transfer by Yu Cheng, Zhe Gan, Yizhe Zhang, Oussama Elachqar, Dianqi Li and Jingjing Liu, Disentangled Representation Learning for Non-parallel Text Style Transfer by Vineet John, Lili Mou, Hareesh Bahuleyan and Olga Vechtomova, Style Transformer: Unpaired Text Style Transfer without Disentangled Latent Representation by Ning Dai, Jianze Liang, Xipeng Qiu and Xuanjing Huang and Deep Learning for Text Style Transfer: A Survey by Di Jin, Zhijing Jin, Zhiting Hu, Olga Vechtomova and Rada Mihalcea.

Natural Language Generation

Generating Texts with Style by Richard Power, Donia Scott and Nadjet Bouayad-Agha, Generating Texts in Different Styles by Ehud Reiter and Sandra Williams, Stylistic Decision-making in Natural Language Generation by Stephen Green and Chrysanne DiMarco, Affective Natural Language Generation by Fiorella De Rosis and Floriana Grasso, Three Approaches to Generating Texts in Different Styles by Ehud Reiter and Sandra Williams, A Framework for Stylistically Controlled Generation by Daniel S. Paiva and Roger Evans, A Computational Theory of Prose Style for Natural Language Generation by David D. McDonald and James D. Pustejovsky, Sentence-level Content Planning and Style Specification for Neural Text Generation by Xinyu Hua and Lu Wang and Neural Text Generation: Past, Present and Beyond by Sidi Lu, Yaoming Zhu, Weinan Zhang, Jun Wang and Yong Yu.