Interactive Narrative and Identity
Psychology of Identity
Handbook of Identity Theory and Research edited by Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx and Vivian L. Vignoles, The Oxford Handbook of Identity Development edited by Kate C. McLean and Moin U. Syed, Handbook of Self and Identity edited by Mark R. Leary and June P. Tangney, A Developmental Social Psychology of Identity: Understanding the Person-in-context by Gerald R. Adams and Sheila K. Marshall, The Dynamic Self-concept: A Social Psychological Perspective by Hazel Markus and Elissa Wurf, The Self-concept by Viktor Gecas, Self-concept by John Hattie, Self-concept and Identity by Daphna Oyserman, Self and Identity by William B. Swann and Jennifer K. Bosson and Identity Work: Processes and Dynamics of Identity Formations by Nic Beech, Robert MacIntosh and Peter McInnes.
Sociology of Identity
Mind, Self and Society by George H. Mead, Identity Theory and Social Identity Theory by Jan E. Stets and Peter J. Burke, A Narrative Approach to Collective Identities by Andrew D. Brown, Memory, Identity, Community: The Idea of Narrative in the Human Sciences edited by Lewis P. Hinchman and Sandra Hinchman, Social Identity by Richard Jenkins and Identity: Sociological Perspectives by Steph Lawler.
Narrative Identity
Narrative Identity by Dan P. McAdams and Kate C. McLean, Narrative Identity and Meaning Making Across the Adult Lifespan: An Introduction by Jefferson A. Singer, The Stories We Live By: Personal Myths and the Making of the Self by Dan P. McAdams, The Psychology of Life Stories by Dan P. McAdams, The Content and Processes of Autobiographical Reasoning in Narrative Identity by Kate C. McLean and Marc A. Fournier, How Stories Make Sense of Personal Experiences: Motives That Shape Autobiographical Narratives by Roy F. Baumeister and Leonard S. Newman, The Narrative Constitution of Identity: A Relational and Network Approach by Margaret R. Somers, Selves Creating Stories Creating Selves: A Process Model of Self-development by Kate C. McLean, Monisha Pasupathi and Jennifer L. Pals, The Construction of Meaning from Life Events: Empirical Studies of Personal Narratives by Kristin L. Sommer, Roy F. Baumeister and Tyler F. Stillman, Narrative Identity and Narrative Therapy by Dan P. McAdams and Lisa Janis and Theorizing Narrative Identity: Symbolic Interactionism and Hermeneutics by Douglas Ezzy.
Narrative Inquiry
Stories of Experience and Narrative Inquiry by F. Michael Connelly and D. Jean Clandinin, Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences by Donald E. Polkinghorne, Acts of Meaning by Jerome S. Bruner, The Narrative Construction of Reality by Jerome S. Bruner, Narrative Analysis by Catherine K. Riessman, Narrative Analysis: Studying the Development of Individuals in Society by Cynthia G. Lightfoot, Using Narrative in Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches by Jane Elliott and Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences by Catherine K. Riessman.
Identity-based Motivation
Self-narratives as Sources of Motivation by Jerzy Trzebinski.
Moral Identity
Narrative Identity and Moral Identity: A Practical Perspective by Kim Atkins, Moral Identity: Its Role in Moral Functioning by Augusto Blasi, Identity as a Source of Moral Motivation by Sam A. Hardy and Gustavo Carlo and The Development of Moral Identity by Daniel Hart.
Future and Possible Selves
Possible Selves: Theory, Research and Applications by Curtis Dunkel and Jennifer Kerpelman, Possible Identities by Daphna Oyserman and Leah James, The Meaning of the Future: Toward a More Specific Definition of Possible Selves by Martin G. Erikson, Possible Selves and Performance: The Power of Self-relevant Imagery by Ann P. Ruvolo and Hazel R. Markus, Temporal Comparisons, Identity, and Motivation: The Relation between Past, Present, and Possible Future Selves by Erin J. Strahan and Anne E. Wilson, Possible Selves as a Mechanism for Identity Exploration by Curt S. Dunkel, Possible Selves and the Psychology of Personal Growth by Elissa Wurf and Hazel Markus and The Context-sensitive Future Self: Possible Selves Motivate in Context, Not Otherwise by Daphna Oyserman, Mesmin Destin and Sheida Novin.
An Introduction to Decision Theory by Martin Peterson, Decision Theory: Principles and Approaches by Giovanni Parmigiani and Lurdes Inoue, Decision Making: Descriptive, Normative, and Prescriptive Interactions by David E. Bell, Decision Theory in Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence by Eric J. Horvitz, John S. Breese and Max Henrion, Decision Analysis: Applied Decision Theory by Ronald A. Howard, Decision Analysis: An Overview by Ralph L. Keeney, Decision Analysis: Practice and Promise by Ronald A. Howard, Decision Analysis and Expert Systems by Max Henrion, John S. Breese and Eric J. Horvitz, Foundations of Decision Analysis by Ronald A. Howard and Ali E. Abbas, Decision Making in Action: Models and Methods edited by Gary A. Klein, Judith Orasanu, Roberta Calderwood and Caroline E. Zsambok and Naturalistic Decision Making edited by Caroline E. Zsambok and Gary A. Klein.
Identification and Transportation
Defining Identification: A Theoretical Look at the Identification of Audiences with Media Characters by Jonathan Cohen, Identification with Characters and Narrative Persuasion through Fictional Feature Films by Juan-José Igartua, Identification as a Mechanism of Narrative Persuasion by Anneke de Graaf, Hans Hoeken, José Sanders and Johannes W. J. Beentjes, Understanding Media Enjoyment: The Role of Transportation into Narrative Worlds by Melanie C. Green, Timothy C. Brock and Geoff F. Kaufman and Understanding Audience Involvement: Conceptualizing and Manipulating Identification and Transportation by Nurit Tal-Or and Jonathan Cohen.
The Functions of Role-playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity by Sarah L. Bowman, Narrative and Identity in Fantasy Role-playing Games by Ken Lacy, My Avatar, My Self: Identity in Video Role-playing Games by Zach Waggoner and Playing at Being: Psychoanalysis and the Avatar by Bob Rehak.
Experiential Learning
Experience and Education by John Dewey, A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning: Theory and Practice by Jennifer A. Moon, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development by David A. Kolb, Experiential Learning in Teams by Anna B. Kayes, D. Christopher Kayes and David A. Kolb, The Learning Way: Meta-cognitive Aspects of Experiential Learning by Alice Y. Kolb and David A. Kolb and The Learning Way: Learning from Experience as the Path to Lifelong Learning and Development by Angela M. Passarelli and David A. Kolb.