
Research and Development

Mixed-initiative Dialogue Systems and Sociocognitive Pragmatics

Cognitive Neuroscience

Brain Imaging in Communication Research: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Evaluating fMRI Studies by René Weber, J. Michael Mangus and Richard Huskey, Interindividual Synchronization of Brain Activity during Live Verbal Communication by Kai Spiegelhalder, Sabine Ohlendorf, Wolfram Regen, Bernd Feige, Ludger Tebartz van Elst, Cornelius Weiller, Jürgen Hennig, Mathias Berger and Oliver Tüscher, Speaker–listener Neural Coupling Underlies Successful Communication by Greg J. Stephens, Lauren J. Silbert and Uri Hasson, Brain-to-brain Coupling: A Mechanism for Creating and Sharing a Social World by Uri Hasson, Asif A. Ghazanfar, Bruno Galantucci, Simon Garrod and Christian Keysers, Toward a Unified Account of Comprehension and Production in Language Development by Stewart M. McCauley and Morten H. Christiansen, An Integrated Theory of Language Production and Comprehension by Martin J. Pickering and Simon Garrod and Neural Integration of Language Production and Comprehension by Martin J. Pickering and Simon Garrod.

Attention, Communication and the Evolution of Language

Attention and the Evolution of Intentional Communication by Ingar Brinck, The Attention System of Language by Leonard Talmy, The Psychology of Attention by Elizabeth Styles, The Role of Attention in Cognition by Herbert A. Simon, Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention edited by Michael I. Posner, Joint Attention and Language Evolution by Johan Kwisthout, Paul Vogt, Pim Haselager and Ton Dijkstra, Modelling the Coevolution of Joint Attention and Language by Tao Gong and Lan Shuai, Contextual Sources of Information and Responses to Animal Communication Signals by Daniel W. Leger, Message, Meaning, and Context in Ethology by W. John Smith, Synthetic Ethology and the Evolution of Cooperative Communication by Bruce J. MacLennan and Gordon M. Burghardt, Perceiving While Being Perceived by Patrizia Marti, Modelling Social Interaction as Perceptual Crossing: An Investigation into the Dynamics of the Interaction Process by Tom Froese and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Designing for Perceptual Crossing to Improve User Involvement by Eva Deckers, Stephan Wensveen, René Ahn and Kees Overbeeke, Designing for Perceptual Crossing: Applying and Evaluating Design Notions by Eva Deckers, Pierre Lévy, Stephan Wensveen, René Ahn and Kees Overbeeke and Theory of Mind as a Mechanism of Selective Attention by A. M. Leslie.

Computational Approaches to Theory of Mind

The Role of Language in Theory of Mind Development by Jill G. de Villiers, Developmental Relationships between Language and Theory of Mind by Carol A. Miller, Developmental Accounts of Theory-of-mind Acquisition: Achieving Clarity via Computational Cognitive Modeling by Paul Bello and Nicholas Cassimatis, Towards a Theory of Mind for Ethical Software Agents by Catriona Kennedy, Modeling Agents with a Theory of Mind by Maaike Harbers, Karel van den Bosch and John-Jules Meyer, Double Appraisal for Synthetic Characters by Sandy Louchart, Ruth Aylett and Joao Dias, If I Were You: Double Appraisal in Affective Agents by Ruth Aylett and Sandy Louchart, Reasoning about Reasoning by Nested Conditioning: Modeling Theory of Mind with Probabilistic Programs by Andreas Stuhlmüller and N. D. Goodman, Bayesian Theory of Mind: Modeling Human Reasoning about Beliefs, Desires, Goals, and Social Relations by Chris L. Baker, Neural Correlates of Mentalizing-related Computations during Strategic Interactions in Humans by Alan N. Hampton, Peter Bossaerts and John P. O’Doherty, Mentalizing under Uncertainty: Dissociated Neural Responses to Ambiguous and Unambiguous Mental State Inferences by Adrianna C. Jenkins and Jason P. Mitchell, The Power of Simulation: Imagining One’s Own and Other’s Behavior by Jean Decety and Julie Grèzes, Modeling Agents with a Theory of Mind: Theory–theory versus Simulation Theory by Maaike Harbers, Karel van den Bosch and John-Jules Meyer, Cognitive Foundations for a Computational Theory of Mindreading by Paul Bello, David Griol and Ramón López-Cózar, Agent-based Models for Higher-order Theory of Mind by Harmen de Weerd, Rineke Verbrugge and Bart Verheij, A Computational Model of Second-order Social Reasoning by Leendert Van Maanen and Rineke Verbrugge and The Facilitative Effect of Context on Second-order Social Reasoning by Ben Meijering, Leendert Van Maanen, Hedderik Van_Rijn and Rineke Verbrugge.

Modeling and Inferring Beliefs and Intentions

Shared Representations of Belief and Their Effects on Action Selection: A Preliminary Computational Cognitive Model by Paul Bello, Inferring Beliefs from Actions by Itai Arieli and Manuel Mueller-Frank, Understanding Actions in Relation to Goals by C. Foss and G. Bower, Plan Recognition in Natural Language Dialogue by Sandra Carberry, Plan Recognition and Discourse Analysis: An Integrated Approach for Understanding Dialogues by Diane Litman, The Plan Recognition Problem: An Intersection of Psychology and Artificial Intelligence by Charles F. Schmidt, N. S. Sridharan and John L. Goodson, Generalized Plan Recognition by Henry A. Kautz and James F. Allen, Techniques for Plan Recognition by Sandra Carberry, Fast and Complete Symbolic Plan Recognition by Dorit Avrahami-Zilberbrand and Gal A. Kaminka, Plan Recognition for Context Sensitive Help by Klaus-Jürgen Quast, Plan Recognition as Planning by Miquel Ramırez and Hector Geffner, Inference to the Best Plan: A Coherence Theory of Decision by Paul Thagard and Elijah Millgram, A Model of Plan Inference That Distinguishes between the Beliefs of Actors and Observers by Martha E. Pollack, A Conceptual Modelling Approach to the Implementation of Beliefs and Intentions by Ralph Meyer, Analyzing Intention in Utterances by James F. Allen and C. Raymond Perrault, Intentions in Communication edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan and Martha E. Pollack and The Perceived Intentionality of Groups by Paul Bloom and Csaba Veres.


Metarepresentation in Philosophy and Psychology by Sam Scott, Metarepresentation in Linguistic Communication by Deirdre Wilson, Metarepresentations in an Evolutionary Perspective by Dan Sperber, Metarepresentation: A Relevance-theory Approach by Eun-Ju Noh and Translation, Metarepresentation and Claims of Interpretive Resemblance by Ernst-August Gutt.

Common Ground and Computational Approaches

Activating, Seeking, and Creating Common Ground: A Socio-cognitive Approach by Istvan Kecskes and Fenghui Zhang, Building Common Ground and Interacting through Natural Language by Arthi Murugesan, Wende K. Frost, Derek P. Brock and Dennis Perzanowski, On Three Notions of Grounding of Artificial Dialog Companions by Andy Lücking and Alexander Mehler, Verbal Practices of Perspective Grounding by Werner Kallmeyer, Dialogue Management in Spoken Dialogue Systems with Degrees of Grounding by Antonio Roque and David R. Traum, Improving a Virtual Human Using a Model of Degrees of Grounding by Antonio Roque and David R. Traum, Degrees of Grounding Based on Evidence of Understanding by Antonio Roque and David Traum, An Empirically Based Computational Model of Grounding in Dialogue by Harry Bunt, Roser Morante and Simon Keizer, Computational Models of Grounding in Collaborative Systems by David R. Traum, Common Ground and Coordination in Joint Activity by Gary Klein, Paul J. Feltovich, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw and David D. Woods and Shared Experiences, Shared Representations, and the Implications for Applied Natural Language Processing by Amanda J. Stent.


The Intersubjective Nature of Symbols by Alex Gillespie, Intersubjectivity: Towards a Dialogical Analysis by Alex Gillespie and Flora Cornish, Approaching Dialogue: Talk, Interaction and Contexts in Dialogical Perspectives by Per Linell, Constructions of Intersubjectivity: Discourse, Syntax, and Cognition by Arie Verhagen, Enacting Intersubjectivity – a Cognitive and Social Perspective on the Study of Interactions by Hanne De Jaegher and Ezequiel Di Paolo, Solving Ambiguities with Perspective Taking by Raquel Ros, Emrah A. Sisbot, Rachid Alami, Jasmin Steinwender, Katharina Hamann and Felix Warneken, Perceptual Perspective Taking and Action Recognition by Matthew Johnson and Yiannis Demiris, Using Perspective Taking to Learn from Ambiguous Demonstrations by Cynthia Breazeal, Matt Berlin, Andrew Brooks, Jesse Gray and Andrea L. Thomaz, A Survey of Robot Learning from Demonstration by Brenna D. Argall, Sonia Chernova, Manuela Veloso and Brett Browning, Perspective Taking: An Organizing Principle for Learning in Human-robot Interaction by Matt Berlin, Jesse Gray, Andrea Lockerd Thomaz and Cynthia Breazeal and Intersubjectivity in Human–agent Interaction by Justine Cassell and Andrea Tartaro.

Cognitive Semantics

Cognitive Semantics by George Lakoff, Cognitive Semantics: Meaning and Cognition edited by Jens S. Allwood and Peter Gärdenfors, Blending and Coded Meaning: Literal and Figurative Meaning in Cognitive Semantics by Seana Coulson and Todd Oakley, Context-independent and Context-dependent Information in Concepts by Lawrence W. Barsalou, Categories and Concepts by Edward E. Smith and Douglas L. Medin, Concepts and Categorization by Robert L. Goldstone and Alan Kersten, Ad Hoc Categories by Lawrence W. Barsalou, Deriving Categories to Achieve Goals by Lawrence W. Barsalou and Representation at Different Levels in a Conceptual Hierarchy by Wouter Voorspoels, Gert Storms and Wolf Vanpaemel.

Lexical Pragmatics

From Cognitive Semantics to Lexical Pragmatics: The Functional Polysemy of Discourse Particles by Kerstin Fischer, Polysemy and the Creation of Novel Word Meanings by Gregory L. Murphy, Ad Hoc Concepts, Word Meaning and Communication by Deirdre Wilson, Ad Hoc Concepts, Linguistically Encoded Meaning and Explicit Content: Some Remarks on Relevance Theoretic Perspective by Ewa Mioduszewska, A Unitary Approach to Lexical Pragmatics: Relevance, Inference and Ad Hoc Concepts by Deirdre Wilson and Robyn Carston, Lexical Underspecification and Pragmatics by Reinhard Blutner and Lexical Pragmatics by Reinhard Blutner.

Lexical Pragmatics and Metaphor

Lexical Pragmatics, Ad Hoc Concepts and Metaphor: From a Relevance Theory Perspective by Robyn Carston, Ad Hoc Conceptual Construction and Metaphoric Interpretation by Esther Romero and Belén Soria, Ad Hoc Concept as Source Domain in Novel Metaphor by Esther Romero and Belén Soria and Metaphor: Ad Hoc Concepts, Literal Meaning and Mental Images by Robyn Carston.

Shared Mental Models

Improvised Dialogues: Emergence and Creativity in Conversation by R. Keith Sawyer, The Pragmatics of Play: Interactional Strategies during Children’s Pretend Play by Keith Sawyer, Anchoring Social Symbol Grounding in Children’s Interactions by Paul Vogt and J. Douglas Mastin, Mental Models edited by Dedre Gentner and Albert L. Stevens, Mental Models: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis of Theory and Methods by Natalie Jones, Helen Ross, Timothy Lynam, Pascal Perez and Anne Leitch, Shared Mental Models by Catholijn M. Jonker, M. Birna van Riemsdijk and Bas Vermeulen, Realistic Cognitive Load Modeling for Enhancing Shared Mental Models in Human-agent Collaboration by Xiaocong Fan and John Yen, Modeling Cognitive Loads for Evolving Shared Mental Models in Human–agent Collaboration by Xiaocong Fan and John Yen, Shared Mental Models in Improvisational Digital Characters by Brian Magerko, Peter Dohogne and Daniel Fuller, A Formal Architecture of Shared Mental Models for Computational Improvisational Agents by Rania Hodhod, Andreya Piplica and Brian Magerko, Shared Mental Models in Improvisational Digital Characters by Brian Magerko, Peter Dohogne and Daniel Fuller, Reaching Cognitive Consensus with Improvisational Agents by Rania Hodhod and Brian Magerko, A Computational Model for Finding the Tilt in an Improvised Scene by António Brisson, Brian Magerko and Ana Paiva, Tilt Riders: Improvisational Agents Who Know What the Scene Is About by António Brisson, Brian Magerko and Ana Paiva and What Are We Playing At? Theatre, Organization, and the Use of Metaphor by Joep P. Cornelissen.

Ambiguity in Natural Language

Ambiguity Identification and Measurement in Natural Language Texts by Mariano Ceccato, Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya, Nicola Zeni, Luisa Mich and Daniel M. Berry, Ambiguity in Natural Language: An Investigation of Certain Problems in Its Linguistic Description by Jan G. Kooij, Automatic Identification of Nocuous Ambiguity by Alistair Willis, Francis Chantree and Anne De Roeck, A Methodology for Automatic Identification of Nocuous Ambiguity by Hui Yang, Anne De Roeck, Alistair Willis and Bashar Nuseibeh, Ambiguity Management in Natural Language Generation by Hadar Shemtov and Martin Kay, Efficient Construction of Underspecified Semantics under Massive Ambiguity by Jochen Dörre, Formal Investigations of Underspecified Representations by Christian Ebert, Generation of Paraphrases from Ambiguous Logical Forms by Hadar Shemtov, Ambiguity Preserving Machine Translation Using Packed Representations by Martin C. Emele and Michael Dorna and Lexical Disambiguation in a Discourse Context by Nicholas Asher and Alex Lascaridesy.

Detecting and Correcting Misunderstandings

Communication and Miscommunication by Bradley A. Goodman, Recognition and Repair of Communicative Failures: A Developmental Perspective by Francesca M. Bosco, Monica Bucciarelli and Bruno G. Bara, Repairing Conversational Misunderstandings and Non-understandings by Graeme Hirst, Susan McRoy, Peter Heeman, Philip Edmonds and Diane Horton, The Interactional Handling of Misunderstanding in Everyday Conversations by Carla Bazzanella and Rossana Damiano, Modelling Human Clarification Strategies by Svetlana Stoyanchev, Alex Liu and Julia B. Hirschberg, Misunderstandings and Explicit / Implicit Communication by Francisco Yus, Towards Overcoming Miscommunication in Situated Dialogue by Asking Questions by Matthew Marge and Alexander I. Rudnicky, Clarification Questions with Feedback by Svetlana Stoyanchev, Alex Liu and Julia B. Hirschberg, Abductive Explanation of Dialogue Misunderstandings by Susan McRoy and Graeme Hirst and The Repair of Speech Act Misunderstandings by Abductive Inference by Susan W. McRoy and Graeme Hirst.


Communication and Metacommunication in Human Development edited by Janice Koch, Angela Uchoa Branco, Jaan Valsiner and Beverly J. Irby, The Development of Social Interaction, Play, and Metacommunication in Mammals: An Ethological Perspective by Marc Bekoff, Peer Interactions, Language Development and Metacommunication by Angela U. Branco, Metacommunication: A Re-examination and Extension by William W. Wilmot, Dialogue‐games: Metacommunication Structures for Natural Language Interaction by James A. Levin and James A. Moore and An Approach to Metacommunication in Human-computer Interaction by Maurice J. Tauber.

Lexical Alignment and Entrainment

Lexical Entrainment in Spontaneous Dialog by Susan E. Brennan, How Entrainment Increases Dialogical Efficiency by Robert Porzel, Annika Scheffler and Rainer Malaka, Conceptual Pacts, Syntactic Priming, and Referential Form by Kathleen Carbary and Michael Tanenhaus, Anchoring Comprehension in Linguistic Precedents by Dale J. Barr and Boaz Keysar, Linguistic Alignment in Natural Language Generation by Gabrielle M. Halberg, Adaptive Expressiveness: Virtual Conversational Agents That Can Align to Their Interaction Partner by Hendrik Buschmeier, Kirsten Bergmann and Stefan Kopp, Speaking More like You: Lexical, Acoustic / Prosodic, and Discourse Entrainment in Spoken Dialogue Systems by Julia Hirschberg, Syntactic Alignment between Computers and People: The Role of Belief about Mental States by Holly P. Branigan, Martin J. Pickering, Jamie Pearson, Janet F. McLean and Clifford Nass, Learning Words from Context by William E. Nagy, Patricia A. Herman and Richard C. Anderson, Most Vocabulary Is Learned from Context by Robert J. Sternberg, Societal Grounding Is Essential to Meaningful Language Use by David DeVault, Iris Oved and Matthew Stone, Lexical Entrainment in Spoken Dialog Systems by José D. Á. Lopes, Towards Choosing Better Primes for Spoken Dialog Systems by José Lopes, Maxine Eskenazi and Isabel Trancoso and Measuring Convergence and Priming in Tutorial Dialog by Arthur Ward and Diane Litman.