
Research and Development

Artificial Mental Simulation

Cognitive Architectures

The Architecture of Cognition by John R. Anderson, The Study of Cognitive Architecture by Zenon Pylyshyn, The Role of Cognitive Architecture in Theories of Cognition by Zenon Pylyshyn, Biologically Based Computational Models of High-level Cognition by Randall C. O’Reilly, A Survey of Bio‐inspired and Other Alternative Architectures by Dan Hammerstrom, Extending the Computational Abilities of the Procedural Learning Mechanism in ACT-R by Wai-Tat Fu and John R. Anderson, Extending Cognitive Architectures with Semantic Resources by Alessandro Oltramari and Christian Lebiere, Large Declarative Memories in ACT-R by Scott Douglass, Jerry Ball and Stuart Rodgers, Extending Cognitive Architecture with Episodic Memory by Andrew M. Nuxoll and John E. Laird, The Design of Procedural, Semantic, and Episodic Memory Systems for a Cognitive Robot by Will Dodd, Extending Cognitive Architectures with Spatial and Visual Imagery Mechanisms by Scott D. Lathrop, Multimodal Representations as Basis for Cognitive Architecture by Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, Design and Use of a Bimodal Cognitive Architecture for Diagrammatic Reasoning and Cognitive Modeling by Unmesh Kurup, Spatial Problem Solving for Diagrammatic Reasoning by Bonny Banerjee, Integrating Constraint Satisfaction and Spatial Reasoning by Unmesh Kurup and Nicholas L. Cassimatis, Augmenting Cognitive Architectures to Support Diagrammatic Imagination by Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, Bonny Banerjee, Unmesh Kurup and Omkar Lele, Extending Cognitive Architectures with Mental Imagery by Scott D. Lathrop and John E. Laird, Exploring the Functional Advantages of Spatial and Visual Cognition from an Architectural Perspective by Scott D. Lathrop, Samuel B. Wintermute and John E. Laird, Imagery in Cognitive Architecture: Representation and Control at Multiple Levels of Abstraction by Samuel B. Wintermute, Abstraction, Imagery, and Control in Cognitive Architecture by Samuel B. Wintermute, A Cognitive Architecture that Combines Internal Simulation with a Global Workspace by Murray Shanahan, From Episodic Memory to Narrative in a Cognitive Architecture by Tory Anderson, Towards Narrative-based Knowledge Representation in Cognitive Systems by Nicolas Szilas, An Architecture of Narrative Memory by Carlos León, Toward a Situation Model in a Cognitive Architecture by Stuart M. Rodgers, Christopher W. Myers, Jerry Ball and Mary D. Freiman, Modeling Meta-cognition in a Cognitive Architecture by Ron Sun, Xi Zhang and Robert Mathews and Using Meta-cognition for Regulating Explanatory Quality through a Cognitive Architecture by John Licato, Ron Sun and Selmer Bringsjord.

Scientific Modeling

Models and Metaphors: Studies in Language and Philosophy by Max Black, The Cognitive Basis of Model-based Reasoning in Science by Nancy J. Nersessian, Models and Representation by Richard I. G. Hughes, How Models are Used to Represent Reality by Ronald N. Giere, Models for Understanding by Richard E. Mayer, How Scientific Models Can Explain by Alisa Bokulich and Simulation and Similarity: Using Models to Understand the World by Michael Weisberg.

Computer Simulation

Simulation Modeling and Analysis by W. David Kelton and Averill M. Law, A Guide to Simulation by Paul Bratley, Bennet L. Fox and Linus E. Schrage, Handbook of Simulation edited by Jerry Banks, Systems Simulation: The Art and Science by Robert E. Shannon, Systems Modeling and Computer Simulation edited by Naim Kheir, Computer-simulation Methods by Dieter W. Heermann, Modeling and Simulation by Hartmut Bossel and Simulations, Models, and Theories: Complex Physical Systems and Their Representations by Eric Winsberg.

Mental Models

Simulation Theory and Mental Concepts by Alvin I. Goldman, Natural Language, Cognitive Models, and Simulation by Howard W. Beck and Paul A. Fishwick, Multiple Conceptual Models of a Complex System by Albert L. Stevens and Allan Collins, Abstraction and Context in Concept Representation by James A. Hampton, Context-independent and Context-dependent Information in Concepts by Lawrence W. Barsalou, The Effect of Context on the Structure of Categories by Emilie M. Roth and Edward J. Shoben, Ad Hoc Categories by Lawrence W. Barsalou, Construal Level Theory by Yaacov Trope and Nira Liberman, Imagistic Simulation in Scientific Model Construction by John Clement, The Role of Imagistic Simulation in Scientific Thought Experiments by John J. Clement, Thought Experiments in Scientific Reasoning by Andrew D. Irvine, Simulation as an Engine of Physical Scene Understanding by Peter W. Battaglia, Jessica B. Hamrick and Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Evolution of Design Intuition and Synthesis Using Simulation Enriched Qualitative Cognitive Models by Satish Chandra, Mental Models and Thought Experiments by Nenad Miščević, Thought Experiments and Fictional Narratives by David Davies, Mental Models in Narrative Comprehension by Gordon H. Bower and Daniel G. Morrow, Cognitive Structures in Comprehension and Memory of Narrative Discourse by Perry W. Thorndyke, The History of Mental Models by Philip N. Johnson-Laird, Mental Models: Towards a Cognitive Science of Language, Inference, and Consciousness by Philip N. Johnson-Laird, Mental Model of Dynamic Systems by Stefan N. Groesser and Mental Models of Complex Systems: Structure and Function by Julie Heiser and Barbara Tversky.

Situation Models

The Formation of Situation Models in Multimedia by Kris Gunawan, Perceptual Components of Situation Models by Rebecca Fincher-Kiefer, Differential Roles for Visuospatial and Verbal Working Memory in Situation Model Construction by Naomi P. Friedman and Akira Miyake, The Role of Visuospatial Resources in Generating Predictive and Bridging Inferences by Rebecca Fincher-Kiefer and Paul R. D’Agostino, Situated Simulation in the Human Conceptual System by Lawrence Barsalou, Situation Models and Concepts in Story Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser and Katja Wiemer-Hastings, Embodied Cognition, Perceptual Symbols, and Situation Models by Rolf A. Zwaan, Situation Models the Mental Leap into Imagined Worlds by Rolf A. Zwaan, Situation Models and Point of View in Narrative Understanding by Daniel Morrow, Changes in Situation Models Modulate Processes of Event Perception in Audiovisual Narratives by Markus Huff, Tino G. K. Meitz and Frank Papenmeier, Where Semiosis Begins When Reading a Text: On Event Perception by Gisela Bruche-Schulz, Event Perception: A Mind-brain Perspective by Jeffrey M. Zacks, Nicole K. Speer, Khena M. Swallow, Todd S. Braver and Jeremy R. Reynolds, Event Structure in Perception and Conception by Jeffrey M. Zacks and Barbara Tversky, Event Perception by Gabriel A. Radvansky and Jeffrey M. Zacks, Updating Situation Models during Narrative Comprehension by Daniel G. Morrow, Gordon H. Bower and Steven L. Greenspan, Working Memory and Situation Model Updating by Gabriel A. Radvansky and David E. Copeland, Updating a Situation Model: A Memory-based Text Processing View by Edward J. O’Brien, Michelle L. Rizzella, Jason E. Albrecht and Jennifer G. Halleran, Revising What Readers Know: Updating Text Representations during Narrative Comprehension by David N. Rapp and Panayiota Kendeou, Modifying Mental Representations: Comprehending Corrections by Hollyn M. Johnson and Colleen M. Seifert, Updating Accounts Following a Correction of Misinformation by Hollyn M. Johnson and Colleen M. Seifert, Editing Episodic Memory following the Identification of Error by A. L. Wilkes and M. Leatherbarrow, The Organization of Information Retrieved from Situation Models by Gabriel A. Radvansky, Goal-based Accessibility of Entities within Situation Models by Mike Rinck and Gordon H. Bower, Mental Models Contribute to Foregrounding during Text Comprehension by Arthur M. Glenberg, Marion Meyer and Karen Lindem and Multidimensional Situation Models by Mike Rinck.

Mental Simulation

Handbook of Imagination and Mental Simulation edited by Keith D. Markman, William M. P. Klein and Julie A. Suhr, Situated Conceptualization by Lawrence W. Barsalou, Situated Simulation in the Human Conceptual System by Lawrence Barsalou, Simulation as an Engine of Physical Scene Understanding by Peter W. Battaglia, Jessica B. Hamrick and Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Imagistic Simulation in Scientific Model Construction by John Clement, Evolution of Design Intuition and Synthesis Using Simulation Enriched Qualitative Cognitive Models by Satish Chandra, Reading Imaginatively: The Imagination in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Literary Studies by Emily T. Troscianko, Imagination and Simulation in Audience Responses to Fiction by Alvin I. Goldman, Mental Imagery in the Experience of Literary Narrative: Views from Embodied Cognition by Anežka Kuzmičová, Thought Experiments and Fictional Narratives by David Davies, The Immersed Experiencer: Toward an Embodied Theory of Language Comprehension by Rolf A. Zwaan, Embodied Experience and Linguistic Meaning by Raymond W. Gibbs, The Experiential View of Language Comprehension by Barbara Kaup, Rolf A. Zwaan and Jana Lüdtke, Understanding Scene Descriptions as Event Simulations by David L. Waltz, Imagination in Narratives by Herbert H. Clark and Mija M. Van Der Wege and Mental Simulation in Literal and Figurative Language Understanding by Benjamin Bergen.


The Attention System of the Human Brain by Michael I. Posner and Steven E. Petersen, Coordination of Voluntary and Stimulus-driven Attentional Control in Human Cortex by John T. Serences, Sarah Shomstein, Andrew B. Leber, Xavier Golay, Howard E. Egeth and Steven Yantis, Goal-directed and Stimulus-driven Determinants of Attentional Control by Steven Yantis, Multiple Spotlights of Attentional Selection in Human Visual Cortex by Stephanie A. McMains and David C. Somers, Modeling the Influence of Task on Attention by Vidhya Navalpakkam and Laurent Itti, Attention Improves Encoding of Task-relevant Features in the Human Visual Cortex by Janneke F. M. Jehee, Devin K. Brady and Frank Tong, Goal-directed Attention Alters the Tuning of Object-based Representations in Extrastriate Cortex by Anthony J-W. Chen, Michael Britton, Gary R. Turner, Jason Vytlacil, Todd W. Thompson and Mark D’Esposito, Attention Modulates Spatial Priority Maps in the Human Occipital, Parietal and Frontal Cortices by Thomas C. Sprague and John T. Serences, Frontal and Parietal Cortical Interactions with Distributed Visual Representations during Selective Attention and Action Selection by Natalie Nelissen, Mark Stokes, Anna C. Nobre and Matthew F. S. Rushworth, Top-down versus Bottom-up Control of Attention in the Prefrontal and Posterior Parietal Cortices by Timothy J. Buschman and Earl K. Miller, Where Bottom-up Meets Top-down: Neuronal Interactions during Perception and Imagery by Andrea Mechelli, Cathy J. Price, Karl J. Friston and Alumit Ishai, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Sustained Attention: Where Top-down Meets Bottom-up by Martin Sarter, Ben Givens and John P. Bruno, Top-down Attention Regulates the Neural Expression of Audiovisual Integration by Luis M. Fernández, Maya Visser, Noelia V. Campos, César Á. Rivera and Salvador Soto-Faraco, Mechanisms of Top-down Attention by Farhan Baluch and Laurent Itti, Top-down Control of Visual Attention by Behrad Noudoost, Mindy H. Chang, Nicholas A. Steinmetz and Tirin Moore, Attention during Natural Vision Warps Semantic Representation across the Human Brain by Tolga Çukur, Shinji Nishimoto, Alexander G. Huth and Jack L. Gallant, Spatial Attention Improves the Quality of Population Codes in Human Visual Cortex by Sameer Saproo and John T. Serences, Neural Mechanisms of Top-down Control during Spatial and Feature Attention by B. Giesbrecht, M. G. Woldorff, A. W. Song and G. R. Mangun, Neural Substrates of Perceptual Enhancement by Cross-modal Spatial Attention by John J. Mcdonald, Wolfgang A. Teder-Sälejärvi, Francesco Di Russo and Steven A. Hillyard, A Taxonomy of External and Internal Attention by Marvin M. Chun, Julie D. Golomb and Nicholas B. Turk-Browne, Orienting Attention to Locations in Perceptual versus Mental Representations by Anna C. Nobre, Jennifer T. Coull, Pierre Maquet, Christopher D. Frith, Rik Vandenberghe and M. M. Mesulam, Cognitive Control of Attention in the Human Brain: Insights from Orienting Attention to Mental Representations by Jöran Lepsien and Anna C. Nobre, Orienting Attention to Locations in Internal Representations by Ivan C. Griffin and Anna C. Nobre, Directing Spatial Attention to Locations within Remembered and Imagined Mental Representations by Simon G. Gosling and Duncan E. Astle, Directing Spatial Attention in Mental Representations: Interactions between Attentional Orienting and Working-memory Load by Jöran Lepsien, Ivan C. Griffin, Joseph T. Devlin and Anna C. Nobre, Decoding the Internal Focus of Attention by Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock and Bradley R. Postle, Neuroimaging of Mental Imagery: An Introduction by Michel Denis, Emmanuel Mellet and Stephen Kosslyn, A Treatise on the Mind’s Eye: An Empirical Investigation of Visual Mental Imagery by George W. Baylor, Towards a Model of the Mind’s Eye’s Movement by John Jonides, Further Toward a Model of the Mind’s Eye’s Movement by John Jonides, Voluntary versus Automatic Control over the Mind’s Eye’s Movement by John Jonides, Attention and Consciousness by Felipe de Brigard and Jesse Prinz, The Attentional Requirements of Consciousness by Michael A. Cohen, Patrick Cavanagh, Marvin M. Chun and Ken Nakayama and Unifying Theories of Consciousness, Attention, and Conscious Attention by Harry H. Haladjian and Carlos Montemayor.


First Attention Then Intention: Insights from Computational Neuroscience of Vision by Milica Milosavljevic and Moran Cerf, The Psychology of Volition by Chris Frith, Searching for the Neural Correlates of Conscious Intention by Michel Desmurget, Default Network Activity, Coupled with the Frontoparietal Control Network, Supports Goal-directed Cognition by R. Nathan Spreng, W. Dale Stevens, Jon P. Chamberlain, Adrian W. Gilmore and Daniel L. Schacter, Solving Future Problems: Default Network and Executive Activity Associated with Goal-directed Mental Simulations by Kathy D. Gerlach, R. Nathan Spreng, Adrian W. Gilmore and Daniel L. Schacter, Voluntary Action and Conscious Awareness by Patrick Haggard, Sam Clark and Jeri Kalogeras and Voluntary versus Automatic Control over the Mind’s Eye’s Movement by John Jonides.


Episodic Memory and Autonoetic Awareness by Mark A. Wheeler, Anoetic, Noetic, and Autonoetic Metacognition by Janet Metcalfe and Lisa K. Son, Awareness Shaping or Shaped by Prediction and Postdiction: Editorial by Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe and Makoto Miyazaki, The Experience of Agency: An Interplay between Prediction and Postdiction by Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau and Martin Voss, Effect of Subjective Perspective Taking during Simulation of Action: A PET Investigation of Agency by Perrine Ruby and Jean Decety, New Frontiers in the Neuroscience of the Sense of Agency by Nicole David, The Neural Processes Underlying Self-agency by Fatta B. Nahab, Prantik Kundu, Cecile Gallea, John Kakareka, Randy Pursley, Tom Pohida, Nathaniel Miletta, Jason Friedman and Mark Hallett, How We Recognize Our Own Actions by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Spatio-temporal Prediction Modulates the Perception of Self-produced Stimuli by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Chris D. Frith and Daniel M. Wolpert, The “Sense of Agency” and Its Underlying Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms by Nicole David, Albert Newen and Kai Vogeley, Effect of Subjective Perspective Taking during Simulation of Action: A PET Investigation of Agency by Perrine Ruby and Jean Decety, Agency, Simulation and Self-identification by Marc Jeannerod and Elisabeth Pacherie, The Pre-reflective Experience of “I” as a Continuously Existing Being: The Role of Temporal Functional Binding by Peter A. White, Dissociating Neural Correlates of Action Monitoring and Metacognition of Agency by David B. Miele, Tor D. Wager, Jason P. Mitchell and Janet Metcalfe, Metacognition of Agency by Janet Metcalfe and Matthew Jason Greene, Conscious Understanding during Comprehension by Tom Trabasso and Joseph P. Magliano, Comprehension and Situation Awareness by Francis T. Durso, Katherine A. Rawson and Sara Girotto, Theoretical Underpinnings of Situation Awareness: A Critical Review by Mica R. Endsley, Situation Awareness: Understanding Dynamic Environments by Francis T. Durso and Arathi Sethumadhavan and Toward a Theory of Situation Awareness in Dynamic Systems by Mica R. Endsley.


Neural Correlates of the First-person-perspective by Kai Vogeley and Gereon R. Fink, The Hippocampus, Space, and Viewpoints in Episodic Memory by Neil Burgess, Effect of Subjective Perspective Taking during Simulation of Action: A PET Investigation of Agency by Perrine Ruby and Jean Decety, Construal Level Theory by Yaacov Trope and Nira Liberman, Constructing Representations of Categories from Different Points of View by Lawrence W. Barsalou and Daniel R. Sewell, The Effect of Context on the Structure of Categories by Emilie M. Roth and Edward J. Shoben, Stable Concepts and Context-sensitive Classification by Nick Braisby, Context-independent and Context-dependent Information in Concepts by Lawrence W. Barsalou, Abstraction and Context in Concept Representation by James A. Hampton, Perspectives in Imaginative Engagement with Fiction by Elisabeth Camp, Subjectivity, Perspectivization, and Modality from a Cognitive Linguistic Point of View by José Sanders and Wilbert Spooren, Viewpoint in Language: A Multimodal Perspective edited by Barbara Dancygier and Eve Sweetser, Point of View in Fiction: The Development of a Critical Concept by Norman Friedman, Point of View, Perspective, and Focalization: Modeling Mediation in Narrative edited by Peter Hühn, Wolf Schmid and Jörg Schönert, Points of Origin: On Focalization in Narrative by Patrick O’Neill, Getting Focalization into Focus by William Nelles, Windows of Focalization: Deconstructing and Reconstructing a Narratological Concept by Manfred Jahn and Situation Models and Point of View in Narrative Understanding by Daniel Morrow.


Context, Attention and Depth of Processing during Interpretation by Anthony J. Sanford, Constructive Perception: A Metacognitive Skill for Coordinating Perception and Conception by Masaki Suwa and Barbara Tversky, Situation Models and Themes by Rolf A. Zwaan, Gabriel A. Radvansky and Shannon N. Whitten, Psychological and Computational Research on Theme Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser, Victoria Pomeroy and Scotty Craig, Where Semiosis Begins When Reading a Text: On Event Perception by Gisela Bruche-Schulz and The Evolution of Interpretive Contexts in Stories by Beth Cardier.


Three Kinds of Idealization by Michael Weisberg and Idealization and Abstraction: A Framework by Martin R. Jones.


Abstraction in Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems by Lorenza Saitta and Jean-Daniel Zucker, A Theory of Abstraction by Fausto Giunchiglia and Toby Walsh, A Semantics for Abstraction by Chiara Ghidini and Fausto Giunchiglia, Abstraction in Perceptual Symbol Systems by Lawrence W. Barsalou, Abstraction as Dynamic Interpretation in Perceptual Symbol Systems by Lawrence W. Barsalou, Abstraction and Context in Concept Representation by James A. Hampton, The Method of Abstraction by Luciano Floridi and Jeff W. Sanders, The Method of Levels of Abstraction by Luciano Floridi, Simulation Modeling at Multiple Levels of Abstraction by Perakath Benjamin, Madhav Erraguntla, Dursun Delen and Richard Mayer, The Role of Process Abstraction in Simulation by Paul A. Fishwick, Hierarchical Reasoning: Simulating Complex Processes over Multiple Levels of Abstraction by Paul A. Fishwick, Abstraction Level Traversal in Hierarchical Modeling by Paul A. Fishwick, Causality and Model Abstraction by Yumi Iwasaki and Herbert A. Simon and Summary of Model Abstraction Techniques by Donald Caughlin and Alex F. Sisti.


Ad Hoc Categories by Lawrence W. Barsalou, Strategies for Generating Multiple Instances of Common and Ad Hoc Categories by Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau, Susan H. Anthony and Neville G. Austin, Categories and Concepts by Edward E. Smith and Douglas L. Medin, On the Internal Structure of Perceptual and Semantic Categories by Eleanor H. Rosch, Deriving Categories to Achieve Goals by Lawrence W. Barsalou, Goal-derived Categories: The Role of Personal and Situational Goals in Category Representations by Srinivasan Ratneshwar, Lawrence W. Barsalou, Cornelia Pechmann and Melissa Moore, Construal Level Theory by Yaacov Trope and Nira Liberman, Constructing Representations of Categories from Different Points of View by Lawrence W. Barsalou and Daniel R. Sewell, Intraconcept Similarity and Its Implications for Interconcept Similarity by Lawrence W. Barsalou, The Effect of Context on the Structure of Categories by Emilie M. Roth and Edward J. Shoben, Contextually Relevant Aspects of Meaning by Gail McKoon and Roger Ratcliff, Categorization as Causal Reasoning by Bob Rehder, A Causal-model Theory of Conceptual Representation and Categorization by Bob Rehder, Causal Status as a Determinant of Feature Centrality by Woo-kyoung Ahn, Nancy S. Kim, Mary E. Lassaline and Martin J. Dennis and Being There Conceptually: Simulating Categories in Preparation for Situated Action by Lawrence W. Barsalou.


Updating a Mental Model: Maintaining Both Local and Global Coherence by Jason E. Albrecht and Edward J. O’Brien, A “Global-coherence” View of Event Comprehension: Inferential Processing as Question Answering by Debra L. Long, Brian J. Oppy and Mark R. Seely, Situation Models and Levels of Coherence: Toward a Definition of Comprehension by Isabelle Tapiero, Situation Models and Concepts in Story Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser and Katja Wiemer-Hastings, Inference Generation and Cohesion in the Construction of Situation Models: Some Connections with Computational Linguistics by Arthur C. Graesser, Max M. Louwerse, Danielle S. McNamara, Andrew Olney, Zhiqiang Cai and Heather H. Mitchell, Comprehension and Memory of Narrative Texts: Inferences and Coherence by Paul van den Broek, Connectives and Narrative Text: The Role of Continuity by John D. Murray, Measuring Narrative Cohesion: A Five Variables Approach by Charlie Hargood, David Millard and Mark Weal and Beyond Narrative Coherence edited by Matti Hyvärinen.


The Perception of Causality by Albert Michotte, Brain Mechanisms Underlying Perceptual Causality by Jonathan A. Fugelsang, Matthew E. Roser, Paul M. Corballis, Michael S. Gazzaniga and Kevin N. Dunbar, How the Brain Perceives Causality: An Event-related fMRI Study by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Pierre Fonlupt, Mathilde Pachot-Clouard, Céline Darmon, Pascal Boyer, Andrew N Meltzoff, Christoph Segebarth and Jean Decety, Mental Simulation of Causality by Gary L. Wells and Igor Gavanski, Reasoning about Change: Time and Causation from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence by Yoav Shoham, Causation, Prediction, and Search by Peter Spirtes, Clark N. Glymour and Richard Scheines, Categorization as Causal Reasoning by Bob Rehder, The Effect of Context on the Structure of Categories by Emilie M. Roth and Edward J. Shoben, A Causal-model Theory of Conceptual Representation and Categorization by Bob Rehder, Causal Status as a Determinant of Feature Centrality by Woo-kyoung Ahn, Nancy S. Kim, Mary E. Lassaline and Martin J. Dennis, Causality and Model Abstraction by Yumi Iwasaki and Herbert A. Simon, The Availability of Causal Information during Reading by Debra L. Long, Mark R. Seely and Brian J. Oppy, Narrative Causalities by Emma Kafalenos, Time, Narrative Sequence and Causality by Marina Grishakova, Causality and Narrative by Jon-K Adams, Causal Inferences and the Comprehension of Narrative Texts by Paul van den Broek and Causality and Imagination by Caren M. Walker and Alison Gopnik.


Mental Models and Deduction by Philip N. Johnson-Laird, Mental Models and Deduction by Jerrold L. Aronson, Deductive Reasoning in Narrative Contexts: Developmental Trends and Reading Skill Effects by Bridget A. Franks, From Inference to Reasoning: The Construction of Rationality by David Moshman, The Role of Prior Knowledge in Inferential Processing by Rebecca Fincher‐Kiefer, Inference and Reasoning in Discourse Comprehension by Murray Singer and R. Brooke Lea and Kinematic Mental Simulations in Abduction and Deduction by Sangeet S. Khemlani, Robert Mackiewicz, Monica Bucciarelli and Philip N. Johnson-Laird.

Qualitative Spatiotemporal Reasoning

Qualitative Simulation by Benjamin J. Kuipers, Reasoning with Qualitative Models by Benjamin J. Kuipers, Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems edited by Bobrow Daniel Gureasko, Qualitative Simulation Modeling and Analysis by Herbert A. Simon, Qualitative Reasoning at Multiple Resolutions by Seshashayee S. Murthy, Cognitive Maps and the Construction of Narrative Space by Marie-Laure Ryan, Cognitive Maps, Cognitive Collages, and Spatial Mental Models by Barbara Tversky, Evidence of Hierarchies in Cognitive Maps by Stephen C. Hirtle and John Jonides, Clusters and Reference Points in Cognitive Representations of the Environment by Carol S. Holding, Mental Models and Temporal Reasoning by Walter Schaeken, Philip N. Johnson-Laird and Gery d’Ydewalle, Time in Language, Situation Models, and Mental Simulations by Rolf A. Zwaan, Time Abstraction and Quantitative / Qualitative Interpretation of Multiple Dynamic Processes by Laurent Ayrolles, Robert Faivre and Frangois Guerrin, Abstraction by Time-scale in Qualitative Simulation by Benjamin Kuipers, Qualitative Simulation Using Time-scale Abstraction by Benjamin Kuipers and Discrete Event Abstraction: An Emerging Paradigm for Modeling Complex Adaptive Systems by Bernard P. Zeigler.

Dynamic Modeling

Reasoning with Multiple Abstraction Models by Yumi Iwasaki, Dynamic Focusing Approach to Mixed-level Simulation by Thomas C. Fall, A Multimodel Approach to Reasoning and Simulation by Paul Fishwick, N. Hari Narayanan, Jon Sticklen and Andrea Bonarini, Multimodeling Methodology for Real-time Simulation by Kangsun Lee and Paul A. Fishwick, Generation of Multimodels and Selection of the Optimal Model for Real-time Simulation by Kangsun Lee and Paul A. Fishwick, Automated Model Selection for Simulation by Yumi Iwasaki and Alon Y. Levy, Automated Qualitative Domain Abstraction by Martin Sachenbacher and Peter Struss, Dynamic Model Abstraction by Kangsun Lee and Paul A. Fishwick, A Methodology for Dynamic Model Abstraction by Kangsun Lee and Paul A. Fishwick, Semiautomated Method for Dynamic Model Abstraction by Kangsun Lee and Paul A. Fishwick, Learning Abstraction Hierarchies for Problem Solving by Craig A. Knoblock, Hierarchical Reasoning: Simulating Complex Processes over Multiple Levels of Abstraction by Paul A. Fishwick, Simulation Modeling at Multiple Levels of Abstraction by Perakath Benjamin, Madhav Erraguntla, Dursun Delen and Richard Mayer, Abstraction Level Traversal in Hierarchical Modeling by Paul A. Fishwick, Task-driven Model Abstraction by Daniel S. Weld and Sanjaya Addanki, Task-dependent Qualitative Domain Abstraction by Martin Sachenbacher and Peter Struss, Automated Model Selection for Simulation Based on Relevance Reasoning by Alon Y. Levy, Yumi Iwasaki and Richard Fikes, Automated Modeling of Complex Systems to Answer Prediction Questions by Jeff Rickel and Brace Porter, Abstraction in Planning by Josh D. Tenenberg, Planning in a Hierarchy of Abstraction Spaces by Earl D. Sacerdoti, Automatic Abstraction in Planning by Jens Christensen, Automatically Generating Abstractions for Planning by Craig A. Knoblock, Automatically Generating Abstractions for Problem Solving by Craig A. Knoblock, Abstraction in Problem Solving and Learning by Amy Unruh and Paul S. Rosenbloom, Predicting Performance Impacts Due to Resolution Changes in Parallel Simulations by Dhananjai M. Rao and Philip A. Wilsey, Verification and Validation of Simulation Models by Robert G. Sargent and Reasoning about Model Accuracy by Daniel S. Weld.

Generation and Visualization

Building Multimodal Simulations for Natural Language by James Pustejovsky and Nikhil Krishnaswamy, A Review of Scene Visualization Based on Language Descriptions by Xin Zeng and Man Ling Tan, WordsEye: An Automatic Text-to-scene Conversion System by Bob Coyne and Richard Sproat, Preliminary Implementation of Text-to-scene System by Fuping Yang, Jianchao Sun and Zhiyong Huang, The Development of a Language Interface for 3D Scene Generation by Xin Zeng and Man Ling Tan, Reconstructing Spatial Image from Natural Language Texts by Atsushi Yamada, Tadashi Yamamoto, Hisashi Ikeda, Toyoaki Nishida and Shuji Doshita, A New Framework for Automatic 3D Scene Construction from Text Description by Jiajie Lu, Canlin Li, Chao Yin and Lizhuang Ma, 3D Visualization of Simple Natural Language Statement Using Semantic Description by Rabiah A. Kadir, Abdul R. M. Hashim, Rahmita Wirza and Aida Mustapha, Real-time Automatic 3D Scene Generation from Natural Language Voice and Text Descriptions by Lee M. Seversky and Lijun Yin, 3D Scene Creation Using Story-based Descriptions by Xin Zeng, Qasim Mehdi and Norman Gough, Automatic Conversion of Natural Language to 3D Animation by Minhua Ma, Visualizing Events: Simulating Meaning in Language by James Pustejovsky and Nikhil Krishnaswamy, Generating Simulations of Motion Events from Verbal Descriptions by James Pustejovsky and Nikhil Krishnaswamy, From Text Descriptions to Interactive 3D Scene Reconstruction by Man Ling Tan and Xin Zeng, Toward Text-to-picture Synthesis by Andrew B. Goldberg, Jake Rosin, Xiaojin Zhu and Charles R. Dyer, An Ontology-based Approach to Text-to-picture Synthesis Systems by Dmitry Ustalov and Aleksander Kudryavtsev, A Visually Grounded Natural Language Interface for Reference to Spatial Scenes by Peter Gorniak and Deb K. Roy, Extraction of Visual Material and Spatial Information from Text Description for Scene Visualization by Xin Zeng, Man Ling Tan, and W. Jing Chen, Learning Visually Grounded Words and Syntax for a Scene Description Task by Deb K. Roy, Perceptually Grounded Word Meaning Acquisition: A Computational Model by Claudius Gläser and Frank Joublin, A Computational Model of Embodied Language Learning by Chen Yu and Dana H. Ballard, Towards Situated Speech Understanding: Visual Context Priming of Language Models by Deb K. Roy and Niloy Mukherjee, Towards a Computational Model of Narrative Visualization by Alok Baikadi, Julius Goth, Christopher M. Mitchell, Eun Y. Ha, Bradford W. Mott and James C. Lester, Shape of the Story: Story Visualization Techniques by Xin Zeng, Qasim H. Mehdi and Norman E. Gough, Automatically Generating Summary Visualizations from Game Logs by Yun-Gyung Cheong, Arnav Jhala, Byung-Chull Bae and R. Michael Young, Virtual Human Animation in Natural Language Visualisation by Minhua Ma and Paul McKevitt, Story Visualization of Literary Works by Miyuki Yamada and Yuichi Murai and Theatrical Text to 3D Virtual Scenography by Rabiafaranjato Velonoromanalintantely, Tahiry Andriamarozakaina, Cédric Sanza, Véronique Gaildrat, Monique Martinez-Thomas and Pouget Matthieu.

Transcription and Summarization

The Visuospatial Dimension of Writing by Thierry Olive and Jean-Michel Passerault, Verbal, Visual, and Spatial Working Memory in Written Language Production by Ronald T. Kellogg, Thierry Olive and Annie Piolat, Verbal, Visual, and Spatial Working Memory Demands During Text Composition by Thierry Olive, Ronald T. Kellogg and Annie Piolat, The Contribution of Different Components of Working Memory to Knowledge Transformation During Writing by David Galbraith, Sheila Ford, Gillian Walker and Jessica Ford, The “Inverse Hollywood Problem”: From Video to Scripts and Storyboards via Causal Analysis by Matthew Brand, Causal Reasoning and Inference Making in Judging the Importance of Story Statements by Paul van den Broek, Understanding Video Events: A Survey of Methods for Automatic Interpretation of Semantic Occurrences in Video by Gal Lavee, Ehud Rivlin and Michael Rudzsky, Computational Perception of Scene Dynamics by Mann Richard, Allan Jepson and Jeffrey M. Siskind, Grounding the Lexical Semantics of Verbs in Visual Perception Using Force Dynamics and Event Logic by Jeffrey M. Siskind, Natural Language Description of Time-varying Scenes by Bernd Neumann, Moving Vistas: Exploiting Motion for Describing Scenes by Nitesh Shroff, Pavan Turaga and Rama Chellappa, Describing Video Contents in Natural Language by Muhammad U. G. Khan and Yoshihiko Gotoh, Natural Language Descriptions for Video Streams by Muhammad U. G. Khan, Translating Video Content to Natural Language Descriptions by Marcus Rohrbach, Wei Qiu, Ivan Titov, Stefan Thater, Manfred Pinkal and Bernt Schiele, Towards Coherent Natural Language Description of Video Streams by Muhammad U. G. Khan, Lei Zhang and Yoshihiko Gotoh, Coherent Multi-sentence Video Description with Variable Level of Detail by Anna Rohrbach, Marcus Rohrbach, Wei Qiu, Annemarie Friedrich, Manfred Pinkal and Bernt Schiele, Specific-to-general Learning for Temporal Events with Application to Learning Event Definitions from Video by Alan Fern, Robert Givan and Jeffrey Mark Siskind, Verbalization of 3D Scenes Based on Natural Language Generation Techniques by Vassilios Golfinopoulos, Dimitrios Makris, Georgios Bardis, Georgios Miaoulis and Dimitri Plemenos, A Framework for Summarizing Game Experiences as Narratives by Yun-Gyung Cheong and R. Michael Young, Automatized Summarization of Multiplayer Games by Peter Mindek, Ivan Viola, Eduard Gröller and Stefan Bruckner, Action Summary for Computer Games: Extracting Action for Spectator Modes and Summaries by Nick Halper and Maic Masuch, Stories from Games: Content and Focalization Selection in Narrative Composition by Pablo Gervás, Automated Creation of Movie Summaries in Interactive Virtual Environments by Doron Friedman, Ariel Shamir, Yishai A. Feldman and Tsvi Dagan, Summarizing Narratives by Wendy G. Lehnert, John B. Black and Brian J. Reiser, Summarizing Stories after Reading and Listening by Walter Kintsch and Ely Kozminsky and Narrative Complexity Based on Summarization Algorithms by Wendy G. Lehnert.

Inference and Elaboration

Spatio-temporal Abduction for Scenario and Narrative Completion by Mehul Bhatt and Gregory Flanagan, Constructing Inferences during Narrative Text Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser, Murray Singer and Tom Trabasso, The Role of Visuospatial Resources in Generating Predictive and Bridging Inferences by Rebecca Fincher-Kiefer and Paul R. D’Agostino, Encoding Differences between Bridging and Predictive Inferences by Rebecca Fincher‐Kiefer, A Unified Model for Predictive and Bridging Inferences by Franz Schmalhofer, Mark A. McDaniel and Dennis Keefe, Higher Level Language Processes in the Brain: Inference and Comprehension Processes by Franz Schmalhofer and Charles A. Perfetti, A “Global-coherence” View of Event Comprehension: Inferential Processing as Question Answering by Debra L. Long, Brian J. Oppy and Mark R. Seely, Measuring the Inference Load of a Text by Susan Kemper, Linguistics and the Study of Comics edited by Frank Bramlett, The Contribution of Cognitive Linguistics to Comics Studies by Dušan Stamenković and Miloš Tasić, The Visual Language of Comics: Introduction to the Structure and Cognition of Sequential Images by Neil Cohn, The Art of the Storyboard: Storyboarding for Film, TV, and Animation by John Hart, Storyboards: A Dynamic Storytelling Tool by Ron Sova and Deborah H. Sova, Generation and Exploitation of Intermediate Goals in Automated Planning by Vidal Alcázar Saiz, Landmark-based Heuristics and Search Control for Automated Planning by Silvia Richter, Temporal Landmarks: What Must Happen, and When by Erez Karpas, David Wang, Brian C Williams and Patrik Haslum, Ordered Landmarks in Planning by Jörg Hoffmann, Julie Porteous and Laura Sebastia, Landmark-enhanced Abstraction Heuristics by Carmel Domshlak, Michael Katz and Sagi Lefler, Flexible Abstraction Heuristics for Optimal Sequential Planning by Malte Helmert, Patrik Haslum and Jörg Hoffmann and Cost-optimal Planning with Landmarks by Erez Karpas and Carmel Domshlak.


Explanation Systems for Computer Simulations by David H. Helman and Akash Bahuguna, Learning and Instruction with Computer Simulations by Ton de Jong, Scientific Discovery Learning with Computer Simulations of Conceptual Domains by Ton De Jong and Wouter R. Van Joolingen, Automatically Generating Tutoring Questions for Qualitative Simulations by Floor Goddijn, Anders Bouwer and Bert Bredeweg, Using Computer Simulations to Enhance Conceptual Change: The Roles of Constructivist Instruction and Student Epistemological Beliefs by Mark A. Windschitl, An Integrated Systems Approach to Explanation-based Conceptual Change by Scott E. Friedman and Kenneth D. Forbus, Constructing and Revising Commonsense Science Explanations: A Metareasoning Approach by Scott E. Friedman, Kenneth D. Forbus and Bruce L. Sherin, Supporting Hypothesis Generation by Learners Exploring an Interactive Computer Simulation by Wouter R. Van Joolingen and Ton De Jong, Exploring a Domain with a Computer Simulation: Traversing Variable and Relation Space with the Help of a Hypothesis Scratchpad by Wouter R. van Joolingena and Ton de Jong, Graphical Means for Inspecting Qualitative Models of System Behaviour by Anders J. Bouwer and Bert Bredeweg, Visual Interactive Simulation: A Methodological Perspective by Peter C. Bell and Robert M. O’Keefe, Visual Interactive Simulation — History, Recent Developments, and Major Issues by Peter C. Bell and Robert M. O’Keefe, Interaction with a Visual Interactive Simulation, and the Effect of Cognitive Style by Robert M. O’Keefe and Ivan L. Pitt, Findings from Behavioral Research in Visual Interactive Simulation by Robert M. O’Keefe and Peter C. Bell, An Experimental Investigation into the Efficacy of Visual Interactive Simulation by Peter C. Bell and Robert M. O’Keefe, The Active Integration of Information during Learning with Dynamic and Interactive Visualisations by Daniel Bodemer, Rolf Ploetzner, Inge Feuerlein and Hans Spada, Designing Computer-mediated Epistemic Interactions by Michael Baker, Erica De Vries and Kristine Lund, Using Meta-cognition for Regulating Explanatory Quality through a Cognitive Architecture by John Licato, Ron Sun and Selmer Bringsjord, Tools for Explaining Complex Qualitative Simulations by Richard S. Mallory, Explaining Behaviour: Using Qualitative Simulation in Interactive Learning Environments by Anders J. Bouwer, Generating Structured Explanations of System Behaviour Using Qualitative Simulations by Anders J. Bouwer and Bert Bredeweg, Aggregation of Qualitative Simulations for Explanation by Anders J. Bouwer and Bert Bredeweg, Simulation versus Narrative by Gonzalo Frasca, Mixing Story and Simulation in Interactive Narrative by Mark O. Riedl, Andrew Stern and Don Dini, Natural Language, Cognitive Models, and Simulation by Howard W. Beck and Paul A. Fishwick, Incorporating Natural Language Descriptions into Modeling and Simulation by Howard W. Beck and Paul A. Fishwick, Efficient Compositional Modeling for Generating Causal Explanations by P. Pandurang Nayak and Leo Joskowicz, Explanatory Coherence by Paul Thagard, Computational Tools for Modeling and Aiding Reasoning: Assessing and Applying the Theory of Explanatory Coherence by Patricia K. Schank, Reasoning and Explanatory Coherence by Gilbert Harman, Explanatory Coherence in Understanding and Talking about Events by Tom Trabasso, Soyoung Suh and Paula Payton, Assessing Explanatory Coherence: A New Method for Integrating Verbal Data with Models of On-line Belief Revision by Patricia K. Schank and Michael Ranney, When Explanations Compete: The Role of Explanatory Coherence on Judgements of Likelihood by Steven A. Sloman, Narrative Explanation by Jon-K Adams, Narrative Explanation by J. David Velleman, How Narratives Explain by Paul A. Roth, A Theoretical Framework for Narrative Explanation in Science by Stephen P. Norris, Sandra M. Guilbert, Martha L. Smith, Shahram Hakimelahi and Linda M. Phillips and The Role of Narrative in Communicating Science by Avraamidou Lucy and Jonathan Osborne.