
Research and Development

Computer-aided and Automated Educational Planning

Educational Planning

Educational Planning: Strategic, Tactical, and Operational by Roger A. Kaufman, Jerry J. Herman and Kathi Watters, Teacher Planning by Christopher M. Clark and Robert J. Yinger, A Study of Teacher Planning by Robert J. Yinger, The Effect of Planning on Teaching by John A. Zahorik, Teacher Planning, Teacher Behavior, and Student Achievement by Penelope L. Peterson, Ronald W. Marx and Christopher M. Clark, What's in a Plan? Stated and Unstated Plans for Lessons by Greta Morine-Dershimer, Teachers' Planning Models by John A. Zahorik, Three Studies of Teacher Planning by Christopher M. Clark and Robert J. Yinger, Problem Solving, Reasoning, and Analytical Thinking in a Classroom Environment by Joanne K. Robbins, Planning in Classroom Reality: An In-depth Look by Greta Morine-Dershimer, Review of Research on Teachers' Pedagogical Judgments, Plans, and Decisions by Richard J. Shavelson, A Psychological Approach to Research on Teachers' Classroom Decision‐making by James Calderhead, A Study of Teacher Interactive Decision Making by Michael G. Wodlinger, How Teachers Plan Their Courses: Studies in Curriculum Planning by Philip H. Taylor and Experienced Teachers' Planning Practices: A U.S. Survey by Deborah Sardo‐Brown.

Computer-aided Planning

Cognitive Models for Mixed-initiative Planning by Chen Zhang, Human-machine Collaborative Planning by James F. Allen and George Ferguson, Configurable, Mixed-initiative Systems for Planning and Scheduling by Stephen F. Smith, Ora Lassila and Marcel Becker, Reasoning about Plans by James F. Allen, Henry Kautz, Richard Pelavin and Josh Tenenberg, Arguing About Plans: Plan Representation and Reasoning for Mixed-Initiative Planning by George Ferguson and James F. Allen, Rationale in Planning: Causality, Dependencies and Decisions by Stephen T. Polyak and Austin Tate, Rationale-supported Mixed-initiative Case-based Planning by Manuela M. Veloso, Alice M. Mulvehill and Michael T. Cox, Formalizing Plan Justifications by Eugene Fink and Qiang Yang, An Interactive Planner that Creates a Structured, Annotated Trace of its Operation by John L. Bresina, On Representations of Problems of Reasoning about Actions by Saul Amarel, Teaching Robots Parametrized Executable Plans through Spoken Interaction by Guglielmo Gemignani, Emanuele Bastianelli and Daniele Nardi and Meta‐planning: Representing and Using Knowledge about Planning in Problem Solving and Natural Language Understanding by Robert Wilensky.

Automated Planning

Using Planning Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Darwyn R. Peachey and Gordon I. McCalla, A Curriculum Planning Model for an Intelligent Tutoring System by Byung-In Cho, Joel A. Michael, Allen A. Rovick and Martha W. Evens, Dynamic Planning Models to Support Curriculum Planning and Multiple Tutoring Protocols in Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Byung-In Cho, Instructional Planning in an Intelligent Tutoring System: Combining Global Lesson Plans with Local Discourse Control by Chong W. Woo, Interaction of Discourse Planning, Instructional Planning and Dialogue Management in an Interactive Tutoring System by Reva K. Freedman, An Intelligent Tutoring System That Generates a Natural Language Dialogue Using Dynamic Multi-level Planning by Chong W. Woo, Martha W. Evens, Reva K. Freedman, Michael Glass, Leem S. Shim, Yuemei Zhang, Yujian Zhou and Joel Michael, Toward an Instructional Design Model Based on Learning Objects by Andrés C. Laverde, Yasbley S. Cifuentes and Helda Y. R. Rodriguez, Instructional Planning with Learning Objects by Permanand Mohan, Jim Greer and G. McCalla, Learning Object Design and Sequencing Theory by David A. Wiley, A Categorization Scheme for Principles of Sequencing Content by George J. Posner and Kenneth A. Strike, Knowledge Engineering and Planning for the Automated Synthesis of Customized Learning Designs by Luis Castillo, Lluvia Morales, Arturo González-Ferrer, Juan Fernández-Olivares and Óscar García-Pérez, Automatic Generation of Learning Designs: Two Planning Approaches Comparison by Lluvia Morales, Automatic Generation of User Adapted Learning Designs: An AI-Planning Proposal by Lluvia Morales, Luis Castillo, Juan Fernandez-Olivares and Arturo Gonzalez-Ferrer, Modeling E-learning Activities in Automated Planning by Antonio Garrido, Eva Onaindia, Lluvia Morales, Luis Castillo, Susana Fernández and Daniel Borrajo, On the Automatic Compilation of E-learning Models to Planning by Antonio Garrido, Susana Fernández, Lluvia Morales, Eva Onaindía, Daniel Borrajo and Luis Castillo, Automatic Generation of Temporal Planning Domains for E-learning Problems by Luis Castillo, Lluvia Morales, Arturo González-Ferrer, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Daniel Borrajo and Eva Onaindía, A Standards-based Modelling Approach for Dynamic Generation of Adaptive Learning Scenarios by Jesus Boticario and Olga C. Santos, Planning for Conditional Learning Routes by Lluvia Morales, Luis Castillo and Juan Fernández-Olivares, Constraint Programming for Planning Routes in an E-learning Environment by Antonio Garrido, Eva Onaindıa and Oscar Sapena, E-learning and Intelligent Planning: Improving Content Personalization by Antonio Garrido and Lluvia Morales, Planning and Execution in a Personalised E-learning Setting by Lluvia Morales, Antonio Garrido and Ivan Serina, Pedagogically Founded Courseware Generation Based on HTN-planning by Carsten Ullrich and Erica Melis, An Architecture for a Self‐improving Instructional Planner for Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Stuart A. MacMillan and Derek H. Sleeman, Decision Theoretic Instructional Planner for Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Noboru Matsuda and Kurt VanLehn and Using Case-based Reasoning in Instructional Planning: Towards a Hybrid Self-improving Instructional Planner by Jon A. Elorriaga and Isabel Fernández-Castro.

Machine Learning

A Review of Machine Learning for Automated Planning by Sergio Jiménez, Tomás de la Rosa, Susana Fernández, Fernando Fernández and Daniel Borrajo, Learning-assisted Automated Planning: Looking Back, Taking Stock, Going Forward by Terry Zimmerman and Subbarao Kambhampati, Machine Learning Methods for Planning edited by Steven Minton, Learning Macro-actions for Arbitrary Planners and Domains by Muhammad A. H. Newton, John Levine, Maria Fox and Derek Long, Generation of Macro-operators via Investigation of Action Dependencies in Plans by Lukáš Chrpa, Learning Action Strategies for Planning Domains by Roni Khardon, Learning Generalized Policies in Planning Using Concept Languages by Mario Martin and H. Wector Geffner, Learning Relational Decision Trees for Guiding Heuristic Planning by Tomás De La Rosa, Sergio J. Celorrio and Daniel Borrajo, Learning Search Control Knowledge: An Explanation-based Approach by Steven Minton, Learning Heuristic Functions from Relaxed Plans by Sung W. Yoon, Alan Fern and Robert Givan, Discriminative Learning of Beam-search Heuristics for Planning by Yuehua Xu, Alan Fern and Sung Wook Yoon, Learning Hierarchical Task Networks for Nondeterministic Planning Domains by Chad Hogg, Ugur Kuter and Héctor Muñoz-Avila, Reinforcement Learning and Automated Planning: A Survey by Ioannis Partalas, Dimitris Vrakas and Ioannis Vlahavas, Combining Reinforcement Learning with Symbolic Planning by Matthew Grounds and Daniel Kudenko, Autonomous Learning of Action Models for Planning by Neville Mehta, Prasad Tadepalli and Alan Fern, Efficient Learning of Action Models for Planning by Neville Mehta, Prasad Tadepalli and Alan Fern, Learning by Experimentation: Incremental Refinement of Incomplete Planning Domains by Yolanda Gil, Learning by Observation and Practice: An Incremental Approach for Planning Operator Acquisition by Xuemei Wang, Learning Planning Operators in Real-world, Partially Observable Environments by Matthew D. Schmill, Tim Oates and Paul R. Cohen, Inductive Learning of Reactive Action Models by Scott Benson, Learning Partially Observable Deterministic Action Models by Eyal Amir and Allen Chang, Planning While Learning Operators by Xuemei Wang and An Integrated Approach of Learning, Planning, and Execution by Ramón García-Martínez and Daniel Borrajo.