The Art of Thought by Graham Wallas, The Act of Creation by Arthur Koestler, Applied Imagination, Principles and Procedures of Creative Thinking by Alex F. Osborn, Handbook of Creativity edited by John A. Glover, Royce R. Ronning and Cecil Reynolds, The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity edited by James C. Kaufman and Robert J. Sternberg, Creative Thought: An Investigation of Conceptual Structures and Processes by Paul Thagard, Creativity and the Brain by Kenneth M. Heilman, The Neurobiological Foundation of Creative Cognition by Allison B. Kaufman, Sergey A. Kornilov, Adam S. Bristol, Mei Tan and Elena L. Grigorenko, Cognitive Bases of Human Creativity by John Sweller, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Creativity by Arne Dietrich, Cognitive Sciences: Implications for Art Education by Beverly J. Jones, Art and Cognition: Integrating the Visual Arts in the Curriculum by Arthur Efland, Creative Thinking In Art Students― An Exploratory Study by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Jacob W. Getzels, Talking, Thinking, Responding and Creating: A Survey of Literature on Talk in Art Education by Mary Jane Zander, Implications of a Systems Perspective for the Study of Creativity by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Creativity in Science: Chance, Logic, Genius, and Zeitgeist by Dean K. Simonton and Creativity: Understanding Innovation in Problem Solving, Science, Invention, and the Arts by Robert W. Weisberg.
Creativity and Cognition: Producing Effective Novelty by Arthur J. Cropley, Creativity or Novelty?: Cognitive-computational versus Social-cultural by Yu-Tung Liu, Personal versus Cultural Cognitive Models of Design Creativity by Yu-Tung Liu, Problems with the Calculation of Novelty Metrics by David C. Brown, Feature Selection and Novelty in Computational Aesthetics by João Correia, Penousal Machado, Juan Romero and Adrián Carballal, Novelty and Interestingness Measures for Design-space Exploration by Edgar Reehuis, Markus Olhofer, Michael Emmerich, Bernhard Sendhoff and Thomas Bäck, Novelty and Diversity in Information Retrieval Evaluation by Charles L. A. Clarke, Maheedhar Kolla, Gordon V. Cormack, Olga Vechtomova, Azin Ashkan, Stefan Büttcher and Ian MacKinnon and The Dynamics of Correlated Novelties by Francesca Tria, Vittorio Loreto, Vito D. P. Servedio and Steven H. Strogatz.
Creativity is More than Novelty: Reconsidering Replication as a Creativity Act by Matthew C. Makel and Jonathan A. Plucker, The Mimetic Transition: A Simulation Study of the Evolution of Learning by Imitation by Paul G. Higgs and The Ancient Art of Emulation: Studies in Artistic Originality and Tradition from the Present to Classical Antiquity by Elaine K. Gazda.
On the Origins of Novelty and Variation by Marc W. Kirschner and John C. Gerhart, The Road to Facilitated Variation by Marc W. Kirschner, Adaptation and Appropriation by Julie Sanders, The Relationship between Creativity, Imitation, and Cultural Diversity by Liane Gabora and Stefan Leijnen and Creativity as Variation and Selection: Some Critical Constraints by Dean Simonton.
Efficient Creativity: Constraint-guided Conceptual Combination by Fintan J. Costello and Mark T. Keane, Effects of Novel Conceptual Combination on Creativity by Wendy W. N. Wan and Chi‐Yue Chiu, Creativity and Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Blending Approach by Francisco Câmara Pereira, The Role of Blending in Mathematical Invention by Félix Bou, Marco Schorlemmer, Joseph Corneli, Danny Gómez-Ramirez, Ewen Maclean, Alan Smaill and Alison Pease, Using Argumentation to Evaluate Concept Blends in Combinatorial Creativity by Roberto Confalonieri, Joseph Corneli, Alison Pease, Enric Plaza and Marco Schorlemmer and Goal-driven Conceptual Blending: A Computational Approach for Creativity by Boyang Li, Alexander Zook, Nicholas Davis and Mark Riedl.
Search Strategies and the Creative Process by Kyle E. Jennings and Creative Search Trajectories and Their Implications by Kyle E. Jennings.
Creativity and Design as Exploration by Brian Logan and Tim Smithers, Creativity in the Design Process: Co-evolution of Problem–solution by Kees Dorst and Nigel Cross, Co-evolution as a Computational and Cognitive Model of Design by Mary Maher and Hsien-Hui Tang and Exploration and Innovation in Design: Towards a Computational Model by Dundee Navinchandra.
Ideation: A Review of Research by Leonard N. Reid and Sandra E. Moriarty, Cognitive Stimulation in Brainstorming by Karen L. Dugosh, Paul B. Paulus, Evelyn J. Roland and Huei-Chuan Yang, Divergent Thinking, Creativity, and Ideation by Mark A. Runco, Modeling Cognitive Interactions during Group Brainstorming by Vincent Brown, Michael Tumeo, Timothy S. Larey and Paul B. Paulus, Cognitive Stimulation and Problem Presentation in Idea-generating Groups by Hamit Coskun, Paul B. Paulus, Vincent Brown and Jeffrey J. Sherwood, Idea Generation in Groups: A Basis for Creativity in Organizations by Paul B. Paulus and Huei-Chuan Yang, Enhancing Ideational Creativity in Groups by Paul B. Paulus and Vincent R. Brown, Idea Generation in Groups: A Basis for Creativity in Organizations by Paul B. Paulus and Huei-Chuan Yang, Harnessing People’s Creativity: Ideation and Expression through Visual Communication by Elizabeth B-N. Sanders and Colin T. William, Metrics for Measuring Ideation Effectiveness by Jami J. Shah, Steve M Smith and Noe Vargas-Hernandez, On the Measurement of Ideation Quality by Bruce A. Reinig, Robert O. Briggs and Jay F. Nunamaker, Measuring the Quality of Ideation Technology and Techniques by Bruce A. Reinig and Robert O. Briggs and Cognitive Load in Collaboration-brainstorming by Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten.
Evaluative and Generative Modes of Thought during the Creative Process by Melissa Ellamil, Charles Dobson, Mark Beeman and Kalina Christoff, Creativity as Variation and Selection: Some Critical Constraints by Dean Simonton, Bridging the Arts and Sciences: A Framework for the Psychology of Aesthetics by Thomas Jacobsen, A Model of Aesthetic Appreciation and Aesthetic Judgments by Helmut Leder, Benno Belke, Andries Oeberst and Dorothee Augustin, A Model of Aesthetic Judgment in Design by Yoram Reich, Computational Aesthetics as a Tool for Creativity by Gary R. Greenfield, Towards Machines for Measuring Creativity: The Use of Computational Tools in Storytelling Activities by Pythagoras Karampiperis, Antonis Koukourikos and Evangelia Koliopoulou, Evaluating Creative Ideas: Processes, Standards, and Context by Michael D. Mumford, Devin C. Lonergan and Ginamarie Scott, Effects of External Evaluation on Artistic Creativity by Teresa M. Amabile, Computational Aesthetic Evaluation: Past and Future by Philip Galanter, Using Argumentation to Evaluate Concept Blends in Combinatorial Creativity by Roberto Confalonieri, Joseph Corneli, Alison Pease, Enric Plaza and Marco Schorlemmer, Using AI to Evaluate Creative Designs by Mary Lou Maher and Douglas H. Fisher, From Computational Creativity Metrics to the Principal Components of Human Creativity by Pythagoras Karampiperis, Antonis Koukourikos and George Panagopoulos, Creativity Evaluation in a Cognitive Architecture by Agnese Augello, Ignazio Infantino, Giovanni Pilato, Riccardo Rizzo and Filippo Vella and Situated Interpretation in Computational Creativity by Nick Kelly and John S. Gero.
Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation by James M. Utterback, A Dynamic Model of Process and Product Innovation by James M. Utterback and William J. Abernathy and Sources, Procedures, and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation by Giovanni Dosi.
The Sources of Invention by John Jewkes, The Logic of Invention by W. Brian Arthur, The Structure of Invention by W. Brian Arthur, Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field by Jacques Hadamard.
Enhanced Discovery Learning
Learning by Discovery during Innovation Development by Douglas Polley and Andrew H. Van de Ven, Does Discovery-based Instruction Enhance Learning by Louis Alfieri, Patricia J. Brooks, Naomi J. Aldrich and Harriet R. Tenenbaum, Discovery Learning and Transfer of Problem-solving Skills by Mark A. McDaniel and Mark S. Schlager, Cognitive Load during Problem Solving: Effects on Learning by John Sweller, The Unexpected Connection: Serendipity and Human Mediation in Networked Learning by Rita Kop, Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Conversational Dialogue by Arthur C. Graesser, Kurt VanLehn, Carolyn P. Rosé, Pamela W. Jordan and Derek Harter, Cognitive and Motivational Consequences of Tutoring and Discovery Learning by Brian J. Reiser, William A. Copen, Michael Ranney, Adnan Hamid and Daniel Y. Kimberg, Supporting Discovery-based Learning within Simulations by Lloyd P. Rieber, Guided Discovery Learning with Computer-based Simulation Games: Effects of Adaptive and Non-adaptive Instructional Support by Detlev Leutner, Discovery Learning, Representation, and Explanation within a Computer-based Simulation: Finding the Right Mix by Lloyd P. Rieber, Shyh-Chii Tzeng and Kelly Tribble, Scientific Discovery Learning with Computer Simulations of Conceptual Domains by Ton De Jong and Wouter R. Van Joolingen, Collaborative Discovery Learning based on Computer Simulation by Jianwei Zhang and Supporting Collaborative Learning in Narrative-centered Learning Environments by Jennifer Robison and Lucy Shores.
Creativity and Affect by Melvin P. Shaw and Mark A. Runco, The Role of Affect in Creative Minds by Andy Dong, Affect and Creativity at Work by Teresa M. Amabile, Sigal G. Barsade, Jennifer S. Mueller and Barry M. Staw and Affect and Creativity: The Role of Affect and Play in the Creative Process by Sandra W. Russ.
Interest — The Curious Emotion by Paul J. Silvia, What is Interesting? Exploring the Appraisal Structure of Interest by Paul J. Silvia, Exploring the Psychology of Interest by Paul J. Silvia, Interest: A Unique Motivational Variable by Suzanne Hidi, Curiosity and Pleasure by Leonid I. Perlovsky, M-C. Bonniot-Cabanac and Michel Cabanac, Curiosity, Motivation and Attention Focus by Kathryn E. Merrick and Mary Lou Maher, Curiosity and Learning by Daniel E. Berlyne, The Psychology of Curiosity: A Review and Reinterpretation by George Loewenstein, Curiosity: From Psychology to Computation by Qiong Wu and Chunyan Miao, Towards Artificial Forms of Surprise and Curiosity by Luís Macedo and Amílcar Cardoso, Creativity, Surprise and Design: An Introduction and Investigation by David C. Brown, Computational Models of Surprise in Evaluating Creative Design by Mary Lou Maher, Brady Katherine and Douglas H. Fisher, Curious Design Agents and Artificial Creativity by Rob Saunders, Visual Creative Design with the Assistance of Curious Agents by Ewa Grabska, Katarzyna Grzesiak-Kopeć and Grażyna Ślusarczyk, Simple Algorithmic Principles of Discovery, Subjective Beauty, Selective Attention, Curiosity and Creativity by Jürgen Schmidhuber, From Visual Patterns to Semantic Description: A Cognitive Approach Using Artificial Curiosity as the Foundation by Dominik M. Ramík, Kurosh Madani and Christophe Sabourin, Artificial Curiosity with Planning for Autonomous Perceptual and Cognitive Development by Matthew Luciw, Vincent Graziano, Mark Ring and Jürgen Schmidhuber, Achieving Creative Behavior Using Curious Learning Agents by Mary Lou Maher, Kathryn E. Merrick and Rob Saunders, Modeling Curiosity-related Emotions for Virtual Peer Learners by Qiong Wu and Chunyan Miao, Modeling Curiosity for Virtual Learning Companions by Qiong Wu, Chunyan Miao and Bo An, Curiosity, Motivation, and “Flow” in Computer-Based Instruction by Luther I. Rotto and Flow and Creativity by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Motivation and Creativity by Mary A. Collins and Teresa M. Amabile, The Creativity–motivation Connection by Beth A. Hennessey, The Motivation to be Creative by Teresa M. Amabile, Values and Creativity by Joseph Kasof, Chuansheng Chen, Amy Himsel and Ellen Greenberger, Curiosity, Motivation and Attention Focus by Kathryn E. Merrick and Mary Lou Maher, Developing Creativity, Motivation, and Self-actualization with Learning Systems by Winslow Burleson and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: The Search for Optimal Motivation and Performance by Judith M. Harackiewicz.
Creativity and Personality by Hans J. Eysenck, The Function of Personality in Creativity by Gregory J. Feist and Differential Effects of Personality Traits and Environmental Predictors on Reproductive and Creative Imagination by Chaoyun Liang, Chi‐Cheng Chang and Yuling Hsu.
Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation by David Gurteen, The Inadvertent Use of Prior Knowledge in a Generative Cognitive Task by Richard L. Marsh, Thomas B. Ward and Joshua D. Landau, Prior Knowledge in Design: A Dynamic Knowledge-based Model of Design and Creativity by Rivka E. Oxman, Precedents in Design: A Computational Model for the Organization of Precedent Knowledge by Rivka E. Oxman, Schemata, Gambits and Precedent: Some Factors in Design Expertise by Bryan Lawson, Cognitive Appraisals and Interest in Visual Art: Exploring an Appraisal Theory of Aesthetic Emotions by Paul J. Silvia, Artistic Training and Interest in Visual Art: Applying the Appraisal Model of Aesthetic Emotions by Paul J. Silvia, The Role of Formal Art Training on Perception and Aesthetic Judgment of Art Compositions by Calvin F. Nodine, Paul J. Locher and Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Creativity and Perception by G. Smith and Gunilla Amner, To the Trained Eye: Perceptual Expertise Alters Visual Processing by Kim M. Curby and Isabel Gauthier, Rapid Changes in Brain Structure Predict Improvements Induced by Perceptual Learning by Thomas Ditye, Ryota Kanai, Bahador Bahrami, Neil G. Muggleton, Geraint Rees and Vincent Walsh, The Artist’s Advantage: Better Integration of Object Information across Eye Movements by Florian Perdreau and Patrick Cavanagh, Artists as Experts in Visual Cognition by Aaron Kozbelt, The Artist Emerges: Visual Art Learning Alters Neural Structure and Function by Alexander Schlegel, Prescott Alexander, Sergey V. Fogelson, Xueting Li, Zhengang Lu, Peter J. Kohler, Enrico Riley, U. Tse Peter and Ming Meng, Perceptual Constancies and Visual Selection as Predictors of Realistic Drawing Skill by Justin Ostrofsky, Aaron Kozbelt and Angelika Seidel, Integrating Art Historical, Psychological, and Neuroscientific Explanations of Artists’ Advantages in Drawing and Perception by Aaron Kozbelt and William P. Seeley, Human Perceptual Learning by Mental Imagery by Elisa M. Tartaglia, Laura Bamert, Fred W. Mast and Michael H. Herzog, Training Visual Imagery: Improvements of Metacognition, but not Imagery Strength by Rosanne L. Rademaker and Joel Pearson and An Emerging Paradigm: A Strength-based Approach to Exploring Mental Imagery by Tadhg E. MacIntyre, Aidan P. Moran, Christian Collet and Aymeric Guillot.
Stimulating Creativity through Artistic Inspiration by Dora Parris, Stimulating Creativity: Individual Procedures by Morris I. Stein, Sources of Inspiration: A Language of Design by Claudia Eckert and Martin Stacey, Toward a Theory of Creative Inklings by Liane Gabora and Seeking Serendipity: The Inspiration Hunt of a Creative Professional by Amanda LeClerc.
Serendipity and Its Study by Allen E. Foster and David Ellis, Investigating Serendipity: How It Unfolds and What May Influence It by Lori McCay‐Peet and Elaine G. Toms, The Process of Serendipity in Knowledge Work by Lori McCay-Peet and Elaine G. Toms, The Structure of Serendipity by Mark de Rond, Modelling Serendipity in a Computational Context by Joseph Corneli, Alison Pease, Simon Colton, Anna Jordanous and Christian Guckelsberger, A Descriptive Profile of Process in Serendipity by Abigail McBirnie, Serendipity and Scientific Discovery by Martin F. Bosenman, Serendipity: Accidental Discoveries in Science by Royston M. Roberts, Using the Concept of Serendipity in Education by Shigekazu Sawaizumi, Osamu Katai, Hiroshi Kawakami and Takayuki Shiose, Examination of Relationships among Serendipity, the Environment, and Individual Differences by Lori McCay-Peet, Elaine G. Toms and E. Kevin Kelloway, Exploring Serendipity’s Precipitating Conditions by Lori McCay-Peet, Measuring the Dimensions of Serendipity in Digital Environments by Lori McCay-Peet and Elaine Toms, Understanding and Measuring Support for Serendipity by Lori McCay-Peet, Serendipity and Information Seeking: An Empirical Study by Allen E. Foster and Nigel Ford, Encouraging Serendipity in Interactive Systems by Stephann Makri, Elaine G. Toms, Lori McCay-Peet and Ann Blandford, Chance Encounters in the Digital Library by Elaine G. Toms and Lori McCay-Peet, Can Serendipity Be Planned by Nathan Eagle, Can a Recommender System Induce Serendipitous Encounters by Leo Iaquinta, Giovanni Semeraro, Marco de Gemmis, Pasquale Lops and Piero Molino, Introducing Serendipity in a Content-based Recommender System by Leo Iaquinta, Marco de Gemmis, Pasquale Lops, Giovanni Semeraro, Michele Filannino and Piero Molino, Metrics for Evaluating the Serendipity of Recommendation Lists by Tomoko Murakami, Koichiro Mori and Ryohei Orihara, Beyond Accuracy: Evaluating Recommender Systems by Coverage and Serendipity by Mouzhi Ge, Carla Delgado-Battenfeld and Dietmar Jannach, Designing a Semantic Sketchbook to Create Opportunities for Serendipity by Deborah Maxwell, Mel Woods, Stephann Makri, Diana Bental, Genovefa Kefalidou and Sarah Sharples, Serendipitous Recommendations via Innovators by Noriaki Kawamae, An Investigation on the Serendipity Problem in Recommender Systems by Marco de Gemmis, Pasquale Lops, Giovanni Semeraro and Cataldo Musto, Serendipitous Recommendation for Scholarly Papers Considering Relations among Researchers by Kazunari Sugiyama and Min-Yen Kan, Introducing Serendipity in Recommender Systems through Collaborative Methods by Suboojitha Sridharan, A Discussion on Serendipity in Creative Systems by Alison Pease, Simon Colton, Ramin Ramezani, John Charnley and Kate Reed and Information Systems and the Stimulation of Creativity by David Bawden.
Attentional Priming Effects on Creativity by Ronald S. Friedman, Ayelet Fishbach, Jens Förster and Lioba Werth, Neural Dynamics of Idea Generation and the Effects of Priming by Laxmi R. Iyer, Simona Doboli, Ali A. Minai, Vincent R. Brown, Daniel S. Levine and Paul B. Paulus, Affective Computational Priming and Creativity by Sheena Lewis, Mira Dontcheva and Elizabeth Gerber, Creativity and Speed of Mental Processing by Jonna Kwiatkowski, Oshin Vartanian and Colin Martindale and Conceptual Priming in a Generative Problem-solving Task by Richard L. Marsh, Martin L. Bink and Jason L. Hicks.
Mental Set
Mental Set and Shift by Arthur T. Jersild, Mental Set and Mental Shift Revisited by Amos Spector and Irving Biederman and Investigating the Effect of Mental Set on Insight Problem Solving by Michael Öllinger, Gary Jones and Günther Knoblich.
Task Switching by Stephen Monsell, The Costs of Multitasking in Threaded Cognition by Niels A. Taatgen and Jelmer Borst, Costs of a Predictible Switch between Simple Cognitive Tasks by Robert D. Rogers and Stephen Monsell, Executive Control of Cognitive Processes in Task Switching by Joshua S. Rubinstein, David E. Meyer and Jeffrey E. Evans, Changing Internal Constraints on Action: The Role of Backward Inhibition by Ulrich Mayr and Steven W. Keele, Toward a Unified Theory of the Multitasking Continuum: From Concurrent Performance to Task Switching, Interruption, and Resumption by Dario D. Salvucci, Niels A. Taatgen and Jelmer P. Borst, Creativity under Concurrent and Sequential Task Conditions by Deepika Rastogi and Narendra K. Sharma, The Effects of Recent Practice on Task Switching by Nick Yeung and Stephen Monsell, The Strategic Use of Preparation Cues in the Task Switching Paradigm by Mike Wendt, Aquiles Luna-Rodriguez, Renate Reisenauer and Gesine Dreisbach and Sequential Modulation of Cue Use in the Task Switching Paradigm by Mike Wendt, Aquiles Luna-Rodriguez, Renate Reisenauer, Thomas Jacobsen and Gesine Dreisbach.
Modeling the Aha! Moment: A Computational Mechanism for Structuring and Incubation in Creative Problem Solving by Zhao Cheng, Laura Ray, Ha T. Nguyen and Jerald D. Kralik, Incubated Cognition and Creativity by Dustin Stokes, Intuition, Incubation, and Insight: Implicit Cognition in Problem Solving by Jennifer Dorfman, Victor A. Shames and John F. Kihlstrom, Sleep Inspires Insight by Wagner Ullrich, Steffen Gais, Hilde Haider, Rolf Verleger and Jan Born and Intuition, Incubation, and Insight: Implicit Cognition in Problem Solving by Jennifer Dorfman, Victor A. Shames and John F. Kihlstrom.
Insight and Epiphany
The Nature of Insight by Robert J. Sternberg and Janet E. Davidson, In Search of Insight by Craig A. Kaplan and Herbert A. Simon, The Aha! Moment: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Insight by John Kounios and Mark Beeman, Considering Human Memory Aspects for Adaptation and Its Realization in AHA! by Mária Bieliková and Peter Nagy, Modeling the Aha! Moment: A Computational Mechanism for Structuring and Incubation in Creative Problem Solving by Zhao Cheng, Laura Ray, Ha T. Nguyen and Jerald D. Kralik, Cognitive and Affective Components of Insight by Mary L. Gick and Robert S. Lockhart, Insight and Affect in the History of Science by Howard E. Gruber, Cues to Solution, Restructuring Patterns, and Reports of Insight in Creative Problem Solving by Patrick J. Cushen and Jennifer Wiley, Constraint Relaxation and Chunk Decomposition in Insight Problem Solving by Günther Knoblich, Stellan Ohlsson, Hilde Haider and Detlef Rhenius and Dynamics and Constraints in Insight Problem Solving by Thomas C. Ormerod, James N. MacGregor and Edward P. Chronicle.
An Empirical Study of Intuition and Creativity by Marie-Helene Raidl and Todd I. Lubart, Creativity, Task Complexity, and Intuitive versus Analytical Problem Solving by Dean K. Simonton, Intuition in the Context of Discovery by Kenneth S. Bowers, Glenn Regehr, Claude Balthazard and Kevin Parker and Intuition, Incubation, and Insight: Implicit Cognition in Problem Solving by Jennifer Dorfman, Victor A. Shames and John F. Kihlstrom.
Automaticity and Volition
Conscious/Subconscious Interaction in a Creative Act by William J. J. Gordon and Tony Poze, Knowledge and Subconscious Activity at the Conceptual Stage of Design by M. Szafarczyk, Where Creativity Resides: The Generative Power of Unconscious Thought by Ap Dijksterhuis and Teun Meurs, The Merits of Unconscious Thought in Creativity by Chen-Bo Zhong, Ap Dijksterhuis and Adam D. Galinsky, A Theory of Unconscious Thought by Ap Dijksterhuis and Loran F. Nordgren, Voluntary versus Automatic Control over the Mind’s Eye’s Movement by John Jonides, Voluntary and Automatic Attentional Control of Visual Working Memory by Brandon K. Schmidt, Edward K. Vogel, Geoffrey F. Woodman and Steven J. Luck, First Attention Then Intention: Insights from Computational Neuroscience of Vision by Milica Milosavljevic and Moran Cerf, The Psychology of Volition by Chris Frith, Searching for the Neural Correlates of Conscious Intention by Michel Desmurget, Voluntary Action and Conscious Awareness by Patrick Haggard, Sam Clark and Jeri Kalogeras, Default Network Activity, Coupled with the Frontoparietal Control Network, Supports Goal-directed Cognition by R. Nathan Spreng, W. Dale Stevens, Jon P. Chamberlain, Adrian W. Gilmore and Daniel L. Schacter and Solving Future Problems: Default Network and Executive Activity Associated with Goal-directed Mental Simulations by Kathy D. Gerlach, R. Nathan Spreng, Adrian W. Gilmore and Daniel L. Schacter.
Metacognition in Creativity by Bonnie B. Armbruster, Metacognition in Creative Problem Solving by Norbert Jaušovec, Creating Creativity in the Design Studio: Assessing the Impact of Metacognitive Skill Development on Creative Abilities by Ryan A. Hargrove, Creativity: A Knowledge Base, Metacognitive Skills, and Personality Factors by John F. Feldhusen, Assessing the Long Term Impact of a Metacognitive Approach to Creative Skill Development by Ryan A. Hargrove and Metacognitive Experiences in Problem Solving by Anastasia Efklides.
Handbook of Imagination and Mental Simulation by William M. P. Klein, Julie A. Suhr and Keith D. Markman, The Role of Imagination in Creativity by Dustin Stokes, Explorations of Creative Visual Synthesis in Mental Imagery by Ronald A. Finke and Karen Slayton, Creative Imagery: Discoveries and Inventions in Visualization by Ronald A. Finke, Imagination as Simulation: Aesthetics Meets Cognitive Science by Gregory Currie and Evaluating the Mind’s Eye: The Metacognition of Visual Imagery by Joel Pearson, Rosanne L. Rademaker and Frank Tong.
Collaborative Creativity by Lena Mamykina, Linda Candy and Ernest Edmonds, Creative Collaboration by Vera John-Steiner, Creative Insight: The Social Dimension of a Solitary Moment by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Keith Sawyer, Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspectives on Orchestrating Creativity and Collaborative Learning by Raija Hämäläinen and Katja Vähäsantanen, Creativity, Cooperation and Interactive Design by Susanne Bødker, Christina Nielsen and Marianne Graves Petersen, Creativity in Groups and Teams by Paul B. Paulus, Timothy S. Larey and Mary T. Dzindolet, Group Composition, Creative Synergy, and Group Performance by Simon Taggar, Group Creativity: The Effects of Extrinsic, Intrinsic, and Obligation Motivations by Randolph B. Cooper and Bandula Jayatilaka, Enhancing Ideational Creativity in Groups by Paul B. Paulus and Vincent R. Brown, Idea Generation in Groups: A Basis for Creativity in Organizations by Paul B. Paulus and Huei-Chuan Yang, Modeling Ideational Creativity in Groups: Connecting Cognitive, Neural, and Computational Approaches by Paul B. Paulus, Daniel S. Levine, Vincent Brown, Ali A. Minai and Simona Doboli, Modeling Cognitive Interactions during Group Brainstorming by Vincent Brown, Michael Tumeo, Timothy S. Larey and Paul B. Paulus, Creativity in Innovative Projects: How Teamwork Matters by Martin Hoegl and K. Praveen Parboteeah and Team Innovation through Collaboration by Claudia A. Sacramento, M. W. Sophie Chang and Michael A. West.
A Missing Piece of the Puzzle: The Organizational Context in Cultural Patterns of Creativity by Jing Zhou and Yanjie Su, Toward a Theory of Organizational Creativity by Richard W. Woodman, John E. Sawyer and Ricky W. Griffin, Stimulating and Supporting Creativity in Organizations by Greg R. Oldham, Climate for Creativity: A Quantitative Review by Samuel T. Hunter, Katrina E. Bedell and Michael D. Mumford, Complexity and Creativity in Organizations by Ralph D. Stacey, The Motivation for Creativity in Organizations by Teresa M. Amabile, Innovation in Organizations: A Multi-level Perspective on Creativity by Michael D. Mumford and Samuel T. Hunter, Creativity and Innovation in Organizations by Teresa M. Amabile, Organizational Innovation: A Meta-analysis of Effects of Determinants and Moderators by Fariborz Damanpour and A Learning Process Model to Achieve Continuous Improvement and Innovation by Bill Buckler.
Leadership in Research and Development Organizations: A Literature Review and Conceptual Framework by Teri Elkins and Robert T. Keller, Leadership and Performance Outcomes in Research Organizations: The Supervisor of Scientists as a Source of Assistance by J. Thad Barnowe, Leadership Recipes for Promoting Students’ Creativity by Kuan Chen Tsai, Leading Others to Think Innovatively Together: Creative Leadership by Min Basadur and Leadership Models, Methods, and Applications by Bruce J. Avolio, John J. Sosik, Dong I. Jung and Yair Berson.
Culture and Cognition by Paul DiMaggio, Human Creativity: Reflections on the Role of Culture by Carsten K. W. De Dreu, Creativity: The Influence of Cultural, Social, and Work Contexts by Miriam Erez and Rikki Nouri, Culture and Creativity: A Social Psychological Analysis by Kwok Leung and Michael W. Morris, Meme and Variations: A Computer Model of Cultural Evolution by Liane Gabora and Modeling Cultural Dynamics by Liane Gabora.
Computational Creativity
Computer Models of Creativity by Margaret A. Boden, Creativity and Artificial Intelligence by Margaret A. Boden, Towards a More Precise Characterisation of Creativity in AI by Geraint A. Wiggins, A Preliminary Framework for Description, Analysis and Comparison of Creative Systems by Geraint A. Wiggins, Categorising Creative Systems by Geriant A. Wiggins, A Formal Theory of Creativity to Model the Creation of Art by Jürgen Schmidhuber, Artificial Creativity: A Synthetic Approach to the Study of Creative Behaviour by Robert Saunders and John S. Gero, Exploring Application Domains for Computational Creativity by Ashish Jagmohan, Ying Li, Nan Shao, Anshul Sheopuri, Dashun Wang, Lav R. Varshney and Pu Huang, Computational Models of Innovative and Creative Design Processes by John S. Gero, Creative Cognition as a Window on Creativity by Thomas B. Ward, Creativity and Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Blending by Francisco Câmara Pereira, From Computational Creativity Metrics to the Principal Components of Human Creativity by Pythagoras Karampiperis, Antonis Koukourikos and George Panagopoulos, Cognition as a Part of Computational Creativity by Lav R. Varshney, Florian Pinel, Kush R. Varshney, Angela Schörgendorfer and Yi-Min Chee, Introducing a Creative Process on a Cognitive Architecture by Agnese Augello, Ignazio Infantino, Giovanni Pilato, Riccardo Rizzo and Filippo Vella and Situated Interpretation in Computational Creativity by Nick Kelly and John S. Gero.
Building Artistic Computer Colleagues with an Enactive Model of Creativity by Nicholas Davis, Yanna Popova, Ivan Sysoev, Chih-Pin Hsiao, Dingtian Zhang and Brian Magerko, Semi-automated Creativity: Software as a Creative Collaborator by Jimmy Secretan, Human-computer Co-creativity: Blending Human and Computational Creativity by Nicholas Davis, Mixed-initiative Co-creativity by Georgios N. Yannakakis, Antonios Liapis and Constantine Alexopoulos and An Interaction Framework for Studying Co-creative AI by Matthew Guzdial and Mark O. Riedl.