
Research and Development

Parallel and Distributed Computer-aided and Automated Reasoning, Planning and Scheduling

Cognitive Science

Human Planning Processes by Barbara Hayes-Roth, Stephanie Cammarata, Sarah E Goldin, Frederick Hayes-Roth, Stanley Rosenschein and Penny W. Thorndyke, A Cognitive Model of Planning by Barbara Hayes‐Roth and Frederick Hayes‐Roth, Cognitive Processes in Planning by Barbara Hayes-Roth and Frederick Hayes-Roth, Heuristics, Planning and Cognition by Hector Geffner, Multi-step Planning in the Brain by Kevin Miller and Sarah J. Venditto, Planning and Understanding: A Computational Approach to Human Reasoning by Robert Wilensky, Human Problem Solving by Allen Newell and Herbert Alexander Simon, Thinking, Problem Solving, Cognition by Richard E. Mayer, Strategic Cognitive Sequencing: A Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Approach by Seth A. Herd, Kai A. Krueger, Trenton E. Kriete, Tsung-Ren Huang, Thomas E. Hazy and Randall C. O’Reilly, Best Practices in Teaching Planning by Steve Graham and Karen R. Harris, Planning in Young Children: A Review and Synthesis by Teresa McCormack and Cristina M. Atance, Future Thinking in Young Children by Cristina M. Atance, Episodic Future Thinking in Children by Cristina M. Atance and Caitlin E. V. Mahy, The Development of Mental Scenario Building and Episodic Foresight by Thomas Suddendorf and Jonathan Redshaw, The Development of Episodic Foresight: Emerging Concepts and Methods by Judith A. Hudson, E. M. Mayhew and Janani Prabhakar and Looking Forward and Looking Backward: Cognitive and Experiential Search by Giovanni Gavetti and Daniel Levinthal.


An Investigation into Team-based Planning by Dionysis Kalofonos and Timothy J. Norman, Real-time Strategy: Improvising Team-based Planning for a Fast-changing World by Lee Tom Perry, W. Norman Smallwood and Randall G. Stott, Team-based Strategic Planning: A Complete Guide to Structuring, Facilitating, and Implementing the Process by C. Davis Fogg, A Generative Dialogue System for Arguing about Plans in Situation Calculus by Alexandros Belesiotis, Michael Rovatsos and Iyad Rahwan, Strategies for Question Selection in Argumentative Dialogues about Plans by Rolando Medellin-Gasque, Katie Atkinson, Trevor Bench-Capon and Peter McBurney, Reaching a Common Agreement Discourse Universe on Multi-agent Planning by Alejandro Torreño, Eva Onaindia and Oscar Sapena, Argumentation-based Dialogues over Cooperative Plans by Angel R. M. Gasque and Achieving Coordination through Combining Joint Planning and Joint Learning by Gerhard Weiß.

Computer-aided Planning

Cognitive Models for Mixed-initiative Planning by Chen Zhang, Human-machine Collaborative Planning by James F. Allen and George Ferguson, Configurable, Mixed-initiative Systems for Planning and Scheduling by Stephen F. Smith, Ora Lassila and Marcel Becker, Reasoning about Plans by James F. Allen, Henry Kautz, Richard Pelavin and Josh Tenenberg, Arguing About Plans: Plan Representation and Reasoning for Mixed-Initiative Planning by George Ferguson and James F. Allen, Rationale in Planning: Causality, Dependencies and Decisions by Stephen T. Polyak and Austin Tate, Rationale-supported Mixed-initiative Case-based Planning by Manuela M. Veloso, Alice M. Mulvehill and Michael T. Cox, Formalizing Plan Justifications by Eugene Fink and Qiang Yang, An Interactive Planner that Creates a Structured, Annotated Trace of its Operation by John L. Bresina, On Representations of Problems of Reasoning about Actions by Saul Amarel, Teaching Robots Parametrized Executable Plans through Spoken Interaction by Guglielmo Gemignani, Emanuele Bastianelli and Daniele Nardi and Meta‐planning: Representing and Using Knowledge about Planning in Problem Solving and Natural Language Understanding by Robert Wilensky.

Computer-automated Planning

Automated Planning: Theory and Practice by Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau and Paolo Traverso, Computational Models of Planning by Hector Geffner, Planning with Problems Requiring Temporal Coordination by Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long and Amanda Smith, Planning with Resources and Concurrency: A Forward Chaining Approach by Fahiem Bacchus and Michael Ady, Temporal Planning with Problems Requiring Concurrency through Action Graphs and Local Search by Alfonso Gerevini, Alessandro Saetti and Ivan Serina, Complexity of Concurrent Temporal Planning by Jussi Rintanen, Managing Concurrency in Temporal Planning Using Planner-scheduler Interaction by Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Keith Halsey, Derek Long and Amanda Smith, Temporal Planning with Continuous Change by J. Scott Penberthy and Daniel S. Weld, Learned Models for Continuous Planning by Matthew D. Schmill, Tim Oates and Paul R. Cohen, Rationale-based Monitoring for Planning in Dynamic Environments by Manuela M. Veloso, Martha E. Pollack and Michael T. Cox, Goal Transformations in Continuous Planning by Michael T. Cox and Manuela M. Veloso, Using Iterative Repair to Improve the Responsiveness of Planning and Scheduling by Steve A. Chien, Russell Knight, Andre Stechert, Rob Sherwood and Gregg Rabideau, Planning and Acting in Incomplete Domains by Christopher Weber and Daniel Bryce, Assessing and Generating Robust Plans with Partial Domain Models by Tuan A. Nguyen, Subbarao Kambhampati and Minh B. Do, Reachability Heuristics for Planning in Incomplete Domains by Jared Robertson and Daniel Bryce, Synthesizing Robust Plans under Incomplete Domain Models by Tuan A. Nguyen, Subbarao Kambhampati and Minh Do, Generation and Exploitation of Intermediate Goals in Automated Planning by Vidal Alcázar Saiz, Temporal Landmarks: What Must Happen, and When by Erez Karpas, David Wang, Brian C Williams and Patrik Haslum, Ordered Landmarks in Planning by Jörg Hoffmann, Julie Porteous and Laura Sebastia, Landmark-based Heuristics and Search Control for Automated Planning by Silvia Richter, Cost-optimal Planning with Landmarks by Erez Karpas and Carmel Domshlak, Landmark-enhanced Abstraction Heuristics by Carmel Domshlak, Michael Katz and Sagi Lefler, Using Abstraction for Generalized Planning by Srivastava Siddharth, Neil Immerman and Shlomo Zilberstein, Flexible Abstraction Heuristics for Optimal Sequential Planning by Malte Helmert, Patrik Haslum and Jörg Hoffmann, Challenges in Finding Generalized Plans by Srivastava Siddharth, Neil Immerman and Shlomo Zilberstein, Generalized Planning: Synthesizing Plans That Work for Multiple Environments by Hu Yuxiao and Giuseppe De Giacomo, On the Role of Abstraction in Case-based Reasoning by Bergmann Ralph and Wolfgang Wilke, Planning with Constraints by Mark Jeffrey Stefik, Planning with Constraints by Barry Richards, Cost-optimal Planning with Constraints and Preferences in Large State Spaces by Stefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar and Mohammed Nazih, Planning with Preferences by Jorge A. Baier and Sheila A. McIlraith, Planning with Preferences using Logic Programming by Tran Cao Son and Enrico Pontelli, Planning with Goal Preferences and Constraints by Ronen I. Brafman and Yuri Chernyavsky, Planning with Prioritized Goals by Robert Feldmann, Gerhard Brewka and Sandro Wenzel, Temporal Planning with Preferences and Probabilities by Robert Morris, Paul Morris, Lina Khatib and Neil Yorke-Smith, Planning under Uncertainty by George B. Dantzig, Parallel Processors for Planning under Uncertainty by George B. Dantzig and Peter W. Glynn, Planning under Uncertainty for Robotic Tasks with Mixed Observability by Sylvie C. W. Ong, Shao Wei Png, David Hsu and Wee Sun Lee, Evaluating Planners, Plans, and Planning Agents by Martha E. Pollack, Evaluating Temporal Planning Domains by William Cushing, Daniel S. Weld, Subbarao Kambhampati, Talamadupula Mausam and Kartik Talamadupula and Evaluating Temporal Plans in Incomplete Domains by Daniel Morwood and Daniel Bryce.

Case-based Planning

A Case-based Approach to Heuristic Planning by Tomás de la Rosa, Angel García-Olaya and Daniel Borrajo, On the Complexity of Case-based Planning by Paolo Liberatore, Kernel Functions for Case-based Planning by Ivan Serina, Case-based Planning for Problems with Real-valued Fluents: Kernel Functions for Effective Plan Retrieval by Alfonso Gerevini, Alessandro Saetti and Ivan Serina, Identifying and Exploiting Features for Effective Plan Retrieval in Case-based Planning by Mauro Vallati, Ivan Serina, Alessandro Saetti and Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Progress in Case-based Planning by Daniel Borrajo, Anna Roubíčková and Ivan Serina, On the Plan-library Maintenance Problem in a Case-based Planner by Alfonso E. Gerevini, Anna Roubíčková, Alessandro Saetti and Ivan Serina, Offline and Online Plan Library Maintenance in Case-based Planning by Alfonso E. Gerevini, Anna Roubíčková, Alessandro Saetti and Ivan Serina, Flexible Plan Reuse in a Formal Framework by Jana Koehler, Plan Reuse versus Plan Generation: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis by Bernhard Nebel and Jana Koehler, Heuristic Search-based Replanning by Sven Koenig, David Furcy and Colin Bauer, Fast Plan Adaptation through Planning Graphs: Local and Systematic Search Techniques by Alfonso Gerevini and Ivan Serina, Replanning: A New Perspective by William Cushing and Subbarao Kambhampati, Plan Stability: Replanning versus Plan Repair by Maria Fox, Alfonso Gerevini, Derek Long and Ivan Serina and Plan Repair as an Extension of Planning by Krogt Roman Van Der and Mathijs De Weerdt.


The Role of Simulation in Planning by David P. Miller, Incorporating Simulation-based Models into Planning Systems by Jin Joo Lee and Paul A. Fishwick and Simulation-based Decision Support for Evaluating Operational Plans by Johan Schubert, Farshad Moradi, Hirad Asadi, Linus Luotsinen, Eric Sjöberg, Pontus Hörling, Anna Linderhed and Daniel Oskarsson.


Generating Perception Requests and Expectations to Verify the Execution of Plans by Richard J. Doyle, David J. Atkinson and Rajkumar S. Doshi, Sensible Planning: Focusing Perceptual Attention by Lonnie Chrisman and Reid G. Simmons and Cost-effective Sensing during Plan Execution by Eric A. Hansen.


Abstraction in Planning by Josh D. Tenenberg, A Theory of Abstraction for Hierarchical Planning by Craig A. Knoblock, Learning Plan Abstractions by Ralph Bergmann, Plan Abstraction Based on Operator Generalization by John S. Anderson and Arthur M. Farley, Planning in a Hierarchy of Abstraction Spaces by Earl D. Sacerdoti, Characterizing Abstraction Hierarchies for Planning by Craig A. Knoblock, Josh D. Tenenberg and Qiang Yang, Efficient Retrieval of Abstract Cases for Case-based Planning by Ralph Bergmann, Abstraction Planning in Real Time by Richard Washington, Automatically Generating Abstractions for Planning by Craig A. Knoblock, Abstraction and Approximate Decision-theoretic Planning by Richard Dearden and Craig Boutilier, Abstraction in Problem Solving and Learning by Amy Unruh and Paul S. Rosenbloom, On the Role of Abstraction in Case-based Reasoning by Ralph Bergmann and Wolfgang Wilke, Challenges in Finding Generalized Plans by Siddharth Srivastava, Neil Immerman and Shlomo Zilberstein, Efficient Retrieval of Abstract Cases for Case-based Planning by Ralph Bergmann, Abstraction Planning in Real Time by Richard Washington, Automatically Generating Abstractions for Planning by Craig A. Knoblock, Abstraction and Approximate Decision-theoretic Planning by Richard Dearden and Craig Boutilier, Abstraction in Problem Solving and Learning by Amy Unruh and Paul S. Rosenbloom, Conscious Attention and Abstraction in Concept Learning by Richard A. Carlson and Don E. Dulany, Conceptual Modelling: Knowledge Acquisition and Model Abstraction by Kathy Kotiadis and Stewart Robinson and Learning and Abstraction in Simulation by Sarah E. Goldin and Philip Klahr.

Plan Recognition

A Formal Theory of Plan Recognition by Henry A. Kautz, The Plan Recognition Problem: An Intersection of Psychology and Artificial Intelligence by Charles F. Schmidt, N. S. Sridharan and John L. Goodson, Programming Mental State Abduction by Michal Sindlar, Mehdi Dastani and John-Jules Meyer, Seeing beyond Shadows: Incremental Abductive Reasoning for Plan Understanding by Ben Leon Meadows, Pat Langley and Miranda Jane Emery, The Perceptual Organization of Ongoing Behavior by D. Newtson and G. Engquist, The Reliability of a Measure of Behavior Perception by D. Newtson, G. Engquist and J. Bois, Episode Cognition: Internal Representations of Interaction Routines by Joseph P. Forgas, Plans and Goals in Understanding Episodes by Gordon H. Bower, Understanding Actions in Relation to Goals by C. Foss and G. Bower, Using Movement and Intentions to Understand Human Activity by Jeffrey M. Zacks, Shawn Kumar, Richard A. Abrams and Ritesh Mehta, Techniques for Plan Recognition by Sandra Carberry, Plan Recognition as Planning by Miquel Ramırez and Hector Geffner, Generalized Plan Recognition by Henry A. Kautz and James F. Allen, A Conceptual Modelling Approach to the Implementation of Beliefs and Intentions by Ralph Meyer, Inferring Beliefs from Actions by Itai Arieli and Manuel Mueller-Frank, A Model of Plan Inference That Distinguishes between the Beliefs of Actors and Observers by Martha E. Pollack, A Belief Tracking Challenge Task for Spoken Dialog Systems by Jason D. Williams, Shared Representations of Belief and Their Effects on Action Selection: A Preliminary Computational Cognitive Model by Paul Bello, Fast and Complete Symbolic Plan Recognition by Dorit Avrahami-Zilberbrand and Gal A. Kaminka, Plan Recognition for Context Sensitive Help by Klaus-Jürgen Quast, Inference to the Best Plan: A Coherence Theory of Decision by Paul Thagard and Elijah Millgram, Plan Recognition in Natural Language Dialogue by Sandra Carberry, Plan Recognition and Discourse Analysis: An Integrated Approach for Understanding Dialogues by Diane Litman, Analyzing Intention in Utterances by James F. Allen and C. Raymond Perrault, Intentions in Communication edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan and Martha E. Pollack, The Perceived Intentionality of Groups by Paul Bloom and Csaba Veres, Multi-agent Plan Recognition: Formalization and Algorithms by Bikramjit Banerjee, Landon Kraemer and Jeremy Lyle, The Complexity of Multi-agent Plan Recognition by Bikramjit Banerjee, Jeremy Lyle and Landon Kraemer, Action-model Based Multi-agent Plan Recognition by Hankz H. Zhuo, Qiang Yang and Subbarao Kambhampati and Multi-agent Plan Recognition with Partial Team Traces and Plan Libraries by Hankz H. Zhuo and Lei Li.

Game Theory

Game Theory by Roger B. Myerson, Algorithmic Game Theory by Tim Roughgarden, Eva Tardos and Vijay V. Vazirani, Representations and Solutions for Game-theoretic Problems by Daphne Koller and Avi Pfeffer, Game Theory and Strategy by Philip D. Straffin, Parallel Game-tree Search by T. Anthony Marsland and Fred Popowich and Distributed Game-tree Searching by Jonathan Schaeffer.

Heuristic Search

Heuristic Search: Theory and Applications by Stefan Edelkamp and Stefan Schrödl, Implementing Fast Heuristic Search Code by Ethan A. Burns, Matthew Hatem, Michael J. Leighton and Wheeler Ruml, Accelerating Heuristic Search for AI Planning by You Xu, Parallel Breadth-first Search Algorithms for Trees and Graphs by Ratan K. Ghosh and G. P. Bhattacharjee, Parallel Algorithms for Depth-first Search by Jon Freeman, Parallel Depth-first Search in General Directed Graphs by Alok Aggarwal, Richard J. Anderson and Ming-Yang Kao, Parallel Best-first Search of State-space Graphs: A Summary of Results by Vipin Kumar, K. Ramesh and V. Nageshwara Rao, Scalable, Parallel Best-first Search for Optimal Sequential Planning by Akihiro Kishimoto, Alex S. Fukunaga and Adi Botea, A Parallel Implementation of Iterative-deepening-A* by V. Nageshwara Rao, Vipin Kumar and K. Ramesh, PRA*: Massively Parallel Heuristic Search by Matthew Evett, James Hendler, Ambuj Mahanti and Dana Nau, Massively Parallel A* Search on a GPU by Yichao Zhou and Jianyang Zeng, Block-parallel IDA* for GPUs by Satoru Horie and Alex Fukunaga, Dynamic Search on the GPU by Mubbasir Kapadia, Francisco Garcia, Cory D. Boatright and Norman I. Badler, Exploiting the Computational Power of the Graphics Card: Optimal State Space Planning on the GPU by Damian Sulewski, Stefan Edelkamp and Peter Kissmann, High-dimensional Planning on the GPU by Joseph T. Kider, Mark Henderson, Maxim Likhachev and Alla Safonova, Applications of Parallel Processing Technologies in Heuristic Search Planning: Methodologies and Experiments by Tu Huy Phan, Enrico Pontelli, Tran Cao Son and Son Thanh To, Multicriteria Heuristic Search by Lawrence Mandow and Jose L. Pérez de la Cruz, Multiobjective Heuristic State-space Planning by Ioannis Refanidis and Ioannis Vlahavas, An Empirical Comparison of Some Multiobjective Graph Search Algorithms by Enrique L. Machuca Sánchez, Lorenzo Mandow, Jose L. Pérez de la Cruz and Amparo Ruiz-Sepulveda, An Analysis of Some Algorithms and Heuristics for Multiobjective Graph Search by Enrique L. Machuca Sánchez, Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Techniques in Planning by Bryan H. Massam, Anytime Heuristic Search: Frameworks and Algorithms by Jordan T. Thayer and Wheeler Ruml, Learning for Adaptive Real-time Search by Vadim Bulitko, Learning in Real-time Search: A Unifying Framework by Vadim Bulitko and Greg Lee, Controlling the Learning Process of Real-time Heuristic Search by Masashi Shimbo and Toru Ishida, Real-time Heuristic Search with a Priority Queue by D. Chris Rayner, Katherine Davison, Vadim Bulitko, Kenneth Anderson and Jieshan Lu, Value Backpropagation versus Backtracking in Real-time Heuristic Search by Sverrir Sigmundarson and Yngvi Björnsson, Dynamic Control in Real-time Heuristic Search by Vadim Bulitko, Mitja Lustrek, Jonathan Schaeffer, Yngvi Björnsson and Sverrir Sigmundarson, Dynamic Control in Path-planning with Real-time Heuristic Search by Vadim Bulitko, Yngvi Björnsson, Mitja Lustrek, Jonathan Schaeffer and Sverrir Sigmundarson, Graph Abstraction in Real-time Heuristic Search by Vadim Bulitko, Nathan R. Sturtevant, Jieshan Lu and Timothy Yau, Implicit Abstraction Heuristics by Michael Katz and Carmel Domshlak, State Abstraction in Real-time Heuristic Search: The Director’s Cut by Vadim Bulitko, Nathan Sturtevant, Jieshan Lu and Timothy Yau and Speeding up Learning in Real-time Search via Automatic State Abstraction by Vadim Bulitko, Nathan Sturtevant and Maryia Kazakevich.


Planning as Satisfiability by Henry A. Kautz and Bart Selman, Planning and SAT by Jussi Rintanen, Planning as Satisfiability: Parallel Plans and Algorithms for Plan Search by Jussi Rintanen, Keijo Heljanko and Ilkka Niemelä and An Overview of Parallel SAT Solving by Ruben Martins, Vasco Manquinho and Inês Lynce.

Stable Models

Relating Stable Models and AI Planning Domains by V. S. Subrahmanian and Carlo Zaniolo and Computing Stable Models in Parallel by Raphael A. Finkel, Victor W. Marek, Neil Moore and Miroslaw Truszczynski.

Answer Set Programming

Answer Set Planning by Vladimir Lifschitz, Action Languages, Answer Sets, and Planning by Vladimir Lifschitz, Answer Set Programming and Plan Generation by Vladimir Lifschitz, Applications of Preferences using Answer Set Programming by Claudia Zepeda, Mauricio Osorio, Juan Carlos Nieves, Christine Solnon and David Sol and Construction and Optimization of a Parallel Engine for Answer Set Programming by Enrico Pontelli and Omar El-Khatib.

Digital Characters

Search-based Planning: A Method for Character Behaviour by Miguel Lozano, S. J. Mead, Marc Cavazza and Fred Charles, Planning Characters’ Behaviour in Interactive Storytelling by Marc Cavazza, Fred Charles and Steven J. Mead, An Intent-driven Planner for Multi-agent Story Generation by Mark O. Riedl and R. Michael Young, Using Motivation-driven Continuous Planning to Control the Behaviour of Virtual Agents by Nikos Avradinis, Ruth Aylett and Themis Panayiotopoulos and Planning Interactive Task for Intelligent Characters by Dan Zong, Chunpeng Li, Shihong Xia and Zhaoqi Wang.

Natural Language Generation and Speech Synthesis

An Intelligent Tutoring System that Generates a Natural Language Dialogue Using Dynamic Multi-level Planning by Chong W. Woo, Martha W. Evens, Reva Freedman, Michael Glass, Leem S. Shim, Yuemei Zhang, Yujian Zhou and Joel Michael, Building Natural Language Generation Systems by Ehud Reiter, Robert Dale and Zhiwei Feng, Natural Language Generation from Plans by Chris Mellish and Roger Evans, Natural Language Generation as Planning Under Uncertainty for Spoken Dialogue Systems by Verena Rieser and Oliver Lemon, Planning Texts by Constraint Satisfaction by Richard Power, Experiences with Planning for Natural Language Generation by Alexander Koller and Ronald Petrick, Processes of Incremental Message Planning during Conversation by Sarah Brown-Schmidt and Agnieszka E. Konopka, Ways of Looking Ahead: Hierarchical Planning in Language Production by Eun-Kyung Lee, Sarah Brown-Schmidt and Duane G. Watson, Discourse Structuring of Dynamic Content by Nadjet Bouayad-Agha, Leo Wanner and Daniel Nicklass, Towards Generating Text from Discourse Representation Structures by Valerio Basile and Johan Bos, From Logic to Language: Natural Language Generation from Logical Forms by Valerio Basile, Aspects of Natural Language Generation and Prosody by Martin Haase, Prosodic Cues for Information Structure by Poesio, Massimo, Stephen Isard, Helen Wright, James Hieronymus, Robin Cooper, Staan Larsson and Johan Bos, Prosody Modeling in Concept-to-speech Generation by Shimei Pan and Using Dialogue Representations for Concept-to-speech Generation by Christine H. Nakatani and Jennifer Chu-Carroll.

Motion Planning

Behavior Planning for Character Animation by Manfred Lau and James J. Kuffner, Real-time Planning for Parameterized Human Motion by Wan-Yen Lo and Matthias Zwicker, Planning Motions with Intentions by Yoshihito Koga, Koichi Kondo, James Kuffner and Jean-Claude Latombe, Precomputed Search Trees: Planning for Interactive Goal-driven Animation by Manfred Lau and James J. Kuffner, Scalable Precomputed Search Trees by Manfred Lau and James J. Kuffner, Planning Humanlike Actions in Blending Spaces by Yazhou Huang, Mentar Mahmudi and Marcelo Kallmann, Multi-modal Planning for Humanlike Motion Synthesis Using Motion Capture by Mentar Mahmudi, Generating the Animation of a 3D Agent from Explanation Text by Ken’ichi Kakizaki, Path Abstraction for Combined Navigation and Animation by Ben J. H. van Basten and Arjan Egges and Evaluating Motion Graphs for Character Animation by Paul S. A. Reitsma and Nancy S. Pollard.

Generating Stories, Screenplays and Narratives

Planning Stories by Michael Lebowitz, Plans and Planning in Narrative Generation: A Review of Plan-based Approaches to the Generation of Story, Discourse and Interactivity in Narratives by R. Michael Young, S. G. Ware, Brad Cassell and Justus Robertson, Planning Algorithms for Interactive Storytelling by Leandro Motta Barros and Soraia Raupp Musse, Real-time Planning for Interactive Storytelling by Richard Paul, Michael McNeill, Darryl Charles, David McSherry and Philip Morrow, Story-telling as Planning and Learning by Michael Lebowitz and Narrative-centered Tutorial Planning for Inquiry-based Learning Environments by Bradford W. Mott and James C. Lester.

Educational Planning, Instructional Design and Learning Objects

Teacher Planning by Christopher M. Clark and Robert J. Yinger, A Study of Teacher Planning by Robert J. Yinger, The Effect of Planning on Teaching by John A. Zahorik, Teacher Planning, Teacher Behavior, and Student Achievement by Penelope L. Peterson, Ronald W. Marx and Christopher M. Clark, What’s in a Plan? Stated and Unstated Plans for Lessons by Greta Morine-Dershimer, Teachers’ Planning Models by John A. Zahorik, Three Studies of Teacher Planning by Christopher M. Clark and Robert J. Yinger, Problem Solving, Reasoning, and Analytical Thinking in a Classroom Environment by Joanne K. Robbins, Planning in Classroom Reality: An In-depth Look by Greta Morine-Dershimer, Review of Research on Teachers’ Pedagogical Judgments, Plans, and Decisions by Richard J. Shavelson, A Psychological Approach to Research on Teachers’ Classroom Decision‐making by James Calderhead, A Study of Teacher Interactive Decision Making by Michael G. Wodlinger, How Teachers Plan Their Courses: Studies in Curriculum Planning by Philip H. Taylor, Experienced Teachers’ Planning Practices: A U.S. Survey by Deborah Sardo‐Brown, Using Planning Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Darwyn R. Peachey and Gordon I. McCalla, A Curriculum Planning Model for an Intelligent Tutoring System by Byung-In Cho, Joel A. Michael, Allen A. Rovick and Martha W. Evens, Dynamic Planning Models to Support Curriculum Planning and Multiple Tutoring Protocols in Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Byung-In Cho, Instructional Planning in an Intelligent Tutoring System: Combining Global Lesson Plans with Local Discourse Control by Chong W. Woo, Interaction of Discourse Planning, Instructional Planning and Dialogue Management in an Interactive Tutoring System by Reva K. Freedman, An Intelligent Tutoring System That Generates a Natural Language Dialogue Using Dynamic Multi-level Planning by Chong W. Woo, Martha W. Evens, Reva K. Freedman, Michael Glass, Leem S. Shim, Yuemei Zhang, Yujian Zhou and Joel Michael, Toward an Instructional Design Model Based on Learning Objects by Andrés C. Laverde, Yasbley S. Cifuentes and Helda Y. R. Rodriguez, Instructional Planning with Learning Objects by Permanand Mohan, Jim Greer and G. McCalla, Learning Object Design and Sequencing Theory by David A. Wiley, A Categorization Scheme for Principles of Sequencing Content by George J. Posner and Kenneth A. Strike, Knowledge Engineering and Planning for the Automated Synthesis of Customized Learning Designs by Luis Castillo, Lluvia Morales, Arturo González-Ferrer, Juan Fernández-Olivares and Óscar García-Pérez, Automatic Generation of Learning Designs: Two Planning Approaches Comparison by Lluvia Morales, Automatic Generation of User Adapted Learning Designs: An AI-Planning Proposal by Lluvia Morales, Luis Castillo, Juan Fernandez-Olivares and Arturo Gonzalez-Ferrer, Modeling E-learning Activities in Automated Planning by Antonio Garrido, Eva Onaindia, Lluvia Morales, Luis Castillo, Susana Fernández and Daniel Borrajo, On the Automatic Compilation of E-learning Models to Planning by Antonio Garrido, Susana Fernández, Lluvia Morales, Eva Onaindía, Daniel Borrajo and Luis Castillo, Automatic Generation of Temporal Planning Domains for E-learning Problems by Luis Castillo, Lluvia Morales, Arturo González-Ferrer, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Daniel Borrajo and Eva Onaindía, A Standards-based Modelling Approach for Dynamic Generation of Adaptive Learning Scenarios by Jesus Boticario and Olga C. Santos, Planning for Conditional Learning Routes by Lluvia Morales, Luis Castillo and Juan Fernández-Olivares, Constraint Programming for Planning Routes in an E-learning Environment by Antonio Garrido, Eva Onaindıa and Oscar Sapena, E-learning and Intelligent Planning: Improving Content Personalization by Antonio Garrido and Lluvia Morales, Planning and Execution in a Personalised E-learning Setting by Lluvia Morales, Antonio Garrido and Ivan Serina, Pedagogically Founded Courseware Generation Based on HTN-planning by Carsten Ullrich and Erica Melis, An Architecture for a Self‐improving Instructional Planner for Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Stuart A. MacMillan and Derek H. Sleeman, Decision Theoretic Instructional Planner for Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Noboru Matsuda and Kurt VanLehn and Using Case-based Reasoning in Instructional Planning: Towards a Hybrid Self-improving Instructional Planner by Jon A. Elorriaga and Isabel Fernández-Castro.

Multimedia Content Generation

User and Discourse Models for Multimodal Communication by Wolfgang Wahlster, Using a Simulated Student for Instructional Design by Joseph S. Mertz, Plan-based Integration of Natural Language and Graphics Generation by Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich and Thomas Rist, The Design of Illustrated Documents as a Planning Task by Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist, Designing Illustrated Texts: How Language Production Is Influenced by Graphics Generation by Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Winfried Graf and Thomas Rist, Automating the Design of Graphical Presentations of Relational Information by Jock Mackinlay, Computer-generated Pen-and-ink Illustration by Georges Winkenbach and David H. Salesin, Generating Scientific Illustrations in Digital Books by Stefan Schlechtweg and Thomas Strothotte, Knowledge-supported Graphical Illustration of Texts by Knut Hartmann, Stefan Schlechtweg, Ralf Helbing and Thomas Strothotte, Automated Generation of Intent-based 3D Illustrations by Dorée D. Seligmann and Steven Feiner, Supporting Interactivity in Automated 3D Illustrations by Dorée D. Seligmann and Steven Feiner, Generating Coordinated Natural Language and 3D Animations for Complex Spatial Explanations by Stuart G. Towns, Charles B. Callaway and James C. Lester, Automated Generation of News Content Hierarchy by Integrating Audio, Video, and Text Information by Qian Huang, Zhu Liu, Aaron Rosenberg, David Gibbon and Behzad Shahraray, Towards Constructive Text, Diagram, and Layout Generation for Information Presentation by John Bateman, Thomas Kamps, Jörg Kleinz and Klaus Reichenberger, Contextualized Text Explanations for Visualizations by Wallace Chigona and Thomas Strothotte, Constraints on Layout in Multimodal Document Generation by John Bateman, Judy Delin and Patrick Allen, Automatic Design of Multimodal Presentations by Wolfgang Wahlster, Creating Meaningful Multimedia Presentations by Lynda Hardman and Jacco van Ossenbruggen, The Generation of Multimedia Presentations by Elisabeth André, Coping with Temporal Constraints in Multimedia Presentation Planning by Elisabeth André and Thomas Rist, Design Dependencies within the Automatic Generation of Hypermedia Presentations by Oscar R. Martinez, Generating Cross-references for Multimedia Explanation by Kathleen McKeown, Steven Feiner, Jacques Robin, Dorée D Seligmann and Michael A Tanenblatt, Generating References in Hierarchical Domains: The Case of Document Deixis by Ivandré Paraboni, Generating Multimedia Presentations from Plain Text to Screenplay by Paul Piwek, Richard Power, Donia Scott and Kees Van Deemter and Automatic Cinematography and Multilingual NLG for Generating Video Documentaries by Charles Callaway, Elena Not, Alessandra Novello, Cesare Rocchi, Oliviero Stock and Massimo Zancanaro.

Workflow Synthesis

A Survey on Workflow Annotation & Composition Approaches by Florian Lautenbacher and Bernhard Bauer, Automated Service Composition Using Heuristic Search by Harald Meyer and Mathias Weske, A Comparative Illustration of AI Planning-based Web Services Composition by Seog-Chan Oh, Dongwon Lee and Soundar R. T. Kumara, Web Service Composition as AI Planning: A Survey by Joachim Peer, Dynamic Workflow Composition: Using Markov Decision Processes by Prashant Doshi, Richard Goodwin, Rama Akkiraju and Kunal Verma, Configuration Based Workflow Composition by Patrick Albert, Laurent Henocque and Mathias Kleiner, A Constrained Object Model for Configuration Based Workflow Composition by Patrick Albert, Laurent Henocque and Mathias Kleiner, Synthesis of Optimal Workflow Structure by József Tick, Zoltán Kovacs and Ferenc Friedler, An Intelligent Assistant for Interactive Workflow Composition by Jihie Kim, Marc Spraragen and Yolanda Gil, A Knowledge-based Approach to Interactive Workflow Composition by Jihie Kim, Yolanda Gil and Marc Spraragen, From Data to Knowledge to Discoveries: Scientific Workflows and Artificial Intelligence by Yolanda Gil and Automatic Scientific Workflow Composition by Jun Qin and Thomas Fahringer.

Program Synthesis

Program Synthesis by Sumit Gulwani, Oleksandr Polozov and Rishabh Singh, Derivation of Logic Programs by Christopher John Hogger, From Program Verification to Program Synthesis by Saurabh Srivastava, Sumit Gulwani and Jeffrey S. Foster, Quantitative Specifications for Verification and Synthesis by Arjun Radhakrishna, Synthetic Programming by Nachum Dershowitz, Automatic Synthesis of Typed λ-programs on Term Algebras by Corrado Böhm and Alessandro Berarducci, Automating the Synthesis of Functional Programs by Alan Smaill and Ian Green, Towards Automatic Imperative Program Synthesis through Proof Planning by Jamie Stark and Andrew Ireland, Automatic Generation of Programs Containing Conditional Statements by David C. Luckham and Jack R. Buchanan, Learning Generalized Plans Using Abstract Counting by Srivastava Siddharth, Neil Immerman and Shlomo Zilberstein, Planning with Loops: Some New Results by Hu Yuxiao and Hector Levesque, Identifying Recursive Functions by Klaus P. Jantke, Recursive Program Synthesis by Aws Albarghouthi, Sumit Gulwani and Zachary Kincaid, Computing Plans with Control Flow and Procedures Using a Classical Planner by Sergio Jiménez and Anders Jonsson, Program Synthesis for Generalized Planning by Javier Segovia-Aguas, Computing Programs for Generalized Planning Using a Classical Planner by Javier Segovia-Aguas, Sergio Jiménez and Anders Jonsson, Design and Synthesis of Synchronization Skeletons Using Branching Time Temporal Logic by Edmund M. Clarke and E. Allen Emerson and Optimizing Solution Quality in Synchronization Synthesis by Pavol Černý, Edmund M. Clarke, Thomas A. Henzinger, Arjun Radhakrishna, Leonid Ryzhyk, Roopsha Samanta and Thorsten Tarrach.

Runtime Code Generation

Runtime Code Generation by Markus Malmqvist and Tero Hasu, Compiling for Runtime Code Generation (Extended Version) by Frederick Smith, Dan Grossman, Greg Morrisett, Luke Hornof and Trevor Jim, Compilation Techniques for High Level Parallel Code by Benedict R. Gaster, Tim Bainbridge, David Lacey and David Gardner, A Characterization and Analysis of GPGPU Kernels by Andrew Kerr, Gregory Diamos and Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Modeling GPU-CPU Workloads and Systems by Andrew Kerr, Gregory Diamos and Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Exploring GPGPU Workloads: Characterization Methodology, Analysis and Microarchitecture Evaluation Implications by Nilanjan Goswami, Ramkumar Shankar, Madhura Joshi and Tao Li and Comparison of Technologies for General-purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units by Torbjörn Sörman.

Knowledge Engineering

A Brief Review of Tools and Methods for Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling by Tiago S. Vaquero, José R. Silva and J. Christopher Beck, Knowledge Engineering Tools in Planning: State-of-the-art and Future Challenges by Mohammad M. Shahin Shah, Lukáš Chrpa, Falilat Jimoh, Diane E. Kitchin, Thomas L. McCluskey, S. Parkinson and Mauro Vallati, Automated Knowledge Engineering Tools in Planning: State-of-the-art and Future Challenges by Rabia Jilani, Andrew Crampton, Diane E. Kitchin and Mauro Vallati, Using Automated Planning for Improving Data Mining Processes by Susana Fernández, Tomás De La Rosa, Fernando Fernández, Rubén Suárez, Javier Ortiz, Daniel Borrajo and David Manzano, On Compiling Data Mining Tasks to PDDL by Susana Fernández, Fernando Fernández, Alexis Sánchez, Tomás De La Rosa, Javier Ortiz, Daniel Borrajo and David Manzano, Planning Meets Verification and Validation in a Knowledge Engineering Environment by Andrea Orlandini, Giulio Bernardi, Amedeo Cesta and Alberto Finzi and Integrating Knowledge Engineering for Planning with Validation and Verification Tools by Andrea Orlandini, Giulio Bernardi, Amedeo Cesta and Alberto Finzi.

Logic Programming

Optimizing Datalog Programs by Yehoshua Sagiv, Parallel and Distributed Logic Programming: Towards the Design of a Framework for the Next Generation Database Machines by Alakananda Bhattacharya, Amit Konar and Ajit K. Mandal, Parallelism in Logic Programs by Raghu Ramakrishnan, Parallel Execution of Logic Programs by John S. Conery, Parallel Implementation of Logic Programs by Yow-Jian Lin, Parallel Logic Programming by Akikazu Takeuchi, Parallel Execution of Prolog Programs: A Survey by Gopal Gupta, Enrico Pontelli, Khayri A. M. Ali, Mats Carlsson and Manuel V. Hermenegildo and Parallel Logic Programming Systems by Jacques Chassin De Kergommeaux and Philippe Codognet.

Inductive Logic Programming

Inductive Logic Programming: Theory and Methods by Stephen Muggleton and Luc De Raedt, Inductive Logic Programming by Nada Lavrac and Saso Dzeroski, Induction as a Search Procedure by Stasinos Konstantopoulos, Rui Camacho, Nuno A Foseca and Vítor Santos Costa, Improving the Efficiency of ILP Systems by Rui Camacho, Parallelism in Inductive Logic Programming Systems by Nuno A. P. da Fonseca, Parallel and Sequential Algorithms for Data Mining Using Inductive Logic by David B. Skillicorn and Yu Wang, From Sequential to Parallel Inductive Logic Programming by Rui Camacho, Strategies to Parallelize ILP Systems by Nuno A. P. da Fonseca, Fernando Silva and Rui Camacho, Comparison of Three Parallel Implementations of an Induction Algorithm by Tohgoroh Matsui, Nobuhiro Inuzuka, Hirohisa Seki and Hidenori Itoh, Parallel Induction Algorithms for Large Samples by Tohgoroh Matsui, Nobuhiro Inuzuka, Hirohisa Seki and Hidenori Itoh, Scalable Acceleration of Inductive Logic Programs by Andreas Fidjeland, Wayne Luk and Stephen Muggleton, Parallel Execution for Speeding up Inductive Logic Programming Systems by Hayato Ohwada and Fumio Mizoguchi, Customisable Multi-processor Acceleration of Inductive Logic by Andreas K. Fidjeland, Wayne Luk and Stephen H. Muggleton, A Pipelined Data-parallel Algorithm for ILP by Nuno A. P. da Fonseca, Fernando Silva, Vitor S. Costa and Rui Camacho, A Comparative Study on ILP-based Concept Discovery Systems by Yusuf Kavurucu, Pinar Senkul and Ismail H. Toroslu, Efficient Learning and Evaluation of Complex Concepts in Inductive Logic Programming by José C. A. Santos, MPI-based Parallelization for ILP-based Multi-relational Concept Discovery by Alev Mutlu, Pinar Senkul and Yusuf Kavurucu, Improving the Scalability of ILP-based Multi-relational Concept Discovery System through Parallelization by Alev Mutlu, Pinar Senkul and Yusuf Kavurucu and Learning Time Series Models with Inductive Logic Programming by Alexessander Alves, Rui Camacho and Eugénio Oliveira.

Machine Learning

A Review of Machine Learning for Automated Planning by Sergio Jiménez, Tomás de la Rosa, Susana Fernández, Fernando Fernández and Daniel Borrajo, Learning-assisted Automated Planning: Looking Back, Taking Stock, Going Forward by Terry Zimmerman and Subbarao Kambhampati, Machine Learning Methods for Planning edited by Steven Minton, Learning Macro-actions for Arbitrary Planners and Domains by Muhammad A. H. Newton, John Levine, Maria Fox and Derek Long, Generation of Macro-operators via Investigation of Action Dependencies in Plans by Lukáš Chrpa, Learning Action Strategies for Planning Domains by Roni Khardon, Learning Generalized Policies in Planning Using Concept Languages by Mario Martin and H. Wector Geffner, Learning Relational Decision Trees for Guiding Heuristic Planning by Tomás De La Rosa, Sergio J. Celorrio and Daniel Borrajo, Learning Search Control Knowledge: An Explanation-based Approach by Steven Minton, Learning Heuristic Functions from Relaxed Plans by Sung W. Yoon, Alan Fern and Robert Givan, Discriminative Learning of Beam-search Heuristics for Planning by Yuehua Xu, Alan Fern and Sung W. Yoon, Learning Hierarchical Task Networks for Nondeterministic Planning Domains by Chad Hogg, Ugur Kuter and Héctor Muñoz-Avila, Reinforcement Learning and Automated Planning: A Survey by Ioannis Partalas, Dimitris Vrakas and Ioannis Vlahavas, Combining Reinforcement Learning with Symbolic Planning by Matthew Grounds and Daniel Kudenko, Autonomous Learning of Action Models for Planning by Neville Mehta, Prasad Tadepalli and Alan Fern, Efficient Learning of Action Models for Planning by Neville Mehta, Prasad Tadepalli and Alan Fern, Learning by Experimentation: Incremental Refinement of Incomplete Planning Domains by Yolanda Gil, Learning by Observation and Practice: An Incremental Approach for Planning Operator Acquisition by Xuemei Wang, Learning Planning Operators in Real-world, Partially Observable Environments by Matthew D. Schmill, Tim Oates and Paul R. Cohen, Inductive Learning of Reactive Action Models by Scott Benson, Learning Partially Observable Deterministic Action Models by Eyal Amir and Allen Chang, Planning While Learning Operators by Xuemei Wang and An Integrated Approach of Learning, Planning, and Execution by Ramón García-Martínez and Daniel Borrajo.

Cloud Computing

Accelerating Heuristic Search for AI Planning by You Xu, Can Cloud Computing be Used for Planning? An Initial Study by Qiang Lu, You Xu, Ruoyun Huang, Yixin Chen and Guoliang Chen, Iterative Resource Allocation for Memory Intensive Parallel Search Algorithms on Clouds, Grids, and Shared Clusters by Alex Fukunaga, Akihiro Kishimoto and Adi Botea and Planning in the Cloud: Massively Parallel Planning by Tommy Thompson and Dave Voorhis.