Interactive Narrative and Morality
Atlas of Moral Psychology edited by Kurt Gray and Jesse Graham, The Moral Psychology Handbook by John M. Doris and Moral Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction by Valerie Tiberius.
The Moral Psychology of Fiction by Gregory Currie, The Use of Stories in Moral Development: New Psychological Reasons for an Old Education Method by Paul C. Vitz, Life Lessons through Storytelling: Children’s Exploration of Ethics by Donna Eder, Morals and Stories by Tobin Siebers, Empathic Engagement with Narrative Fictions by Amy Coplan, The Role of Morality in Emotional Reactions to and Enjoyment of Media Entertainment by Arthur A. Raney and Narrative Identity and Moral Identity: A Practical Perspective by Kim Atkins.
Moral Imagination
Moral Imagination: Implications of Cognitive Science for Ethics by Mark Johnson, The Development of Moral Imagination by Dennis J. Moberg and Mark A. Seabright, Phenomenology and the Moral Imagination by Terrence Wright and Narrative Imagination: Between Ethics and Poetics by Richard Kearney.
Argumentation and Narrative
Arguing with Stories by Floris Bex and Trevor Bench-Capon, Understanding Narratives with Argumentation by Floris Bex and Trevor Bench-Capon, Values as the Point of a Story by Floris Bex, Logic and Parables: Do These Narratives Provide Arguments? by Trudy Govier and Lowell Ayers, Persuasive Stories for Multi-agent Argumentation by Floris Bex and Trevor Bench-Capon, Legal Stories and the Process of Proof by Floris Bex and Bart Verheij, Analysis of Legal Narratives: A Conceptual Framework by Giovanni Sileno, Alexander Boer and Tom van Engers, The Narrative Dimension by Ephraim Nissan and Narration as a Human Communication Paradigm: The Case of Public Moral Argument by Walter R. Fisher.
Computational Theory of Mind
Developmental Accounts of Theory-of-mind Acquisition: Achieving Clarity via Computational Cognitive Modeling by Paul Bello and Nicholas Cassimatis, Towards a Theory of Mind for Ethical Software Agents by Catriona Kennedy, Modeling Agents with a Theory of Mind by Maaike Harbers, Karel van den Bosch and John-Jules Meyer, Double Appraisal for Synthetic Characters by Sandy Louchart, Ruth Aylett and Joao Dias, If I Were You: Double Appraisal in Affective Agents by Ruth Aylett and Sandy Louchart, Modeling Agents with a Theory of Mind: Theory–theory versus Simulation Theory by Maaike Harbers, Karel van den Bosch and John-Jules Meyer, Cognitive Foundations for a Computational Theory of Mindreading by Paul Bello, Reasoning about Reasoning by Nested Conditioning: Modeling Theory of Mind with Probabilistic Programs by Andreas Stuhlmüller and N. D. Goodman and Bayesian Theory of Mind: Modeling Human Reasoning about Beliefs, Desires, Goals, and Social Relations by Chris L. Baker.
Moral Development
Conscience: The Mechanism of Morality by Jeffrey White, Conscience in Childhood: Past, Present, and Future by Grazyna Kochanska and Nazan Aksan, Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action by Albert Bandura, Moral Development: Advances in Research and Theory by James R. Rest and Robert Barnett, Development in Judging Moral Issues by James R. Rest, The Relation between Moral Judgment and Behavior: A Social-cognitive and Decision-making Analysis by Herbert D. Saltzstein, Testing a Social-cognitive Model of Moral Behavior: The Interactive Influence of Situations and Moral Identity Centrality by Karl Aquino, Dan Freeman, Americus Reed II, Vivien K. G. Lim and Will Felps, The Role of Mental State Understanding in the Development of Moral Cognition and Moral Action by Jodie A. Baird and Janet Wilde Astington, Moral Cognition and Moral Action: A Theoretical Perspective by Augusto Blasi, Bridging Moral Cognition and Moral Action: A Critical Review of the Literature by Augusto Blasi, The Zone of Proximal Development in Play and Learning by Pentti Hakkarainen and Milda Bredikyte, Moral Education in the Zone of Proximal Development by Mark B. Tappan, The Development of Moral Imagination by Dennis J. Moberg and Mark A. Seabright, Phenomenology and the Moral Imagination by Terrence Wright and Moral Imagination: Implications of Cognitive Science for Ethics by Mark Johnson.
Ethics Education
Introducing PETE: Computer Support for Teaching Ethics by Ilya M. Goldin, Kevin D. Ashley and Rosa L. Pinkus, Evaluating Ethics Education Programs: A Multi-level Approach by Michael D. Mumford, Logan Steele and Logan L. Watts, The Effects of Classroom Moral Discussion upon Children’s Level of Moral Judgment by Moshe M. Blatt and Lawrence Kohlberg and The Effects of Unstructured Group Discussion on Ethical Judgment by Clinton H. Richards and G. Stoney Alder.
Interactive Narrative
AEINS: Adaptive Educational Interactive Narrative System to Teach Ethics by Rania Hodhod, Daniel Kudenko and Paul Cairns, EPIC: A Framework for Using Video Games in Ethics Education by Karen Schrier, Teaching Ethics through Gaming Environments: Design, Development and Research Perspectives by Karen Schrier, David Gibson, David Shaenfield, David Simkins and Jose Zagal, Serious Games for Personal and Social Learning & Ethics: Status and Trends by Gonçalo Pereira, António Brisson, Rui Prada, Ana Paiva, Francesco Bellotti, Milos Kravcik and Ralf Klamma, Ethics and Game Design: Teaching Values through Play edited by Karen Schrier, Designing Games for Ethics: Models, Techniques and Frameworks edited by Karen Schrier, Ethical Reflection and Emotional Involvement in Computer Games by Kirsten Pohl, Generating Stories with Morals by Margaret Sarlej and Malcolm Ryan, Mirrored Morality: An Exploration of Moral Choice in Video Games by Andrew J. Weaver and Nicky Lewis, Creating a Narrative Environment – Choice and Consequence in Single Player Games by Barry Lowndes, Effects of Narrative Structure and Salient Decision Points in Role Playing Games by Christopher Moser and Xiaowen Fang, Narrative Control and Player Experience in Role Playing Games: Decision Points and Branching Narrative Feedback by Christopher Moser and Xiaowen Fang, Moral Dilemmas in Role Playing Digital Games by Cristina Battaglino, Moral Dilemmas in Computer Games by Miguel Sicart, Moral Dilemmas in Serious Games by Jacqueline Krebs and Serious Games to Teach Ethics by Rania Hodhod, Daniel Kudenko and Paul Cairns.
Machine Ethics
Machine Ethics: Creating an Ethical Intelligent Agent by Michael Anderson and Susan L. Anderson, Moral Competence in Social Robots by Bertram F. Malle and Matthias Scheutz, Computational Models of Ethical Reasoning: Challenges, Initial Steps, and Future Directions by Bruce M. McLaren, Law and Logic: A Review from an Argumentation Perspective by Henry Prakken and Giovanni Sartor, Towards Modeling Morality Computationally with Logic Programming by Ari Saptawijaya and Luís Moniz Pereira, Toward Machines That Behave Ethically Better than Humans Do by Matthijs A. Pontier and Johan F. Hoorn, On How to Build a Moral Machine by Paul Bello and Selmer Bringsjord and Towards Machine Ethics: Implementing Two Action-based Ethical Theories by Michael Anderson, Susan L. Anderson and Chris Armen.
Digital Characters
Value-driven Characters for Storytelling and Drama by Rossana Damiano and Vincenzo Lombardo, An Architecture for Directing Value-driven Artificial Characters by Rossana Damiano and Vincenzo Lombardo, Moral Appraisal and Emotions by Cristina Battaglino, Rossana Damiano and Leonardo Lesmo, Emotional Appraisal of Moral Dilemma in Characters by Cristina Battaglino and Rossana Damiano, Agents with a Moral Dimension by Cristina Battaglino and Agents Making Moral Decisions by Jaspreet Shaheed and Jim Cunningham.