Simulation and Machine Ethics
Mental Simulation and Imagination
Handbook of Imagination and Mental Simulation edited by Keith D. Markman, William M. P. Klein and Julie A. Suhr, The Development of Mental Scenario Building and Episodic Foresight by Thomas Suddendorf and Jonathan Redshaw, The Development of Episodic Foresight: Emerging Concepts and Methods by Judith A. Hudson, Estelle M. Mayhew and Janani Prabhakar and Episodic Simulation of Future Events by Daniel L. Schacter, Donna R. Addis and Randy L. Buckner.
Social Cognition and Theory of Mind
The Evolution of Social Cognition by Nathan J. Emery, Theories of Theories of Mind edited by Peter Carruthers and Peter K. Smith, Integrating Simulation and Theory of Mind: From Self to Social Cognition by Christian Keysers and Valeria Gazzola, The Power of Simulation: Imagining One's Own and Other's Behavior by Jean Decety and Julie Grèzes, Social Cognition, Language Acquisition and the Development of the Theory of Mind by Jay L. Garfield, Candida C. Peterson and Tricia Perry, Development of Intersubjectivity in Social Pretend Play by Artin Göncü, Children's Representation of Narrative Perspectives in Storytelling and Pretense in Relation to Theory of Mind by Hande Ilgaz, Development and Neurophysiology of Mentalizing by Uta Frith and Christopher D. Frith, Understanding Other Minds: Perspectives from Developmental Social Neuroscience edited by Simon Baron-Cohen, Michael Lombardo, Helen Tager-Flusberg and Donald Cohen, Developmental Accounts of Theory-of-mind Acquisition: Achieving Clarity via Computational Cognitive Modeling by Paul Bello and Nicholas Cassimatis, Simulating Minds: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Mindreading by Alvin I. Goldman, Mindreaders: The Cognitive Basis of "Theory of Mind" by Ian Apperly, The Neural Basis of Mentalizing by Christopher D. Frith and Uta Frith, The Neural Correlates of Theory of Mind within Interpersonal Interactions by James K. Rilling, Alan G. Sanfey, Jessica A. Aronson, Leigh E. Nystrom and Jonathan D. Cohen and Neural Correlates of Mentalizing-related Computations during Strategic Interactions in Humans by Alan N. Hampton, Peter Bossaerts and John P. O'Doherty.
Affective Computing
Affective Computing by Rosalind W. Picard, Recognition and Simulation of Emotions by Christian Kleine-Cosack and Mind-reading Machines: Automated Inference of Complex Mental States by Rana A. El-Kaliouby.
Social Simulation and Interactive Narrative
Social Comprehension and Judgment: The Role of Situation Models, Narratives, and Implicit Theories by Robert S. Wyer, Narrative-based Representations of Social Knowledge: Their Construction and Use in Comprehension, Memory, and Judgment by Robert S. Wyer, Rashmi Adaval and Stanley J. Colcombe, The Neural Bases of Social Cognition and Story Comprehension by Raymond A. Mar, Embodied Simulation Theory: Imagination and Narrative by Vittorio Gallese, Simulating Social Complexity by Bruce Edmonds and Ruth Meyer, When Does Social Simulation Need Cognitive Models by Nigel Gilbert, Using Cognitive Agents in Social Simulations by Alberto Caballero, Juan Botía and Antonio Gómez-Skarmeta, Cognition and Multi-agent Interaction: From Cognitive Modeling to Social Simulation by Ron Sun, Empathy, Simulation, and Narrative by Shaun Gallagher, Simulation versus Narrative: Introduction to Ludology by Gonzalo Frasca, The Function of Fiction is the Abstraction and Simulation of Social Experience by Raymond A. Mar and Keith Oatley, Fiction: Simulation of Social Worlds by Keith Oatley and Mixing Story and Simulation in Interactive Narrative by Mark O. Riedl, Andrew Stern and Don M. Dini.
Machine Ethics
Architectures for Functional Imagination by Hugo G. Marques and Owen Holland, Simulation-based Internal Models for Safer Robots by Christian Blum, Alan Winfield and Verena V. Hafner, Towards an Ethical Robot: Internal Models, Consequences and Ethical Action Selection by Alan Winfield, Christian Blum and Wenguo Liu and An Architecture for Ethical Robots Inspired by the Simulation Theory of Cognition by Dieter Vanderelst and Alan Winfield.