Developmental Narratology
Developing Narrative Structure edited by Allyssa McCabe and Carole Peterson, Event Representations, Narrative Development and Internal Working Models by Katherine Nelson, Coherence, Cohesion, and Context: Some Comparative Perspectives in Narrative Development by Maya Hickmann, Narrative Development: Six Approaches by Michael G. Bamberg, How Children Understand Stories: A Developmental Analysis by Nancy L. Stein, Transformation in Narrative Thought During Adolescence: The Structure and Content of Story Compositions by Anne McKeough and Randy Genereux and Narrative Response: A Developmental Perspective by Martha B. Burdette.
Developmental Linguistics
Developmental Psycholinguistics: Three Ways of Looking at a Child's Narrative by Carole Peterson and Allyssa McCabe.
Social Cognition
Transformation in Narrative Thought During Adolescence: The Structure and Content of Story Compositions by Anne McKeough and Randy Genereux, Social Cognition and Social Competence in Adolescence by Martin E. Ford, Ongoing Development of Social Cognition in Adolescence by Nora C. Vetter, Kristina Leipold, Matthias Kliegel, Louise H. Phillips and Mareike Altgassen, The Function of Fiction is the Abstraction and Simulation of Social Experience by Raymond A. Mar and Keith Oatley and Stories and the Promotion of Social Cognition by Raymond A. Mar.
Factual Narratives
Learning to Describe Past Experiences in Conversation by Ann R. Eisenberg, On the Ability to Relate Events in Narrative by Ruth A. Berman, From Knowing to Telling: The Development of Children's Scripts, Stories, and Personal Narratives by Judith A. Hudson and Lauren R. Shapiro, Children's Narrative Productions: A Comparison of Personal Event and Fictional Stories by Marybeth S. Allen, Marilyn K. Kertoy, John C. Sherblom and John M. Pettit and Narrative Analysis of Children's Experience by Susan Engel.
Fictional Narratives
Developmental Structures in Fantasy Narratives by Brian Sutton-Smith, Gilbert J. Botvin and Daniel Mahony, The Development of Structural Complexity in Children's Fantasy Narratives by Gilbert J. Botvin and Brian Sutton-Smith and Children's Narrative Productions: A Comparison of Personal Event and Fictional Stories by Marybeth S. Allen, Marilyn K. Kertoy, John C. Sherblom and John M. Pettit.
The Oxford Handbook of the Development of Imagination edited by Marjorie Taylor, Imagination and Its Development in Childhood by Robert W. Rieber and Aaron S. Carton, Imagination and Creativity in Childhood by Lev S. Vygotsky and Imagination and Creativity in the Adolescent by Lev S. Vygotsky.
The Role of Play in Human Development by Anthony D. Pellegrini, Sequences in the Development of Competent Play with Peers: Social and Social Pretend Play by Carollee Howes and Catherine C. Matheson, The Narrative Organisation of Children's Fantasy Play: The Effects of Age and Play Context by Anthony D. Pellegrini, Structural Parallels between Pretend Play and Narratives by Judith A. Eckler and Otto Weininger, Mimesis: Where Play and Narrative Meet by Carol F. Feldman, Play and Narrative in the Process of Development: Commonalities, Differences, and Interrelations by Ageliki Nicolopoulou, The Interplay of Play and Narrative in Children's Development: Theoretical Reflections and Concrete Examples by Ageliki Nicolopoulou and Understanding Narrative as a Key Aspect of Play by Pentti Hakkarainen and Milda Bredikyte.
Improvisational Theatre
Narrative Development in Improvisational Theatre by Allan Baumer and Brian Magerko, An Analysis of Narrative Moves in Improvisational Theatre by Allan Baumer and Brian Magerko and Shared Mental Models in Improvisational Theatre by Daniel Fuller and Brian Magerko.
Theme Comprehension
Moral Theme Comprehension in Children by Darcia Narvaez, Tracy Gleason, Christyan Mitchell and Jennifer Bentley and Psychological and Computational Research on Theme Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser, Victoria Pomeroy and Scotty Craig.
Literature and Literacy: A Review of Research by Wayne Sawyer and Narrative as Evidence in Literacy Research by Mike Baynham.