
Research and Development

Machine Reading Comprehension and Artificial Social Cognition


A Survey on Machine Reading Comprehension Systems by Razieh Baradaran, Razieh Ghiasi and Hossein Amirkhani, Machine Reading Comprehension: A Literature Review by Xin Zhang, An Yang, Sujian Li and Yizhong Wang and Teaching Machines to Read and Comprehend by Karl M. Hermann, Tomas Kocisky, Edward Grefenstette, Lasse Espeholt, Will Kay, Mustafa Suleyman and Phil Blunsom.

Situation Models

Situation Models in Language Comprehension and Memory by Rolf A. Zwaan and Gabriel A. Radvansky, Inference Generation and the Construction of Situation Models by Arthur C. Graesser and Rolf A. Zwaan and Dimensions of Situation Model Construction in Narrative Comprehension by Rolf A. Zwaan, Joseph P. Magliano and Arthur C. Graesser.

Mental Simulation

Embodied Comprehension of Stories: Interactions between Language Regions and Modality-specific Neural Systems by Ho M. Chow, Raymond A. Mar, Yisheng Xu, Siyuan Liu, Suraji Wagage and Allen R. Braun, The Neuropsychology of Narrative: Story Comprehension, Story Production and their Interrelation by Raymond A. Mar and Mental Simulation in Narrative Comprehension and Construction by Kristi A. Costabile.

Activity Recognition

Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition: Theory and Practice edited by Gita Sukthankar, Christopher Geib, Hung H. Bui, David Pynadath and Robert P. Goldman, Techniques for Plan Recognition by Sandra Carberry, Activity Recognition: Approaches, Practices and Trends by Liming Chen and Ismail Khalil and Towards Computational Models of Intention Detection and Intention Prediction by Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow and Gal A. Kaminka.

Mentalization and Theory of Mind

Reading Literary Fiction Improves Theory of Mind by David C. Kidd and Emanuele Castano, Inferences about Mental States by Jason P. Mitchell, Simulating Minds: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Mindreading by Alvin I. Goldman, Mentalizing under Uncertainty: Dissociated Neural Responses to Ambiguous and Unambiguous Mental State Inferences by Adrianna C. Jenkins and Jason P. Mitchell and The Automatic and Co-occurring Activation of Multiple Social Inferences by Andrew R. Todd, Daniel C. Molden, Jaap Ham and Roos Vonk.

Social Cognition

Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture by Susan T. Fiske and Shelley E. Taylor, Advanced Social Cognition in the Literary Arts by Joan Peskin, Raymond A. Mar and Theanna Bischoff, The Function of Fiction is the Abstraction and Simulation of Social Experience by Raymond A. Mar and Keith Oatley, Comprehending Stories and Social Situations by John B. Black, James A. Galambos and Stephen J. Read, Social Comprehension and Judgment: The Role of Situation Models, Narratives, and Implicit Theories by Robert S. Wyer, Social Cognition, Inference, and Attribution by Robert S. Wyer and Donal E. Carlston, The Neural Bases of Social Cognition and Story Comprehension by Raymond A. Mar, Social Cognition and the Brain: A Meta‐analysis by Frank van Overwalle, Social Cognitive Neuroscience: A Review of Core Processes by Matthew D. Lieberman, Functional Anatomy of Human Social Cognition by Andrea S. Heberlein and Ralph Adolphs, Integrating Automatic and Controlled Processes into Neurocognitive Models of Social Cognition by Ajay B. Satpute and Matthew D. Lieberman, Two-levels of Mental States Attribution: From Automaticity to Voluntariness by Giorgio Coricelli, The Busy Social Brain: Evidence for Automaticity and Control in the Neural Systems Supporting Social Cognition and Action Understanding by Robert P. Spunt and Matthew D. Lieberman and Social Working Memory: Neurocognitive Networks and Directions for Future Research by Meghan L. Meyer and Matthew D. Lieberman.