
Research and Development

Planning and Generating Sequences of Exercises for the Assessment and Development of Reading and Narrative Comprehension


The Psychology of Reading and Language Comprehension by Marcel A. Just and Patricia A. Carpenter, Understanding Reading: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Reading and Learning to Read by Frank Smith, A Cognitive-developmental Theory of Reading Acquisition by George Marsh, Morton Friedman, Veronica Welch and Peter Desberg and The Instruction of Reading Comprehension by P. David Pearson and Margaret C. Gallagher.

Reading Comprehension

Comprehension: A Paradigm for Cognition by Walter Kintsch, Toward a Comprehensive Model of Comprehension by Danielle S. McNamara and Joe Magliano, Cognition, Metacognition, and Reading by Donna-Lynn Forrest-Pressley and Thomas G. Waller, The Neural Correlates of Strategic Reading Comprehension: Cognitive Control and Discourse Comprehension by Jarrod Moss, Christian D. Schunn, Walter Schneider, Danielle S. McNamara and Kurt VanLehn, Reading Comprehension Strategies: Theories, Interventions, and Technologies edited by Danielle S. McNamara, The Acquisition of Reading Comprehension Skill by Charles A. Perfetti, Nicole Landi and Jane Oakhill, Developing Reading Skills: A Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercises by Frangoise Grellet and Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehension by Nell K. Duke and P. David Pearson.

Narrative Comprehension

Narrative Comprehension by Rolf A. Zwaan, Joseph P. Magliano and Arthur C. Graesser, Narrative Comprehension: A Discourse Perspective by Catherine Emmott, Narrative Competence: Play, Storytelling, and Story Comprehension by Lee Galda, Toward a Model of Children's Story Comprehension by Eugene Charniak, Inferential and Memory Skills in Children's Comprehension of Stories by Oakhill Jane, What's in a Story: An Approach to Comprehension and Instruction by Nancy L. Stein and Tom Trabasso, Situation Models and Concepts in Story Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser and Katja Wiemer-Hastings, Mental Imagery, Text Illustrations, and Children's Story Comprehension and Recall by Linda B. Gambrell and Paula Brooks Jawitz, Imagination and Simulation in Audience Responses to Fiction by Alvin Goldman, The Neural Bases of Social Cognition and Story Comprehension by Raymond A. Mar, The Neuropsychology of Narrative: Story Comprehension, Story Production and Their Interrelation by Raymond A. Mar, Narrative Representation and Comprehension by Arthur C. Graesser, Jonathan M. Golding and Debra L. Long, A Computer's Understanding of Literature by Arthur C. Graesser, Nia Dowell and Christian Moldovan and Cognitive Models of Discourse Comprehension for Narrative Generation by James Niehaus and R. Michael Young.

Narrative Generation

Plans and Planning in Narrative Generation: A Review of Plan-based Approaches to the Generation of Story, Discourse and Interactivity in Narratives by R. Michael Young, Stephen G. Ware, B. A. Cassell and Justus Robertson, A Survey on Story Generation Techniques for Authoring Computational Narratives by Ben Kybartas and Rafael Bidarra and A Method for Generating Narrative Discourse to Prompt Inferences by James Niehaus and R. Michael Young.

Natural Language Generation

Survey of the State of the Art in Natural Language Generation: Core Tasks, Applications and Evaluation by Albert Gatt and Emiel Krahmer, Building Natural Language Generation Systems by Ehud Reiter, Robert Dale and Zhiwei Feng, Natural Language Generation from Plans by Chris Mellish and Roger Evans, Experiences with Planning for Natural Language Generation by Alexander Koller and Ronald Petrick and Automated Planning for Situated Natural Language Generation by Konstantina Garoufi and Alexander Koller.


Readability: A View from Cognitive Psychology by Walter Kintsch and James R. Miller, Writeability: The Principles of Writing for Increased Comprehension by Edward B. Fry, Revisiting Readability: A Unified Framework for Predicting Text Quality by Emily Pitler and Ani Nenkova, Cognitively Motivated Features for Readability Assessment by Lijun Feng, Noémie Elhadad and Matt Huenerfauth, Computational Assessment of Text Readability: A Survey of Current and Future Research by Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Role of Rhetorical Structure in Text Comprehension by Walter Kintsch and Craig J. Yarbrough, Understanding Paragraph Structure by Maurice Williams and Virginia M. R. Stevens, Expository Paragraph Properties That Influence Literal Recall by Mark W. Aulls, Comprehension and Recall of Text as a Function of Content Variables by Walter Kintsch, Eli Kozminsky, William J. Streby, Gail McKoon and Janice M. Keenan, Text Structure and Reading Time for Sentences by Randolph K. Cirilo and Donald J. Foss, Sentence Structure and Retention in Good and Poor Readers by Rhona Weinstein and M. Sam Rabinovitch, The Effects of Text Manipulation and Multiple Reading Strategies on the Reading Performance of Good and Poor Readers by Nancy E. Taylor, Margaret R. Wade and Frank R. Yekovich, Facilitating Reading Comprehension through Text Structure Manipulation by Jana M. Mason and Janet R. Kendall, Reading Rate and Retention as a Function of the Number of Propositions in the Base Structure of Sentences by Walter Kintsch and Janice M. Keenan and The Role of Phrase Structure in the Recall of Meaningful Verbal Material by Jeremy M. Anglin and George A. Miller.

Poetics and Aesthetics

Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics by Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, The Poetics, Aesthetics, and Philosophy of Narrative by Noël Carroll, Cognitive Poetics: An Introduction by Peter Stockwell and Texture: A Cognitive Aesthetics of Reading by Peter Stockwell.


Assessing Listening by Gary Buck, Assessing Reading by John C. Alderson, Assessing Reading Comprehension by Janette K. Klingner, Automatically Generating Reading Comprehension Look-back Strategy Questions from Expository Texts by Donna M. Gates, Automatic Generation of Short Answer Questions for Reading Comprehension Assessment by Yan Huang and Lianzhen He, Using Automated Questions to Assess Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Effects of Tutorial Interventions by Jack Mostow, Joseph Beck, Juliet Bey, Andrew Cuneo, June Sison, Brian Tobin and Joseph Valeri, Can Automated Questions Scaffold Children's Reading Comprehension by Joseph E. Beck, Jack Mostow and Juliet Bey, Pedagogical Evaluation of Automatically Generated Questions by Karen Mazidi and Rodney D Nielsen, Automated Analysis of Essays and Open-ended Verbal Responses by Arthur C. Graesser and Danielle S. McNamara, Use of Computers to Analyze and Score Essays and Open-ended Verbal Responses by Arthur C. Graesser and Danielle S. McNamara, What Makes a Good Answer? The Role of Context in Question Answering by Jimmy Lin, Dennis Quan, Vineet Sinha, Karun Bakshi, David Huynh, Boris Katz and David R. Karger, What Makes a Good Answer to a Question?: Testing a Psychological Model of Question Answering in the Context of Narrative Text by Jonathan M. Golding, Arthur C. Graesser and Keith K. Millis, QUEST: A Cognitive Model of Question Answering by Arthur C. Graesser and Stanley P. Franklin, Question Answering in the Context of Stories by Arthur C. Graesser, Kathy L. Lang and Richard M. Roberts and Question Answering in the Context of Stories Generated by Computers by Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera, Thomas W. Price, David R. Winer and R. Michael Young.