
Research and Development

The Design and Engineering of Economic Systems

Game Theory

Game Theory by Drew Fudenberg and Jean Tirole, Algorithmic Game Theory edited by Noam Nisan, Tim Roughgarden, Eva Tardos and Vijay V. Vazirani and Game Theory and Artificial Intelligence by Moshe Tennenholtz.

Complex Adaptive Systems

The Economy as a Complex Adaptive System by Herbert Gintis, Complexity and Evolution: Toward a New Synthesis for Economics edited by David S. Wilson and Alan Kirman, The Economy as an Evolving Complex System edited by Philip W. Anderson, Kenneth J. Arrow and David Pines, The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II edited by W. Brian Arthur, Steven N. Durlauf and David A. Lane, The Economy as an Evolving Complex System III: Current Perspectives and Future Directions edited by Lawrence E. Blume and Steven N. Durlauf and Organizations and Complex Adaptive Systems by Mahsa Fidanboy.

Multiagent Systems

Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-theoretic, and Logical Foundations by Yoav Shoham and Kevin Leyton-Brown, Using Adaptive Multi-agent Systems to Simulate Economic Models by Zahia Guessoum, Lilia Rejeb and Rodolphe Durand and A Comparison of Economic Agent-based Model Calibration Methods by Donovan Platt.

Multiagent Planning

Introduction to Planning in Multiagent Systems by Mathijs de Weerdt and Brad Clement, Communication and Interaction in Multi-agent Planning by Michael Georgeff, Cooperative Multi-agent Planning: A Survey by Alejandro Torreno, Eva Onaindia, Antonín Komenda and Michal Štolba, Efficient Approaches for Multi-agent Planning by Daniel Borrajo and Susana Fernández, A Survey of Research in Distributed, Continual Planning by Edmund H. Durfee, Charles L. Ortiz and Michael J. Wolverton and A Multiagent Planning Language by Michael Brenner.


Decision Making in Multiagent Systems: A Survey by Yara Rizk, Mariette Awad and Edward W. Tunstel, Modelling Distributed Decision Making by Jens Rasmussen, Distributed Decision Making by Christoph Schneeweiss, Multiscale Decision-making: Bridging Temporal and Organizational Scales in Hierarchical Systems by Christian L. Wernz and Multiscale Decision-making: Bridging Organizational Scales in Systems with Distributed Decision-makers by Christian L. Wernz and Abhijit Deshmukh.

Market Design

The Art of Designing Markets by Alvin E. Roth, Experiments in Market Design by Alvin E. Roth and How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Can Impact Market Design by Paul R. Milgrom and Steven Tadelis.

Mechanism Design

Designing Economic Mechanisms by Leonid Hurwicz and Stanley Reiter, Algorithmic Mechanism Design by Noam Nisan and Amir Ronen, Logic for Mechanism Design - A Manifesto by Marc Pauly and Mike Wooldridge, Automated Mechanism Design: A New Application Area for Search Algorithms by Tuomas Sandholm, Automated Mechanism Design via Neural Networks by Weiran Shen, Pingzhong Tang and Song Zuo and Strategic Reasoning in Automated Mechanism Design by Bastien Maubert, Munyque Mittelmann, Aniello Murano and Laurent Perrussel.

Operations Research and Management

Operations Research: A Practical Introduction by Michael W. Carter and Camille C. Price, Operations Management by William J. Stevenson, Mehran Hojati, James Cao, Hydeh Mottaghi and Behrouz Bakhtiari, Operations Management by Jay Heizer, Barry Render and Chuck Munson, Fundamentals of Business Process Management by Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling and Hajo A. Reijers and Business Process Management by Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Marcello La Rosa and Flávia M. Santoro.

Systems Engineering

Handbook of Industrial Engineering edited by Gavriel Salvendy, Handbook of Industrial and Systems Engineering edited by Adedeji B. Badiru, Systems Engineering and Analysis by Benjamin S. Blanchard and Wolter J. Fabrycky, Design of Enterprise Systems: Theory, Architecture, and Methods by Ronald Giachetti, Systems Engineering and Artificial Intelligence edited by William F. Lawless, Ranjeev Mittu, Donald A. Sofge, Thomas M. Shortell and Thomas A. McDermott and AI4SE and SE4AI: A Research Roadmap by Thomas A. McDermott, Dan DeLaurentis, Peter Beling, Mark Blackburn and Mary Bone.

System of Systems Engineering

Architecting Principles for Systems‐of‐systems by Mark W. Maier and System of Systems Engineering: An Emerging Multidiscipline by Andres Sousa-Poza, Samuel Kovacic and Charles Keating.