
Research and Development

Educational Recommender Systems


Recommender Systems: The Textbook by Charu C. Aggarwal, Recommender Systems for Learning by Nikos Manouselis, Hendrik Drachsler, Katrien Verbert and Erik Duval and Educational Recommender Systems: A Pedagogical-focused Perspective by Salvador Garcia-Martinez and Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj.

Cognitive Modeling

Complementing Educational Recommender Systems with Open Learner Models by Solmaz Abdi, Hassan Khosravi, Shazia Sadiq and Dragan Gasevic, Multicriteria User Modeling in Recommender Systems by Kleanthi Lakiotaki, Nikolaos F. Matsatsinis and Alexis Tsoukias, Bridging Cognitive Models and Recommender Systems by Cecilio Angulo, Zoe Falomir, Davide Anguita, Núria Agell and Erik Cambria and Towards Cognitive Recommender Systems by Amin Beheshti, Shahpar Yakhchi, Salman Mousaeirad, Seyed M. Ghafari, Srinivasa R. Goluguri and Mohammad A. Edrisi.

Learning Objects

A Recommender System for Learning Objects Personalized Retrieval by Ana Casali, Valeria Gerling, Claudia Deco and Cristina Bender, Learning Object Recommendations Based on Quality and Item Response Theory by Silvia Baldiris, Ramón Fabregat, Sabine Graf, Valentina Tabares, Nestor Duque and Cecilia Avila, A Student-centered Hybrid Recommender System to Provide Relevant Learning Objects from Repositories by Paula A. Rodríguez, Demetrio A. Ovalle and Néstor D. Duque and Enhancing Learning Objects Recommendation using Multi-criteria Recommender Systems by Mohammed Hassan and Mohamed Hamada.


Narrative Game-based Learning Objects for Story-based Digital Educational Games by Stefan Göbel, André de Carvalho Rodrigues, Florian Mehm and Ralf Steinmetz and Personalized, Adaptive Digital Educational Games Using Narrative Game-based Learning Objects by Stefan Göbel and Florian Mehm.


A Survey of Explanations in Recommender Systems by Nava Tintarev and Judith Masthoff, Explanation in Recommender Systems by David McSherry, Explainable Recommendation: A Survey and New Perspectives by Yongfeng Zhang and Xu Chen and Argumentation-based Hybrid Recommender System for Recommending Learning Objects by Paula A. Rodríguez, Stella Heras, Javier Palanca, Néstor D. Duque and Vicente Julián.


Comparative Evaluation of Recommender System Quality by Paolo Cremonesi, Franca Garzotto, Sara Negro, Alessandro Papadopoulos and Roberto Turrin and Evaluating the Accuracy and Utility of Recommender Systems by Alan Said.