
Research and Development

Imagination and Learning

Transfer of Learning

Transfer of Learning: Contemporary Research and Applications edited by Stephen M. Cormier and Joseph D. Hagman, The Cognitive Basis of Knowledge Transfer by Mary L. Gick and Keith J. Holyoak, Transfer of Learning: Cognition and Instruction by Robert E. Haskell, Theories of the Transfer of Learning by James M. Royer, Mechanisms of Analogical Learning by Dedre Gentner, Transfer of Learning by David N. Perkins and Gavriel Salomon, Emerging Trends of Research on Transfer of Learning by Bhawani S. Subedi and Teaching for Transfer: Fostering Generalization in Learning edited by Anne McKeough, Judy L. Lupart and Anthony Marini.

Thought Experiments

Mental Models and Thought Experiments by Nenad Miščević and Thought Experiments and Conceptual Revision by Ian Winchester.


Pretend Play as a Context for Learning New Information by Emily J. Hopkins and Neuroscience and Learning Through Play: A Review of the Evidence by Claire Lui.

Role-playing Games

The Functions of Role-playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity by Sarah L. Bowman and Role-playing Game Studies: Transmedia Foundations edited by Sebastian Deterding and José Zagal.

Case Method

Learning by the Case Method by John S. Hammond, Teaching and Learning with Cases: A Guidebook by Laurence E. Lynn and Teaching with Cases: A Practical Guide by Espen Anderson and William T. Schiano.

Decision Games

Analogical Learning in Tactical Decision Games by Tom Hinrichs, Greg Dunham and Ken Forbus.


Simulation and Learning by Franco Landriscina and Designing Simulation Games to Teach Decision-making Skills by Ronald L. VanSickle.


Stories of Wisdom to Live By: Developing Wisdom in a Narrative Mode by Michel Ferrari, Nic M. Weststrate and Anda Petro, Stories Told and Lessons Learned: Toward a Narrative Approach to Moral Development and Moral Education by Mark Tappan and Lyn M. Brown, The Use of Stories in Moral Development: New Psychological Reasons for an Old Education Method by Paul C. Vitz and Hermeneutics and Moral Development: Interpreting Narrative Representations of Moral Experience by Mark B. Tappan.

Literary Discussions

Literary Interpretation as a Social Act by Cynthia Lewis, Grand Conversations: An Exploration of Meaning Construction in Literature Study Groups by Maryann Eeds and Deborah Wells, The Power of Literary Peer-group Discussions: How Children Collaboratively Negotiate Meaning by Dorothy J. Leal, Negotiating Interpretations of Text: The Role of Student-led Discussions in Understanding Literature by Christian P. Knoeller, Co-constructing Subjectivities and Knowledge in Literacy Class: An Ethnographic–sociocultural Perspective by Kathy Hall, Constructing Multiple Subjectivities in Classroom Literacy Contexts by Sarah J. McCarthey, Novel Readings: The Social Organization of Interpretation by Marjorie L. DeVault, How Literature Discussion Shapes Thinking by Suzanne M. Miller and The Language of Interpretation: Patterns of Discourse in Discussions of Literature by James D. Marshall, Peter Smagorinsky and Michael W. Smith.


Authoring Branching Storylines for Training Applications by Andrew S. Gordon, Towards a Theory of Choice Poetics by Peter Mawhorter, Michael Mateas, Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Arnav Jhala, Automated Structural Analysis of Interactive Narratives by Elin Carstensdottir and The Development of a Gamebook for Education by Mauro Figueiredo and José Bidarra.

Interactive Films

An Interactive Video System for Education and Training by Peter Copeland and Interactive Films and Coconstruction by Renato Verdugo, Miguel Nussbaum, Pablo Corro, Pablo Nuñnez and Paula Navarrete.

Serious Games

Serious Learning in Serious Games by Konstantin Mitgutsch and Games for Learning and Learning Transfer by Gearóid Ó. Súilleabháin and Julie-Ann Sime.