
Research and Development

Category: Ethics

Alignment and Legal Information Retrieval

Introduction The challenge addressed here is that of ensuring that all applicable rules, laws, and regulations are loaded into artificial-intelligence agents' working memories as they encounter wide, potentially open-ended, sets of situations. By agents being able to search for, retrieve, and load applicable rules, laws, and regulations into their working memories, they could be in […]

Multi-agent Question-answering Systems

Introduction Agents representing ideological stances, positions, perspectives, or schools of thought can serve in multi-agent systems which generate encyclopedic answers to end-users' complex questions. Agent Design, Reuse and Selection Large language models can generate content while role-playing, or impersonating, characters and personas (Shanahan, McDonell, & Reynolds, 2023). They can be fine-tuned using the works of […]

Ideal Observer Theory

Aesthetics Ideal Observer Theories in Aesthetics by Stephanie Ross. GlossaryAestheticsIdeal Observer Theory Epistemology Ideal Agents and Ideal Observers in Epistemology by Linda Zagzebski. GlossaryEpistemologyIdeal Observer Theory Ethics Ethical Absolutism and the Ideal Observer by Roderick Firth, The Definition of an 'Ideal Observer' Theory in Ethics by Richard B. Brandt and The Artificial Moral Advisor: The […]

Higher-order Theory of Mind

Art Intention and Interpretation edited by Gary Iseminger, Art, Intention, and Conversation by Noël Carroll, The Perception of Intention by Verena Dasser, Ib Ulbaek and David Premack, Design as Communication: Exploring the Validity and Utility of Relating Intention to Interpretation by Nathan Crilly, David Good, Derek Matravers and P. John Clarkson, Intention, Interpretation, and Contemporary […]

Digital Humanities and Machine Ethics

Introduction A Survey on Machine Reading Comprehension Systems by Razieh Baradaran, Razieh Ghiasi and Hossein Amirkhani, Machine Reading Comprehension: A Literature Review by Xin Zhang, An Yang, Sujian Li and Yizhong Wang and Teaching Machines to Read and Comprehend by Karl M. Hermann, Tomas Kocisky, Edward Grefenstette, Lasse Espeholt, Will Kay, Mustafa Suleyman and Phil […]

Machine Learning and Decision-making

Decision-making Predicting Human Decisions with Behavioral Theories and Machine Learning by Ori Plonsky, Reut Apel, Eyal Ert, Moshe Tennenholtz, David D. Bourgin, Joshua C. Peterson, Daniel Reichman, Thomas L. Griffiths, Stuart J. Russell, Evan C. Carter, James F. Cavanagh and Idoa Erev, Combining Psychological Models with Machine Learning to Better Predict People’s Decisions by Avi […]

Adaptive Instructional Systems, Interactive Storytelling, and Character Education

Introduction In response to calls for more rigorous approaches for character education programs and their evaluation (Person, Moiduddin, Hague-Angus, & Malone, 2009; Sojourner, 2012), interactive stories are indicated as being useful as exercises for both instructing and assessing learners. Adaptive instructional systems can administer these exercises to learners. To provide personalized and optimized instruction and […]

Artificial Wisdom

Introduction Wisdom: Its Nature, Origins, and Development edited by Robert J. Sternberg, People Nominated as Wise: A Comparative Study of Wisdom-related Knowledge by Paul B. Baltes, Ursula M. Staudinger, Andreas Maercker and Jacqui Smith, Defining and Assessing Wisdom: A Review of the Literature by Katherine J. Bangen, Thomas W. Meeks and Dilip V. Jeste, What […]

Simulation and Machine Ethics

Mental Simulation and Imagination Handbook of Imagination and Mental Simulation edited by Keith D. Markman, William M. P. Klein and Julie A. Suhr, The Development of Mental Scenario Building and Episodic Foresight by Thomas Suddendorf and Jonathan Redshaw, The Development of Episodic Foresight: Emerging Concepts and Methods by Judith A. Hudson, Estelle M. Mayhew and […]

Ethical Decision Support Systems

Moral Psychology Atlas of Moral Psychology edited by Kurt Gray and Jesse Graham, The Moral Psychology Handbook by John M. Doris and Moral Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction by Valerie Tiberius. GlossaryMoral Psychology Moral Reasoning The Psychology of Moral Reasoning by Monica Bucciarelli, Sangeet Khemlani and Philip N. Johnson-Laird. GlossaryMoral Reasoning Machine Ethics Machine Ethics edited […]