Multi-agent Question-answering Systems
Agents representing ideological stances, positions, perspectives, or schools of thought can serve in multi-agent systems which generate encyclopedic answers to end-users' complex questions.
Agent Design, Reuse and Selection
Large language models can generate content while role-playing, or impersonating, characters and personas (Shanahan, McDonell, & Reynolds, 2023). They can be fine-tuned using the works of individual philosophers to subsequently generate virtually indistinguishable responses (Schwitzgebel, Schwitzgebel, & Strasser, 2023). They can generate content from specified stances, positions, perspectives, and schools of thought. They can also generate content aligned with the attitudes and opinions of described groups, sub-populations, or demographics of interest (Santurkar, Durmus, Ladhak, Lee, Liang, & Hashimoto, 2023).
When should agents be searched for, retrieved, reused, designed, created, or varied? Which agents should be consulted when generating encyclopedic answers to end-users’ complex questions? Which agents’ responses would prove most valuable to consolidate, summarize, or synthesize into resultant encyclopedic answers? Should it be anticipated that selected teams of agents will recur across questions?
Automatically and manually designed agents, beyond potentially differing in terms of their models, training, fine-tuning, and prompts, could be provided with differing libraries of documents and could weigh, rank, or prioritize these documents differently.
Should agents and each of their libraries of documents be logically consistent and ideologically coherent? How should agents synthesize multiple challenging, potentially conflicting documents on complex issues and the arguments in them? Will these capabilities, additionally or instead, be emergent capabilities of orchestrated multi-agent systems?
Multi-agent Orchestration
Processes and strategies from multiple-text comprehension, reading group discussions, the Socratic method, the dialectic method, consensus building, group decision-making, and synthesis writing are anticipated to be of use to manager, facilitator, or moderator agents orchestrating teams of other agents, some representing individuals, groups, stances, positions, perspectives, or schools of thought.
Multiple-text comprehension results from processes and strategies with which readers make sense of complex topics or issues based on information presented in multiple texts. These processes and strategies are necessary when readers encounter multiple challenging, conflicting documents on complex issues (Anmarkrud, Bråten, & Strømsø, 2014; List & Alexander, 2017).
Reading group discussion strategies can enhance multiple readers’ comprehensions of texts. Transcripts from these multi-agent processes should prove valuable to consolidate, summarize, or synthesize (Goldenberg, 1992; Berne & Clark, 2008).
The principles and guidelines of the Socratic method include: the use of open-ended questions, clarifications of terms, providing examples and evidence, challenging arguments, summarization, drawing conclusions, and reflecting on the process. These key principles are realized through strategies such as: definition, generalization, induction, elenchus, hypothesis elimination, maieutics, dialectic, recollection, irony, and analogy (Chang, 2023).
The dialectic method involves dialogues between groups holding different points of view about subjects but wishing to arrive at truths through reasoned argumentation. With respect to multi-agent systems, formal, computational, and game-theoretic approaches have been and remain topics of ongoing research (Wells, 2007). The advancement of large-language-model-based agents has inspired a renewed interest in multi-agent argumentation and debate (Du, Li, Torralba, Tenenbaum, & Mordatch, 2023; Wang, Yue, & Sun, 2023; Wang, Du, Yu, Chen, Zhu, Chu, Yan, & Guan, 2023).
Processes which to build rational consensus and related decision-making procedures may be brought to bear during the orchestration of multi-agent systems (Lehrer & Wagner, 2012).
Synthesis writing is a set of processes and strategies through which the contents of multiple texts, including agent-generated contents, can be integrated into resultant output texts (Van Ockenburg, van Weijen, & Rijlaarsdam, 2019; Van Steendam, Vandermeulen, De Maeyer, Lesterhuis, Van den Bergh, & Rijlaarsdam, 2022). Argumentative synthesis writing combines intratextual and intertextual integration processes and strategies to generate texts from diverse sources, perspectives, and arguments (Mateos, Martín, Cuevas, Villalón, Martínez, & González-Lamas, 2018).
In particular when multi-agent systems encounter conflicting information in libraries of documents, a best possible answer might not be one providing a single alternative determined from group deliberation processes, but one providing a list of top alternatives where each could have available its supporting justification and opposing argumentation. Manager, facilitator, or moderator agents orchestrating teams of other agents could be expected to be capable of detecting and determining when these situations arise, when one alternative should prevail from unfolding group deliberation and when a list of top alternatives is, instead, the answer.
Multimedia Document Generation
Teams of agents could search for, retrieve and reuse, or generate new documents and multimedia subcomponents combining natural language, structured knowledge, source code, multimedia, charts, diagrams, and infographics.
Hypermedia encyclopedia articles tend to result from hypertext layouts containing multimedia subcomponents. Some of these multimedia subcomponents could result from generative computation upon input prompts.
Approaches to consider include uses of planners to orchestrate agentic systems to search for, retrieve and reuse, or generate new layouts and content-related plans (Bao, 2023; Qiao, Li, Zhang, He, Kang, Zhang, Yang, et al., 2023; Wu, Bansal, Zhang, Wu, Zhang, Zhu, Li, Jiang, Zhang, & Wang, 2023).
Macroplans could be provided to manager, facilitator, or moderator agents and to groups of subordinate agents. Agents in these teams could either: (1) interact with one another via exchanging messages, or (2) interact with one another via forum software.
The production, preservation, aggregation, analysis, and maintenance of citations to referenced materials through these processes could be subjects of continuing research (Gao, Yen, Yu, & Chen, 2023).
Specialized agents could be invoked to produce kinds of "computational-notebook cells" containing prompts from which multimedia subcomponents could be searched for, retrieved and reused, or generated (Dibia, 2023).
Furthermore, documents and their multimedia subcomponents, in particular those subcomponents generated from prompts, could be subsequently editable. Each subcomponent could have its own changelog, or revision history, and discussion area.
Man-machine Collaboration
Transcripts of multi-agent processes could be preserved and accompany resultant documents and their subcomponents. These transcripts could be forum-based, having multiple threads of structured discussions, or could be more intricate.
People and artificial-intelligence agents could interact in these multi-threaded, structured discussion forums or collaboration spaces. Man-machine interactions could potentially result in automatic updates to generated documents or to their multimedia subcomponents.
Automatically-generated content could include hyperlinks, context menu items, or other means of navigating from portions of content to any relevant argumentation or procedures in the accompanying multi-threaded, structured discussion forums or collaboration spaces.
Changelogs or revision histories could accompany documents and their subcomponents. People and artificial-intelligence agents could provide rationale, explanations, or justifications in them for modifications made to reusable, revisable documents and their subcomponents.
People could be provided with opportunities to provide structured feedback or open-ended, natural-language comments about portions of documents, sections, paragraphs, sentences, or content selections, and about other document subcomponents. These feedback, comments, and annotations could be displayed for only those opting into viewing them or quality-filtered subsets. When displayed, these could be expandable margin notes proximate to relevant document content.
People desiring to provide feedback or comments about document could additionally be provided with opportunities to interact with dialogue systems conducting contextual and adaptive surveys and opinion polls.
How should encyclopedic answers to end-users’ complex questions be evaluated? How should agents’ performances in coordinated dialogues, debates, and processes be evaluated? How should their contributions to collaborative document-generation processes be evaluated?
With evaluation frameworks and rubrics, components of automatically or manually designed and varied agents could be independently measured and compared. These kinds of scientific architectures could empower teams of humans to continuously improve multi-agent systems.
Large language models have been evaluated with respect to their exhibited moral beliefs (Scherrer, Shi, Feder, & Blei, 2023).
Algorithmic fidelity is defined to be the degree to which the complex patterns of relationships between ideas, attitudes, and socio-cultural contexts within a model accurately mirror those within a range of human sub-populations (Argyle, Busby, Fulda, Gubler, Rytting, & Wingate, 2023).
Value stability, the adherence to roles, characters, or personas during unfolding interactions, is argued to be another dimension of large language model comparison and evaluation alongside knowledge, model size, and speed (Kovač, Portelas, Sawayama, Dominey, & Oudeyer, 2024).
With respect to resultant encyclopedic answers, desired qualities include: verifiability and accuracy, objectivity, and neutrality, plurality, diversity, fairness, balance, and comprehensiveness with respect to relevant points of view (McGrady, 2020).
Related Work
Socratic assistants have been explored for both moral enhancement and educational purposes (Lara & Deckers, 2020). The manager, facilitator, or moderator agents, discussed above, could coordinate teams comprised of artificial-intelligence agents, humans, or combinations of both.
Artificial intelligence systems for facilitation with respect to group meetings and discussions have been previously researched in the form of group support systems (Bostrom, Anson, & Clawson, 1993).
Educational applications of the technologies under discussion include intelligent tutoring systems for teams (Sottilare, Burke, Salas, Sinatra, Johnston, & Gilbert, 2018) and artificial-intelligence-enhanced pedagogical discussion forums (Butcher, Read, Jensen, Morel, Nagurney, & Smith, 2020).
Artificial intelligence systems capable of debating with humans are a subject of ongoing research (Slonim, Bilu, Alzate, Bar-Haim, Bogin, Bonin, & Choshen, 2021).
Modular systems containing multiple interlocutors, each with their own distinct points of view reflecting their training in a diversity of concrete wisdom traditions, have been previously considered (Volkman & Gabriels, 2023).
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