Introduction Intelligent Computer Systems in Engineering Design: Principles and Applications by Staffan Sunnersjö, How to Successfully Implement Automated Engineering Design Systems: Reviewing Four Case Studies by Joel Johansson and Fredrik Elgh, Intelligent Computer-aided Design Systems: Past 20 Years and Future 20 Years by Tetsuo Tomiyama, Computer-based Design Synthesis Research: An Overview by Amaresh Chakrabarti, Kristina […]
Introduction The Poetics, Aesthetics, and Philosophy of Narrative by Noël Carroll, Literary Aesthetics: A Reader by Alan Singer and Allen Dunn, Aesthetics and Literature by David Davies, The Aesthetics of Mimesis by Stephen Halliwell, Film Art: An Introduction by David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson and Jeff Smith, Aesthetics and Film by Katherine Thomson-Jones, The Aesthetics and […]
Introduction A Neural-symbolic Framework for Mental Simulation by Michael Kissner, Simulation as an Engine of Physical Scene Understanding by Peter W. Battaglia, Jessica B. Hamrick and Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Analogues of Mental Simulation and Imagination in Deep Learning by Jessica B. Hamrick and Imagination Machines: A New Challenge for Artificial Intelligence by Sridhar Mahadevan. GlossaryComputer […]
Introduction Narrative Intelligence edited by Michael Mateas and Phoebe Sengers and Computational Narrative Intelligence: A Human-centered Goal for Artificial Intelligence by Mark O. Riedl. GlossaryInteractive StorytellingNarrativeNarratology Narrative Question Answering The NarrativeQA Reading Comprehension Challenge by Tomáš Kočiský, Jonathan Schwarz, Phil Blunsom, Chris Dyer, Karl Moritz Hermann, Gábor Melis and Edward Grefenstette, A Corpus and Cloze […]
Introduction Multimodal Intelligence: Representation Learning, Information Fusion, and Applications by Chao Zhang, Zichao Yang, Xiaodong He and Li Deng, Trends in Integration of Vision and Language Research: A Survey of Tasks, Datasets, and Methods by Aditya Mogadala, Marimuthu Kalimuthu and Dietrich Klakow, Multimodal Machine Learning: A Survey and Taxonomy by Tadas Baltrušaitis, Chaitanya Ahuja and […]
Introduction Situational Grounding within Multimodal Simulations by James Pustejovsky and Nikhil Krishnaswamy, Creating Common Ground through Multimodal Simulations by James Pustejovsky, Nikhil Krishnaswamy, Bruce Draper, Pradyumna Narayana and Rahul Bangar, Visual Dialog by Abhishek Das, Satwik Kottur, Khushi Gupta, Avi Singh, Deshraj Yadav, José M. F. Moura, Devi Parikh and Dhruv Batra, Visual Dialog: Towards […]
Description Rhetorical Status of the Descriptive by Philippe Hamon and Patricia Baudoin, Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation by William J. T. Mitchell, Pictures into Words: Theoretical and Descriptive Approaches to Ekphrasis edited by Valerie Robillard and Els Jongeneel, Descriptive Imagery by Michael Riffaterre, From Image Sequences towards Conceptual Descriptions by Hans-Hellmut Nagel, […]