Higher-order Theory of Mind
Intention and Interpretation edited by Gary Iseminger, Art, Intention, and Conversation by Noël Carroll, The Perception of Intention by Verena Dasser, Ib Ulbaek and David Premack, Design as Communication: Exploring the Validity and Utility of Relating Intention to Interpretation by Nathan Crilly, David Good, Derek Matravers and P. John Clarkson, Intention, Interpretation, and Contemporary Visual Art by Hans Maes and Intentionalism in Aesthetics by Paisley Livingston.
The Poetic Mind by Frederick C. Prescott.
Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative by Garrett Stewart, Authors' Intentions, Literary Interpretation, and Literary Value by Stephen Davies, The Function of Fiction is the Abstraction and Simulation of Social Experience by Raymond A. Mar and Keith Oatley, Reading Literary Fiction Improves Theory of Mind by David C. Kidd and Emanuele Castano and Storytelling as Inverse Inverse Planning by Kartik Chandra, Tzu-Mao Li, Joshua B. Tenenbaum and Jonathan Ragan-Kelley.
Pretend Play Skills and the Child's Theory of Mind by Angeline S. Lillard.
The Routledge Companion to Theatre, Performance and Cognitive Science edited by Rick Kemp and Bruce McConachie and Acting as Inverse Inverse Planning by Kartik Chandra, Tzu-Mao Li, Joshua B. Tenenbaum and Jonathan Ragan-Kelley.
Art Films Foster Theory of Mind by Emanuele Castano.
Improvisational Theatre
Cognitive Processes in Improvisation by Jeff Pressing, Shared Mental Models in Improvisational Theatre by Daniel Fuller and Brian Magerko and Reaching Cognitive Consensus with Improvisational Agents by Rania Hodhod and Brian Magerko.
The Role of Mental State Understanding in the Development of Moral Cognition and Moral Action by Jodie A. Baird and Janet W. Astington, The Development of Intent-based Moral Judgment by Fiery Cushman, Rachel Sheketoff, Sophie Wharton and Susan Carey and Moral Judgment and its Relation to Second-order Theory of Mind by Genyue Fu, Wen S. Xiao, Melanie Killen and Kang Lee.
Intentions in Communication edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan and Martha E. Pollack, Analyzing Intention in Utterances by James F. Allen and C. Raymond Perrault, Attention, Intentions, and the Structure of Discourse by Barbara Grosz and Candace L. Sidner and Intention, Interpretation and the Computational Structure of Language by Matthew Stone.
Explanation as a Cognitive Process by Zachary Horne, Melis Muradoglu and Andrei Cimpian and Theory of Mind as a Pedagogical Tool by Lisa Zunshine.
Cognitive Foundations of Learning Argumentation by Merce Garcia-Mila and Christopher Andersen and Reasoning and Argumentation: Towards an Integrated Psychology of Argumentation by Jos Hornikx and Ulrike Hahn.
Higher-order Theory of Mind in Negotiations Under Incomplete Information by Harmen de Weerd, Rineke Verbrugge and Bart Verheij, Negotiating with Other Minds: The Role of Recursive Theory of Mind in Negotiation with Incomplete Information by Harmen de Weerd, Rineke Verbrugge and Bart Verheij and Higher-order Theory of Mind is Especially Useful in Unpredictable Negotiations by Harmen de Weerd, Rineke Verbrugge and Bart Verheij.
Intent Recognition
Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition: Theory and Practice edited by Gita Sukthankar, Christopher Geib, Hung H. Bui, David Pynadath and Robert P. Goldman, Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition edited by Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses and Dare A. Baldwin, Plan Recognition as Planning by Miquel Ramırez and Hector Geffner, A New Model of Plan Recognition by Robert P. Goldman, Christopher W. Geib and Christopher A. Miller, Intention Recognition Using a Graph Representation by So-Jeong Youn and Kyung-Whan Oh, Intention Recognition with Event Calculus Graphs and Weight of Evidence by Fariba Sadri, Goal Inference as Inverse Planning by Chris L. Baker, Joshua B. Tenenbaum and Rebecca R. Saxe, Action Understanding as Inverse Planning by Chris L. Baker, Rebecca Saxe and Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Acting as Inverse Inverse Planning by Kartik Chandra, Tzu-Mao Li, Joshua B. Tenenbaum and Jonathan Ragan-Kelley and Storytelling as Inverse Inverse Planning by Kartik Chandra, Tzu-Mao Li, Joshua B. Tenenbaum and Jonathan Ragan-Kelley.
Higher-order Theory of Mind
Agent-based Models for Higher-order Theory of Mind by Harmen de Weerd, Rineke Verbrugge and Bart Verheij, Higher-order Theory of Mind in the Tacit Communication Game by Harmen de Weerd, Rineke Verbrugge and Bart Verheij and Estimating the Use of Higher-order Theory of Mind Using Computational Agents by Harmen de Weerd, Denny Diepgrond and Rineke Verbrugge.