Introduction Agents representing ideological stances, positions, perspectives, or schools of thought can serve in multi-agent systems which generate encyclopedic answers to end-users' complex questions. Agent Design, Reuse and Selection Large language models can generate content while role-playing, or impersonating, characters and personas (Shanahan, McDonell, & Reynolds, 2023). They can be fine-tuned using the works of […]
Introduction Essays in History of Ideas by Arthur O. Lovejoy, The Great Chain of Being by Arthur O. Lovejoy, Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas by Quentin Skinner, A Companion to Intellectual History edited by Richard Whatmore and Brian Young, What is Intellectual History? by Richard Whatmore, Modelling the History of Ideas by […]
Introduction Using Sequences of Life-events to Predict Human Lives by Germans Savcisens, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Lars K. Hansen, Laust H. Mortensen, Lau Lilleholt, Anna Rogers, Ingo Zettler and Sune Lehmann and Commonsense Causal Reasoning Using Millions of Personal Stories by Andrew Gordon, Cosmin Bejan and Kenji Sagae. GlossaryBiographyNarrativePredictionRelated ContentCorpus NarratologyMachine Learning and NarrativeMachine Reading Comprehension and […]
Art Intention and Interpretation edited by Gary Iseminger, Art, Intention, and Conversation by Noël Carroll, The Perception of Intention by Verena Dasser, Ib Ulbaek and David Premack, Design as Communication: Exploring the Validity and Utility of Relating Intention to Interpretation by Nathan Crilly, David Good, Derek Matravers and P. John Clarkson, Intention, Interpretation, and Contemporary […]
Introduction Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-theoretic, and Logical Foundations by Yoav Shoham and Kevin Leyton-Brown and Cognition and Multi-agent Interaction: From Cognitive Modeling to Social Simulation edited by Ron Sun. GlossaryMultiagent System Computational Sociology Prediction and Explanation in Social Systems by Jake M. Hofman, Amit Sharma and Duncan J. Watts, Social Prediction: A New Research Paradigm […]
Memes The Meme Machine by Susan J. Blackmore, Understanding the Emergence of Conventions in Multi-agent Systems by Adam Walker and Michael J. Wooldridge and On Selfish Memes: Culture as Complex Adaptive System by Hokky Situngkir. GlossaryMemeMemetics Metaphors The Metaphorical Structure of the Human Conceptual System by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Mental Representation, Conceptual Spaces […]
Introduction On Measuring Literacy by Kaushik Basu and James E. Foster, Monitoring and Measuring Literacy by Daniel A. Wagner and International Literacy Statistics: A Review of Concepts, Methodology and Current Data by Roy A. Carr-Hill and Jose Pessoa. GlossaryLiteracyRelated ContentCognitive Literary StudiesInterpretive Discussions and ArgumentationLinguistics Writing Assessing Writing by Sara C. Weigle and Automated Essay […]
Frame The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, The Framing of Decisions and the Rationality of Choice by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, Rational Choice and the Framing of Decisions by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, Contextual Effects and the Influence of the Frame on Decision Making […]
Introduction Entertainment Science: Data Analytics and Practical Theory for Movies, Games, Books, and Music by Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Mark B. Houston, Leveraging Analytics to Produce Compelling and Profitable Film Content by Ronny Behrens, Natasha Z. Foutz, Michael Franklin, Jannis Funk, Fernanda Gutierrez-Navratil, Julian Hofmann and Ulrike Leibfried, Movie Success Prediction Using Historical and Current Data […]
Introduction The Psychology of Written Composition edited by Carl Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia, A Synthesis of Social Cognition and Writing Research by Curtis J. Bonk and Social Cognition and Written Communication by Donald L. Rubin. GlossaryCommunicationSocial CognitionRelated ContentEducation and the Cognitive Science of WritingHigher-order Theory of MindModeling and Predicting Audience ResponseModeling Users and Comprehension to […]