
Research and Development

Category: Creativity

Computational Storyboarding

Introduction Computational storyboarding builds upon traditional storyboarding techniques, combining elements from screenplays, storyboards, functions, diagrams, and animation. Computational storyboards are intended to be of use as input for generative artificial-intelligence systems to create longer-form output video. A motivating use case is simplifying the creation of educational videos, e.g., lecture videos. With computational storyboards, content creators […]

Computational Memetic Analysis

Memes The Meme Machine by Susan J. Blackmore, Understanding the Emergence of Conventions in Multi-agent Systems by Adam Walker and Michael J. Wooldridge and On Selfish Memes: Culture as Complex Adaptive System by Hokky Situngkir. GlossaryMemeMemetics Metaphors The Metaphorical Structure of the Human Conceptual System by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Mental Representation, Conceptual Spaces […]

Narrative, Intertextuality and Creativity

Narrative Space Story Planning: Creativity through Exploration, Retrieval, and Analogical Transformation by Mark O. Riedl, Story Planning as Exploratory Creativity: Techniques for Expanding the Narrative Search Space by Mark O. Riedl and R. Michael Young and Computationally Creative Search for Stories by Mark O. Riedl. GlossaryDesign Space ExplorationSpaceState SpaceRelated ContentDesign § Design Spaces Abstraction and […]

Computer-automated Design and Engineering

Introduction Intelligent Computer Systems in Engineering Design: Principles and Applications by Staffan Sunnersjö, How to Successfully Implement Automated Engineering Design Systems: Reviewing Four Case Studies by Joel Johansson and Fredrik Elgh, Intelligent Computer-aided Design Systems: Past 20 Years and Future 20 Years by Tetsuo Tomiyama, Computer-based Design Synthesis Research: An Overview by Amaresh Chakrabarti, Kristina […]

Educational Role-playing Games

Introduction Role-playing Game Studies: Transmedia Foundations edited by Sebastian Deterding and José Zagal, Psychology and Role-playing Games by Sarah L. Bowman and Andreas Lieberoth, The Functions of Role-playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity by Sarah L. Bowman, Learning and Role-playing Games by Jessica Hammer, Alexandra To, Karen Schrier, Sarah L. […]


Imaginary Worlds Building Imaginary Worlds: The Theory and History of Subcreation by Mark J. P. Wolf, The Routledge Companion to Imaginary Worlds edited by Mark J. P. Wolf, World-building Tools by David Langdon, Ways of Worldmaking by Nelson Goodman, Actual Minds, Possible Worlds by Jerome Bruner and Experiencing Narrative Worlds: On the Psychological Activities of […]

Computational Literary Aesthetics

Introduction The Poetics, Aesthetics, and Philosophy of Narrative by Noël Carroll, Literary Aesthetics: A Reader by Alan Singer and Allen Dunn, Aesthetics and Literature by David Davies, The Aesthetics of Mimesis by Stephen Halliwell, Film Art: An Introduction by David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson and Jeff Smith, Aesthetics and Film by Katherine Thomson-Jones, The Aesthetics and […]

Neurosymbolic Mental Simulation and Imagination

Introduction A Neural-symbolic Framework for Mental Simulation by Michael Kissner, Simulation as an Engine of Physical Scene Understanding by Peter W. Battaglia, Jessica B. Hamrick and Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Analogues of Mental Simulation and Imagination in Deep Learning by Jessica B. Hamrick and Imagination Machines: A New Challenge for Artificial Intelligence by Sridhar Mahadevan. GlossaryComputer […]

Artificial Wisdom

Introduction Wisdom: Its Nature, Origins, and Development edited by Robert J. Sternberg, People Nominated as Wise: A Comparative Study of Wisdom-related Knowledge by Paul B. Baltes, Ursula M. Staudinger, Andreas Maercker and Jacqui Smith, Defining and Assessing Wisdom: A Review of the Literature by Katherine J. Bangen, Thomas W. Meeks and Dilip V. Jeste, What […]

Artificial Intelligence and Music

Introduction Psychology of Music edited by Diana Deutsch, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology edited by Susan Hallam, Ian Cross and Michael Thaut, Music, Language, and the Brain by Aniruddh D. Patel, Understanding Music with AI: Perspectives on Music Cognition edited by Mira Balaban, Kemal Ebcioğlu and Otto Laske, Readings in Music and Artificial Intelligence edited […]