
Research and Development

Category: Art

Computational Storyboarding

Introduction Computational storyboarding builds upon traditional storyboarding techniques, combining elements from screenplays, storyboards, functions, diagrams, and animation. Computational storyboards are intended to be of use as input for generative artificial-intelligence systems to create longer-form output video. A motivating use case is simplifying the creation of educational videos, e.g., lecture videos. With computational storyboards, content creators […]

Ideal Observer Theory

Aesthetics Ideal Observer Theories in Aesthetics by Stephanie Ross. GlossaryAestheticsIdeal Observer Theory Epistemology Ideal Agents and Ideal Observers in Epistemology by Linda Zagzebski. GlossaryEpistemologyIdeal Observer Theory Ethics Ethical Absolutism and the Ideal Observer by Roderick Firth, The Definition of an 'Ideal Observer' Theory in Ethics by Richard B. Brandt and The Artificial Moral Advisor: The […]

Higher-order Theory of Mind

Art Intention and Interpretation edited by Gary Iseminger, Art, Intention, and Conversation by Noël Carroll, The Perception of Intention by Verena Dasser, Ib Ulbaek and David Premack, Design as Communication: Exploring the Validity and Utility of Relating Intention to Interpretation by Nathan Crilly, David Good, Derek Matravers and P. John Clarkson, Intention, Interpretation, and Contemporary […]

Mental Representations of Audiences

Introduction The Psychology of Written Composition edited by Carl Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia, A Synthesis of Social Cognition and Writing Research by Curtis J. Bonk and Social Cognition and Written Communication by Donald L. Rubin. GlossaryCommunicationSocial CognitionRelated ContentEducation and the Cognitive Science of WritingHigher-order Theory of MindModeling and Predicting Audience ResponseModeling Users and Comprehension to […]